Chapter 16 - Destiny

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When Olivia woke up with dried tears crusting on her cheeks, she only had one thought, "What happened?"

Shuttling was heard around her, she tried desperately to try and open her eyes to cure her curiosity but they refused her whole body was paralyzed and unable to move. Soft murmurs bounced around in her mind as if she was experiencing an out-of-body experience.

"I don't know what happened, one minute she was standing the next.."

"It wasn't your fault, she was mentally and physically exhausted. She was about to go one day and that confrontation must've drained her."

"I can't believe that I was so stupid! She was all I had..."

The voices were mumbled and distorted but the tone and pitch seemed familiar to the unconscious girl. Suddenly light washed her vision as her now-sensitive eyes began adjusting to the blinding light that shone on her face without a care in the world.

"T'challa quiet! She has awoken," said a female, almost Wakandan sounding. She heard more shuffling and a faint heart monitor in the background sprung to life. Its repeating beeps that suddenly increased began tormenting Olivia, forcing her out of her paralysis.

As her eyes began adjusting to the bright light, a warm hand was placed on her back in a comforting manner. The simple touch made Olivia's skin shiver, like a shock of electricity.

"Can you please turn the light down? I have a banging headache," her voice came out hoarse and grainy as if she hadn't spoken in years. In a quick moment, the lights dimmed the room again filled with a deafening silence.

"Where am I?" Olivia questioned, now able to gaze around the futuristic room. Computer screens and holograms adorned the entire glass room.

Olivia obviously recognized this new and startling place as the renowned and mythical Wakanda. Lush and verdant landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, with majestic waterfalls cascading down ancient rock formations. Vibrant wildlife, both exotic and familiar, roam freely, adding a touch of untamed majesty to the untouched wilderness that surrounds the kingdom.

Beneath the lush landscapes and bustling streets lies an intricate network of vibranium mines, the mythical metal that fuels their technological advancements. This precious resource, harnessed and protected with the utmost care, has propelled Wakanda to the forefront of scientific and engineering marvels, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible.

Olivia was previously sent on a mission to locate this untouchable nation. She was sent here to fetch its most valuable material, vibranium. HYDRA had yearned for vibranium for decades now, planning unspeakable things to do with it.

One of the things that Olivia respected about the Wakandans was their complete selflessness toward this valuable resource. I mean, they could take over the world with this but they choose to hide away and shield the world from such a weapon of mass destruction.

They didn't see it as a weapon but as a national treasure that brought everyone together. They were pure and lacked ulterior motives, this may make them seem weak but they were strong and there were plenty of them. Loads of them, armies upon armies ready to defend at any given time. And that was truly terrifying.

Olivia soon realized she was zoning out and decided to join back in the room to find The King of Wakanda and the Princess of Wakanda standing in front of her, probably trying to get her attention.

"Hello? Girl, are you ok?" the Princess asked, placing her hand on Olivia's arm in a comforting manner.

"Uhh, yes sorry, zoned out for a bit," Olivia replied awkwardly chuckling toward the end. Feeling very anxious at the moment. The heart monitor beside them began to pick up her racing heartbeat. "Where is everyone?"

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