Chapter 23 - How Can This Be Real?

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'Presley pov'

I was helping Skyler wash up when we returned. 'Hey babe' I said and he smiled planting a kiss on my forehead. I felt as if there was some awkwardness between us but I don't know why. 'Dude Tom and Kory are down at the beach, they say the waves are so sick right now, you wanna head down?' Drew asked Wes. 'Yeah sure' he replied and Drew ran upstairs. 'You don't mind do you?' Wes asked. 'Of course not' I replied. A few minutes later Wes and Drew left and it was just Skyler and I left in the house. 'Skye you got some clothes I could borrow' I asked. 'Some of your clothes are in a box in Wesley's room' she replied and I walked upstairs.

When I entered the room and opened the wardrobe, there was two boxes with Wesley's things but no sign of mine so I opened the wardrobe to find three more boxes of Wesley's things. On the top shelf was a box that said Presley on it so I grabbed a stool and stood up on it so I could reach the box. As I pulled the box down, there was an outlined square in the wardrobe that looked like it could be removed. I threw the box down on the bed and removed the piece of wood from the wardrobe. What it revealed was shocking to me. There was a deep hole in the wall cut out in the same shape as the wood, holding bags and bags of some sort of white powder. I removed as much ad I could throwing them all onto the bed to reveal what looked like thousands and thousands of dollars, all in 50 and 100 dollar bills. They were rolled up in balls and tied up with some elastic bands. I took out every single thing in there and got off the stool. I looked at all of the drugs and money laid out in front if me. It has to be worth millions of dollars whatever it is. There is two people this could belong too that actually makes sense. Skyler or Wes.

I was in shock. I fell to the floor and just stared at what was in front of me, trying to make sense of it all. Skyler has been clean for almost two years now and Wes promised me he never was involved in drugs, so how is there so much here.

'Pres, Kela is here and we wan.....oh my god' I heard Skyler say as she and Kela walked into the room.

'Where...where did you find this?' She asked slowly walking towards me.

' the wall of the wardrobe, is it yours?' I mumbled.

'' She said.

'Then who owns it Skyler and why is it here?'I yelled.

'Presley everything is in the past now okay and it doesn't concern you' She replied.

'Of course it concerns me Skyler!!! Either if you lied to me and are back on drugs or Wes is, so just tell me why the hell this shit is here'I yelled and she looked down to the floor. She hesitated before admitting everything.

'I'm warning you, your not gonna like what you hear...but it started when Tommy died' she said and I looked confused. 'Um I started to take drugs, as you know, but um my dealer was a guy from California, he came to Memphis that's how I got the cocaine in the first place......but when I got addicted, the only way for me to get him to stay was sleep with him, and I did-' 'What was his name?' I asked. 'Um..Johnny, but you can't keep interrupting me okay? I need to get it over and done with' she said as I nodded. 'Anyway, Johnny got a bit too used to the sex and when I tried to stop one time, he wouldn't let me. I was so scared, I needed the drugs but didn't want to sleep with him..I thought I was gonna die that night, but then his friend, another dealer stopped him. It was Wes' she said looking down. 'How? he promised me he never had anything to do with drugs in his life' I asked. 'He lied' Kela added. 'Anyway, Wes agreed to keep giving me drugs , if I paid him the right amount and I did. I went to California with him for a while and we were sorta together, mainly just sex and drugs though. I got to know more people around here and began to like it but I knew the drugs were killing me, so I left. Wes wasn't too happy at all but I got home and you helped me get through it.

Anyway when Kela and I moved to Cali I got back with Wes, just for like a week though because he got me pregnant' she said as a tear rolled down my face. 'I immediately got rid of the baby, its what he wanted too. Anyway I met Drew and then you came out to-' 'Was he still on drugs when you got there, when I got there?' I asked wiping my tears away. Skyler hesitated and looked at Kela before replying. 'Yes' she said and cried a little more. Why would he lie to me about this.

'Presley, about three months before you came he went into rehab for a month because of the mental breakdown he was having, the cops never found out he dealed or he would be in prison right now so he stopped, well he tried. Johnny got in touch with him again and it all went down hill. Until you came, he came to me looking for help, even though I hated him, he came anyway wanting to stop because he was falling in love with you, he promised that he would never do them again, that's what we thought' she said. 'I can't believe this' I said. 'Is that it? please don't say theres more' I asked and Skyler looked down at the floor. 'Since I've been with Wes all you can say is bad things about him, so where's you're confidence now Kela? Are you still this brave bitch who tries to stand up for her friends but all she does is ruin shit, so come on why don't you talk' I yelled at her. 'H-he knows.....h-' 'SPIT IT OUT KELA!!' I yelled tears forming in my eyes. 'FINE YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW?' she yelled and I nodded. 'YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND IS A LYING, DIRTY BASTARD OKAY? HE ALMOST KILLED SKYLER WITH DRUGS AND HE WAS APART OF KILLING YOUR FATHER!!' she yelled.

'KELA!!' Skyler yelled. 'What do you mean apart of killing my father?' I asked. 'H-he had been taking drugs at that time too, he may have been only young but he knew your dad' Skyler calmly said. 'How? ' I asked tears streaming down my face. 'I don't know, I just remember him always talking about your dad and how he used to blame himself for his death, he never said why though' Skyler added. 'S-so let me get this straight, my boyfriend, the guy I'm head over heels for, that can't live without, has been a druggie most of his life, he slept with you and almost gave you an overdose killing you, went to rehab and killed my dad? ' I asked feeling sick and numb. 'I'm really sorry' Skyler said. 'No you two are just bitches' I spat getting they're attention. 'You two never liked anything I ever done, you'd always find a way to ruin it for me, and I'd always end up forgiving you, but this time I'm not falling for it. You two could of told me the truth long ago before I even met him but no, you two had to let me fall in love with him and then rip my heart out, you know what, congratulations' I yelled and got up, running into the bathroom and throwing up. I felt so sick and scared. How can this e true? How can there be so much lies in one human being?

Hey guys, so yeah this chapter would of been too long of I did both POV's so I just did Presley's. So what do you think of why just happened? I have so many different scenarios for this chapter but I tried to put them all into one. It might be confusing but just let me know if you're confused. I'm warning y'all now that everything is gonna go down hill from here so be prepared. Okay we'll vote and comment, I need your feedback and I'll try and update ASAP. Love Y'all.


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