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Chan sighs as he puts his bag on the sofa. he sat and grabbed the remote control and switched on the television to watch some news.

Lee Jung Chan. 27. Office Worker.

a single man whose life depends only on dance, party, alcohol, family and friends. nothing more.

date? nah, he got heart broken almost a million times back when he was in senior highschool and college. not gonna try again.

yeah, you may say that life in the past isn't the same like now, but who are you to care about his life?

"hello hyung?" Chan answered his ringing phone. it was Mingyu. probably asking if he could come to the bar for some couple of drinks.

"hi our beloved youngest, how's work?"

"as usual, boring. just tell it hyung, bar?"

"nope, i just wanna check you"

"wow, not inviting me to drink for the first time in a while, what's with you?" Chan asks as he stands up and goes to his bedroom.

he put his phone into speaker mode before throwing it to the bed and started to change his clothes.

"I'm driving my way there"

"knew it"

"I'm not inviting you, idiot. I'm taking Minghao and his cousin there. I mean- near there since his cousin will move out" Mingyu stated in which Chan hummed.

"when will you date Channie?" Minghao suddenly asked, and he sighs.

"Hao hyung, you know i don't do dates"

"you can't grow single forever youngster"

"i can~" Chan answered, making the couple laugh.

"oh- we're too noisy cous? sorry sorry. anyways, im gonna end the call now Chan. bye!"

"bye hyungs!" the call ended.

he puts his phone to the table beside his bed. he may say that he can stay single forever. but seeing his friends having their own relationship and having a good and healthy relationship makes him wonder.

will he have that kind of relationship in the future too?

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