Chapter 3 - Seductive

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'Presley pov'

I walked passed Kela in a real bitchy mood, I didn't know what was happening to me, Kela is like my sister why am I being such a bitch, oh yeah because she is lying to me about why she hates Wesley, I do sort of see where she is coming from, he is a player but she never used to hate players the complete opposite actually. I heard a few whistles when I walked past a few douchebags. I then noticed a really hot Wesley coming from the water all wet and sexy with a surf board under his arm, lightbulb! Maybe if I ''play'' with him it might slip out what he has done or even annoy the girls that much that they will have no choice but to tell me, theres nothing wrong with that, just have fun with him, nothing serious and then I'll find out what he has done.

'hey Wesley' I could see him checking me out, that's when I thought this is gonna be easy as pie.

'hi' he said walking towards me.

'about that date'

'yeah' we were now standing inches away from each other, his bare chest inches away from my bare stomach.

'I've changed my mind, I would love to go on a date with you' he stepped closer to me leaving centimetres between us.

'oh really' he said in a real sexy tone.

'Mhmmm' now our bodies were touching and sparks were flying. I felt my cheeks start to burn. Then we were interrupted by some fake blonde who came up and put her hand on Wesleys bare shoulder and glared at me. It really pissed her off that Wesley didn't take his eyes of me, but I quite enjoyed it.

'hey Wesley wanna play underwater water with me and some girls'

'um I.....I'm kind-'

'Sorry he's kind of busy asking me out.'

'arent you the whore who rejected him'

'says the one who wants to play underwater with one boy and how many girls'

'ugh'. She walked off in such a rage I couldn't help but laugh. Wow what's came over me.

'anyway back to our date' I said while drawing circles around Wesleys chest lightly with my fingers.

'where do you wanna go' he questioned with his eyes locked with mine.

'surprise me' I whispered seductively walking away from him. I turned around to a shocked but happy Wesley and said 'see you at seven' and biting my lip to make its even more sexy. I think that done the job. I walked back up to the house to get changed, I went up to my room when I heard Skyler, she sounded really weird like she was sort of moaning and when I walked in I saw her having sex with that guy what was his name.....oh yeah drew.

'OH MY GOD I.....I UH......' I ran out of the room freaked out not because of Skyler being naked because I've already seen that but drew being naked was a whole other story, answer what sort of fucking position was that because I have never heard or seen that before. Skyler came out in a robe really embarrassed while drew stayed in the room getting changed.

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