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Chan smiles as he likes a picture of a couple on social media. it's his friend and his now boyfriend. Seokmin and Hansol.

Hansol is his friend since diaper. and he saw the hardships that Hansol have gone through just to get Seokmin. he deserves it.

as he put his phone to his pocket, a girl holding a dog caught his attention.

"oh, Hyein? you now owned a dog?" he asked. Hyein is a kid that he usually see playing outside, even though sometimes its 10 pm.

Hyein's house is 20 blocks away from his, but since he always passed the younger's house, he always bring something for her or talk to her if he has a chance.

"oh, hi! i don't own this dog. but he's cute so i picked him up" Hyein answered that makes Chan dumb founded.

"you just picked up a random dog?"

"yes, well, it's roaming around here. this dog seems lost but yep. i wanna keep it for the night but i remembered that my other dad is allergic to dogs" Hyein pouted. Chan smiles as he pats the girl's head.

"I'll take the dog for you for the night. and tomorrow morning, I'll bring her to you. you don't have classes tomorrow, right?"

" i don't, obviously, it's Saturday tomorrow oppa"

Chan chuckles as he gets the dog from the girl's arms. the dog seems to be kind and not wild freak who will just bite people just because.

"take care of him so that we can bring him to the owner healthy and safe and still cute"

"don't worry, i will" Chan fist bumps with Hyein before finally walk home.

once he reached his house and entered it, he put down the dog, who immediately goes to the sofa and sat there like a good boy and looks at him.

which he finds adorable.

"seems like your owner have thought you some good manners huh?" Chan said as he sits at the floor so that his face will be near the dog.

the dog is white, furs fluffy, he unsure about the breed but he's sure that he wants one. but he doesn't have the time to take care of dogs, so nevermind.

"oh you have a collar" Chan looks at the collar to see if it has the owners number or sum. but it only has the dog's name. "Bokkeu" he said out loud.

making the dog bark at him which he finds cute, again. he goes to the kitchen and find some dog treats. well, he once had a dog. no no, he once took care of a dog, Mingyu and Minghao's.

"i don't know if you like this, but i hope you do" Chan gave the dog the treat who happily ate it.

Chan smiles as he goes to his bedroom to change. he looks at his closet too to look if he has some dog bed. but he doesn't.

"Bokkeu! come here~" Chan said, the dog ran towards him. he lift the dog and brought it to his bedroom.

"i hope Hyein can find your owner tomorrow, your cute. you can be kidnapped if your owner continue to lose you" he was talking to the dog, as if it was talking too.

well, the dog barked in answer.

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