Chapter 14- Calm

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Broken tibia of the left leg, dislocated jaw, a black eye, a dislocated shoulder that had been ripped from the socket, four broken fingers, third-degree burns on the back, and scarring from excessive whipping.

These were just some of the things listed in Olivia's HYDRA file. These were recorded two days prior to her capture. Nick Fury had discovered this file and brought it into the morning meeting to discuss it with the group. He was obliged but felt as though they needed to know how powerful Olivia truly was.

He threw the file onto the table, making it slide to Steve. He eyed Fury then opened it and to his shock it was full of gruesome photos of a woman's body full of life-threatening injuries. He dropped the file in disbelief. Tony then picked it up from across the table.

"God Fury. What happened to this woman?" said Tony in astonishment. The file made its way around the table when it stopped at Natasha. She gasps and then glares at Fury.

"Where did you get this Fury?" She questioned through gritted teeth.

"SHIELD infiltrated a known HYDRA base early this week where they extracted loads of files on their agents and spies. Through these, we were able to uncover many undercover spies that were working for SHIELD. It was highly successful and we arrested many criminals that were on our watchlist," Fury explained, keeping a monotone voice.

"That wasn't the question Fury. Why do you have these photos of Olivia?" Natasha demanded. The others gasped as they didn't recognize her body.

"...Shadow was held captive there and we came across these very interesting files. I just thought that you would like to know what you have locked up downstairs," he stated.

"Who did this to her!" Thor boomed, full of anger. The skies bellowed and thundered as Thor's emotions went sky-high.

"We do not know but we assume that it was HYDRA. We know what they're capable of," Fury mentioned, glancing at Bucky.

Bucky stood up quickly and marched out of the room. He was sort of known to do these things when HYDRA was mentioned, so no one went after him and left him to calm down. Little did they know that Bucky was going to talk to Olivia for the first time since she came here.

He entered the laboratory to find her room empty and the door wide open. He panicked and began pacing the corridors to see if she was nearby. He then asked FRIDAY where she was and she stated that she was with the twins in the tower therapeutic area.

Bucky then practically ran to the area only to find Olivia calmly chatting with Wanda as Pietro was playing his video games. He listened in to try to hear some of their conversations but the door was automatic so he just fell through.

"Hello, Bucky! I thought you lot were in a meeting this morning?" Wanda said as Bucky attempted to play off his embarrassing attempt to spy on them.

"Um, oh- erm yeah I left early, wasn't feeling it honestly," Bucky kept glancing at Olivia but she wouldn't even make eye contact with him. She simply pretended as if he wasn't there. "So what are yall doing here?"

Bucky went and sat on the couch that Pietro was on. Pietro acknowledged him and got back to his game, this was the only time where he wasn't going a hundred miles an hour. A place he could relax and unwind, being with his soulmates every second of the day can get draining at times.

"Olivia and I are getting to know each other. Pietro found her bound in a dirty lab! Can you believe that Bucky?" Wanda said, with such emotion. It was clear that she already loved Olivia very much. Normally, she would greet Bucky with a hug or kiss but she hadn't made a single effort to move from her space on the floor with Olivia.

Their knees were touching and Bucky noticed that Olivia had on some of Wanda's clothes. She almost looked like a normal girl but her solemn face changed the matter. She had marks around her mouth that indicated that someone put a restraint around her mouth to stop her from making noise. He could also see marks around her arms and wrists.

On her arms were small tattoo tallies that indicated her missions were completed. Her whole upper arm was covered in them. Buck's eyes filled with dread and sorrow for his poor soulmate that he abandoned to live his perfect life in the big city whereas Olivia was locked up and tortured.

He used to have hallucinations of her coming back to haunt him as he assumed she died. Her screams used to terrorize him and he became insomniac for the first few years without her. Now that he was examining her in a not-so-secretive way, he could see how comfortable she was with Wanda. The way her eyes lit up whenever they shared glances at each other.

Then they continued their conversation as if Bucky wasn't even there, as Pietro was trying to get a high score in some racing game that Bucky didn't understand fully yet. His attention soon turned to the girls sitting on the floor, Wanda's back was facing Olivia as she was on her knees behind her plaiting her hair.

Olivia would whisper compliments on Wanda's hair and you could see that Wanda was physically relaxing at her touch. Olivia also seemed more comfortable in this space, whereas in a room being confronted by the Avengers. Her slender fingers delicately picked up pieces of hair, overlapping them to make two identical French plaits.

Things almost seemed normal between the two. They were happy and in love without a care in the world. It would be a shame to see that destroyed...

Remember to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter and the book as a whole! I will respond to anyone with any questions! xx

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