Chapter 8- Decisions

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I had the decision to make, I could stay here with only two of my soulmates or I could return to Earth and join the group that I was once taught to kill.

I was safe and comfortable here with Thor, and Loki often tried to stay with me whenever I was feeling weird. They are two opposites, one sunny and bright, and cuddly and warm. The other was cold and dark, mysterious and possessive but they were my soulmates and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling towards them.

I had been released from the cell as I couldn't escape anywhere when I was on another planet. Tonight Thor promised to show me around the beautiful city, he also asked me if I wanted to meet his friends but I declined as I am not good enough for him or Loki and I don't want anyone to point it out. I mean, they're gods and I am a damn human!

I awoke with a start in a pillowy bed, my nightmare fresh in my mind. His laugh as he would slash my back and sides. His eyes glimmered at the sight of my pouring blood. His smirk after beating and damaging my body until I was on death's door. Him...

I glanced around the dark room with panicked eyes and a racing heart. He was killing me, even on another planet. I felt pathetic and childish so instead of turning to one of the gods, I decided to talk a wander around the huge palace.

I drifted and dandered, trying to clear my clouded and confused mind. I had just started to get some of my memories back and every time they would return it felt like knives stabbing my brain. I made my way to the vast garden that was located near the kitchens.

Flowers always had a soft spot in my heart. My Soldat used to collect them and hide them in his coat, he would give them to me and watch my heart melt every time. My hands brushed through the leaves on the bushes acting as garden walls, their soft emerald green feathers of nature would comfort me in my dark times and bring a lightness to my dark chasm.

"Do you enjoy the garden as well as I do?" said a well-spoken voice from behind me.

I turned around in shock to find Loki standing a few paces away from me, watching me intently as shock registered upon my face.

"Uhh... Y-yes I have fond memories of them." I said, looking away from the god of mischief blush deepening on my startled face.

Loki inched forwards with a small smirk on his smug face. He looked so confident and... handsome.

"Well, I'm glad you think that my love," he said with a small smirk. Shit, forgot he could read minds. He chuckled lightly, god that sound was heavenly. He leaned over and brushed away a stray hair that had fallen on my face. I was breathless with the amount of tension between us, his cold fingers lingered behind my ear.

He brushed through my hair lightly, careful not to snag at any knots. His other hand fell to my hip and I flinched backward before relaxing into his touch, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Let us head inside before you catch a cold darling," he said in a whisper. He guided me to the door with his hand resting on the small of my back. I didn't want to leave the garden but I knew better than to go against him.

"What's troubling you, my love? I can hear your panicky thoughts," he stated as we entered a long, regal hallway and turned into the kitchen.

"I have to make a decision where I don't know what is best to do. I could stay here with you and Thor, and be safe for me and everyone else but I will not be able to speak to my other soulmates. But I don't want to have a meltdown while on Earth and cause damage there, whereas here you have prestigious healing systems and safer buildings... I have no idea what to choose!" I exclaimed, frustrated with myself and my indecisiveness.

I look up at him to see his eyes looking at me lovingly. He held my hand and guided me to a table and suggested that I sit down. He then disappeared for a few moments before returning with an ice cream tub and two spoons.

"Well, I would love for you to stay here but you need the help they have on Earth. They healed Bucky where even we couldn't," he said in a soft tone, opening the tub of sugary ecstasy and digging his spoon in. He then offered me some and I gladly accepted but I didn't expect him to spoon-feed me.

"You mean so much to me, my dear. I want- no, need you to have the help and support of the others back on Earth," He continued, still speaking in a hushed voice.

"I don't want to leave you and Thor. You guys have treated me like a real human instead of a killing machine, ready to snap. Maybe it's the soulmate bond speaking but I've felt the safest here, with you and Thor. I feel loved and welcomed here which is strange but I'm getting used to it! I feel like I'm getting better Loki." I said. He looked at me, not with pity, but with love...

He leaned forward, wiping ice cream off of my chin, leaving me in a blushing mess.

"I know my love but we need you to be better so that you could live wherever you want and still be comfortable without the fear of 'snapping' or such," he said, making eye contact.

I knew in my heart that I loved Asgard but Loki was right, I needed to face my fears and return to Earth. Also, the soulmate bond was killing me being so far away, so I made the decision to return back 'home' and get the help that I needed.

Loki and Thor agreed to come with me to help settle into the place and having familiar faces around would help with my uneasiness. Especially with Soldat being here...

My darling Soldat...

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