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a western music was playing at the speaker. 'Cheating on You' by Charlie Puth. well, the reason was because Chan is dancing to it. he suddenly made a choreo for the song last night and wanted to try it out so he goes to one of his friend's studio.

he gave a high five with Seungkwan who's also out of breath like him after trying to learn the dance.

just this morning, while he was walking his way to the bus stop, he suddenly bumped into someone. let's name that someone, Seungkwan. who has his dog in his arms. they talked for some minutes until he remembered that the guy told him yesterday that he wants to learn dancing.

so he tried to persuade Seungkwan to come with him, who eventually got convinced. so now, the two of them are here in the studio, dancing and learning choreographies.

"are you sure you don't dance? cause not gonna lie, you're a good one" Chan complimented him, making the other blush a little and smile.

"no i am not? you're just saying that to boost my confidence" Seungkwan said as he goes towards him and wipes his sweat.

which made Chan freeze. he's not used that someone is wiping his sweat. well, his hyungs do that, but no other than them do it for him.

Seungkwan kinda felt that he was a bit startled so he backed away and scratched the back of his head.

"sorry for doing that Chan"

"nah, it's fine. i just got, startled? yep.. wanna try dancing by yourself?"

Seungkwan nodded. he played the music and watched the other dance to the choreography he just made. and, just like he said, the other was really good at dancing.

after practicing for another hour, the two finally decided to go home. it's almost lunch too. so the two decided to eat at a nearby restaurant.

"may I ask why you moved out? i mean, there's nothing wrong, just curious" Chan asked as they were waiting for the food they ordered.

"well, i was living at the apartment that me and my ex have rented years ago. but since we're not in a relationship now, might as well move out" he explained, making Chan curious again.

"why did you two break up?"

"he's a jerk. always suspecting that i was cheating even though he's the one who has three other women. fucker" Seungkwan scoffed as he remembers his ex, making Chan laugh.

"yeah, he's a dumb shit. leaving you for them? oh gosh, he doesn't have a taste then. you're too kind and pretty to be alone" Chan stated in which Seungkwan blushed again. "you get flustered easily"

"no i am not..? bitch." Seungkwan glared at him, so he teased the guy more.

the food arrived so they started eating. but, not forgetting to tease each other. Chan's heart kinda feels happy that he met another person who can accept who he is.

well, he wishes that.

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