Chapter 10- Raft

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That night I was met with the pain of a thousand suns. Soldiers had to forcibly hold me down as I writhed and screamed in pain. Not a single soulmate came to check on me, not even the gods. I forced myself to imagine a place where love and pain were one and people had freedom and the right to do whatever they wanted. But alas that place is only in my dreams of make-believe.

Doctors were baffled as to why I was suddenly put under this immense amount of pain and constantly tried to find cures or any way to explain what was happening to me. Specialists and field surgeons alike attempted to crack the code and even they couldn't find a cause for what was happening to me until one fatal evening.

I was laying in bed, hysterical, hooked up to every machine possible, and entered The Ancient One in her vibrant yellow outfit and her shiny head. She walks with grace and confidence, she seemed calm but inside you could see that she was struggling with something deep. Nicholas Fury entered after her for the first time since the argument we had.

I could sense the tension in the air and could feel someone observing me so I assumed either there was a camera or someone was watching us from their outer body. Ancient One was delighted to see me and immediately walked to my side where she instantly started talking.

"Miss Varity, how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Where does it hurt?" she questioned at a lightning speed.

"I am in pain everywhere and I don't know why. I didn't eat anything different or run into a wall. I don't know what's going on!" I said becoming increasingly agitated. Fury huffed and rolled his eyes at my statement.

"Hmmm, strange isn't it? As soon as your heart freezes over, you become paralyzed in pain. Where are your soulmates Miss Varity?" she questioned but she already knew the answer.

"They left on a mission and are extremely busy at the moment." Fury quickly said, interrupting me.

My dear soulmates think a mission is more important than their other soulmate. Typical 'heroes' always try to do the good thing even if it costs a loved one.

"Well, in that case, I would believe that you are heartbroken and being separated from your soulmates for such a long time, especially the ones you have already accepted. An easy remedy would be just to bond with your mates and to be around them," she explained.

"No, that will not be necessary. They do not need to be around her, she will only distract them and cause trouble!" Fury hurriedly said, shutting down the idea almost immediately.

"She will be transferred to the Raft and then further interrogated and if needed they will interview her, but that won't be needed." After Fury said that, he left the room taking the Ancient One with him and locking my door. Leaving me once again with my thoughts.

After a while of pain and overthinking, agents came into my room to extract me and take me to the Raft. They tied me up and shoved me on a plane to the middle of nowhere where they dropped me off at the high-security prison.

The Raft is a living nightmare. It's a place where they send the worst of the worst, the most dangerous criminals in the world. The cells are small and cramped, with no windows and no natural light. The walls are thick and soundproof, so you can't hear anything outside. The only sound is the constant hum of the air conditioning and the occasional screams of other inmates.

The guards are brutal and take pleasure in tormenting the prisoners. They wear full body armor and carry high-tech weapons that can incapacitate you with a single shot. They don't speak much, but when they do, it's usually to bark orders or make threats.

The food is terrible, and the water is often dirty. There's no access to medical care, and injuries are usually treated with little more than a bandage or a shot of painkillers. The only way to pass the time is to sleep or exercise in the tiny yard, but even that is closely monitored by the guards.

The Raft is a place you never want to end up in. It's a place where hope goes to die, and survival is the only goal.

I was there for only two days with an interrogation and it was already hell. It strips you of any sense of reality and isolates the mind. Whenever the interrogation started, I was thankful to hear someone speak to me without cursing me out or threatening my mother.

As I walked into the high-security room, the door locked behind and the soldiers that took me there took off my cuffs but left my magic blockers on. He told me to prepare and say a prayer cus I will need it. I sat down on the highly uncomfortable chair and waited patiently, letting my ears be blessed with the lack of noise in the room.

Observing the room, I could see three security cameras positioned in three out of the four corners and a double-sided mirror which I would have people behind. There were two chairs and a built-in table but other than that it was empty.

Suddenly, I felt a warm, sharp pain that told me my soulmates were nearby. I haven't seen them since, well since coming back from Asgard.

In walked Wanda Maximoff, Doctor Strange, and Loki Laufeyson. I could tell that the rest of them were behind the mirror. They acknowledged me before taking a seat, bringing two extra chairs in with them. Wanda was in front of me and I would've complimented her on her natural beauty if it wasn't for my predicament.

"Olivia, I see you are now enjoying your time here," said Wanda, attempting to enter my mind but failing.

"How are you?" asked Strange, studying me with his condescending eyes.

"Shit," I spoke with pure venom, my soulmates abandoned me and now trying to act nice.

"Oh, that's unfortunate," he responded, as an awkward silence settled in.

"Why didn't you contact me?" I questioned as I needed to know.

"We are busy people Olivia, don't be selfish. And don't act like you cut contact and didn't respond to ANY of our messages and letters," Strange said, exasperated.

"Excuse me?! YOU HAVEN'T SENT ME ANYTHING AND LEFT ME! Left me here in pain WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST!" I shouted at them, tears threatening to spill down my face. Wanda had tears in her eyes and flinched backward at my sudden outburst.

What have I become...

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