Chapter 5 - Confusion

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I awoke with a banging headache in a brightly lit room, it smelt like a hospital and the bed was highly uncomfortable. As I tried to sit up to look around, I found restraints holding me down, I thrashed about for a minute before deciding that they were too strong to break by pure force. I took in my surroundings, a table with an empty vase on it, a lone chair that had been abandoned in the middle of the room, a coat hanging near the door, a nurse bell that I couldn't reach, and a bedside table with a glass of water on it.

 Nothing really to use to attack someone apart from the vase which I could smash over their head if a fight broke out. How did I even get here? All I remembered was that man's face before everything went black. I definitely wasn't in HYDRA so someone else must've taken me here, wherever here is.

As my mind wandered aimlessly, a doctor with brown hair that was slightly greying at the sides and glasses entered the room. I guess he didn't expect me to be awake because as soon as I spoke he near had a heart attack. The poor man turned green at the edges, he was that scared.

"Where am I?"

As the doctor turned, he quickly left the room muttering phrases like, "what if she's scared of us," and "she'll never accept us."

Confused, I tried to follow him forgetting I was tied down. Thankfully he left the door wide open, giving me a wide view of a long corridor that looked very modern and technical. I wonder how long it would take for HYDRA to extract me from here. Just as I was thinking, I heard scurrying in the vents. Great, this place has rats too! Suddenly, the grate from the vent was kicked through, and out crawled a middle-aged man with surprisingly good posture.

He looked at me in pure adoration and love as I met his blue eyes, his short rugged blonde hair gave him a stern look but he was a softie at heart. His lightly tanned skin glistened and the only thing heard in the room was short pants coming from him, probably from running around in the vents like a weirdo.

"Who are you?" I questioned as the silence filled the room.

"...Clint. And you?" he replied without leaving my gaze.

Shit, should I just give him a fake name or my real one. Why was I thinking this, I don't even know the man!

"...Amelia. Could you untie me from the bed please?" Maybe I can use this to my advantage.

"Of course! Sorry, it was a safety measure, I don't know why they tied you up though," he muttered the last part, as he approached me to unfasten the restraints holding me back from fleeing the room.

As he undid the last one, I quickly got up to stretch before deciding my next move.

"So, where am I?" I questioned, trying to get a better picture of my escape plan.

"Ummm, I'm not supposed to tell you," he said while scratching his neck in guilt.

"Please, for me?" I questioned, seeing where the boundaries were.

He glanced around quickly before leaning in to whisper in my ear. He was heavily blushing.

"The Avengers Tower, but you can't tell anyone" he whispered then quickly leaned back while clearing his throat.

"Thank you, darling." I flirted to distract him while I began itching backward towards the door, slowly and gradually. He quickly looked away, to attempt to hide his blush. As he did this, I ran and ran until I found a stairwell where I climbed down until I found a place I found a familiar place. Mr. Stark's office. He was supposed to be out and I was looking for a phone. It was the only place I could go with Clint on my tail.

I entered his office to find it not as empty as I thought, luckily I was able to leave before they got a good look at my face. I didn't even see who was in there just that it was not empty and that was all I needed to know. I ran to the stairwell only to hear Clint quickly running down the stairs shouting, "SHE ESCAPED". Shit, shit, shit, SHIT. Why can't anything go right for me today!!

Suddenly I was tackled by a very muscular man. Damn.

"Ow, you dick." I groaned because he was now just laying on my back.

"Aren't you supposed to fight, All Mighty One?" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"I wasn't prepared," I muttered.

He briskly got up and hauled me up with him, cuffing my arms in front of me with some smart-ass cuffs that cut off my powers, like I could use them right now. I was so done with fighting and everything that I just accepted the fact that I was going to die today.

The man brought me down through the tower to the very bottom and two SHIELD agents left the man and very kindly (not) pushed me into my cell. It was all glass leaving nowhere to hide, it was also rounded so no getting "accidentally" injured and getting a painless way out of it. All that was in the room was a steel chair that was bolted to the ground. I was too tired to try to attempt to escape and decided to just sit in the chair and wait for my doom.

It was taking them a long time to come down and interrogate me. Maybe, they were gathering all the murder tools they were going to use to torture me. They could at least do it quicker, I was practically withering away in this cell. Then (speak of the devil) Nick Fury entered the room rather grandly and came and sat outside the cell.

He was quiet and staring into my soul like he was judging me for being in a cell. Pussy, couldn't even fight me. He cleared his throat and I lifted my head to see him now standing up by the glass, inspecting my moves. I looked around the outside of the cell and saw a large, heavy-weight door, at least 10 cameras, and a reflective mirror, which must've been where they were monitoring me. I wonder who was watching me.

Fury went and left the room without speaking a word and barely making any noise. What a strange man, indeed. then walked in the redhead from the lobby... And my Soldat,

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