Chapter 19 - Outcast

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The morning sun filtered through the windows of Olivia's apartment, casting long shadows across the room. She stood by the counter, a stark expression on her face as she mechanically prepared her coffee. The past weeks had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and Olivia had resolved to shut down any semblance of vulnerability.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and she sighed irritably. She had hoped for a moment of solitude, away from the prying eyes and well-intentioned words of her mates. When she opened the door, Steve stood there, his familiar smile attempting to break through her defenses.

"Morning, Olivia," he greeted, his tone attempting warmth.

She arched an eyebrow, unimpressed. "What do you want, Rogers?"

Steve's smile faltered slightly, but he persisted. "I thought we could talk."

Olivia's gaze remained unflinching as she stepped aside, allowing him to enter. She closed the door without a word and leaned against the wall, her arms crossed. She didn't bother offering him a seat.

Steve took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving hers. "I want to apologize for how things played out the other day. Tony's words were out of line, and I understand if they hurt you."

Olivia's lips curled into a humorless smile. "Apologies won't change the fact that his words held some truth."

Steve's jaw clenched, his frustration barely masked. "We care about you, Olivia. We're not perfect, but we're trying."

She scoffed, a bitter edge to her tone. "Trying to save the broken soulmate? How noble of you."

Steve's frustration grew more evident, his usually calm demeanor faltering. "You're not broken, Olivia. You've been through a lot, and we want to support you."

Olivia's eyes narrowed as she met his gaze head-on. "Is this what the Avengers do now? Play therapists for their damaged teammates?"

Steve's expression hardened his voice firm. "We're a team, Olivia. We face challenges together, and we support each other."

She pushed herself off the wall, her tone laced with cynicism. "Oh, how heartwarming. The mighty Avengers showing their unwavering support to the outcast."

Steve's frustration was evident as he took a step closer. "You're not an outcast, Olivia. We're in this together."

Olivia's façade cracked for a moment, revealing a flicker of vulnerability before she quickly shut it down. "Save the pep talk, Rogers. I don't need your pity."

Steve's gaze hardened, his patience wearing thin. "This isn't about pity. It's about recognizing that we're stronger together. We're willing to work through this, even if you're not."

She met his intensity with a cold stare. "I'm not here for a heart-to-heart, Rogers. I'm here to get my job done and move on."

Steve's frustration reached its peak as he took a step back, his jaw clenched. "Fine, Olivia. If you're not willing to be a part of this team, then that's your choice."

As he turned to leave, Olivia's expression remained unreadable. She watched him go, her emotions locked away behind a wall of indifference. When the door closed behind him, she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Alone once again, Olivia's gaze drifted to her coffee cup. She took a sip, the bitterness of the liquid mirroring the bitterness in her heart. The ache of self-hatred and resentment remained, and she clung to those emotions like a lifeline.

In the quiet of her apartment, Olivia resolved to keep her distance, to guard herself against any hint of vulnerability. She hated the idea of relying on her mates, hated the idea of letting them in. And most of all, she hated herself for the mess she believed she had become.

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