Who Killed The Principal?

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As mentioned earlier, this book has been reviewed based on the following criteria:

♠Point of view execution
♠Story pacing
♠Writing style
♠ Character introduction

It also contains comments and ways the writer can better their work. If the review makes you want to read the book, go right ahead. 

Title: Who Killed The Principal?

Writer: korisa_hex

Genre: High School Mystery.


Let's get to it.

Book Title: Personally, I'd give your book title a ten out of ten, because it's very catchy and unexpected. We've had similar titles of books in your type of genre, but this is the first time I'm coming across this. I mean, who knew a story could come out of killing the principal of a high school? You know, it's pretty creative. Brilliant, I must say.

Blurb: All right, for the blurb, I'd say it's just okay. It's well above average and is just enough to get a reader to open your book. But then, it can be a lot better. Your book, based on what I read, is mostly plot-driven, so, introducing the characters — which you did — wasn't the problem. I think the only ish I have with the blurb is that it's too basic. Personally, I read across almost all genres, and I should let you know that the blurb didn't do much to hold me.  Really. I like simplicity, appreciate it a lot. But when something is too simple sometimes, it kind of loses its value. So, yeah, just in case versatile readers like me come across your book, you'd know what to do. Add a little more spice to it. That's it.

Cover: The cover is a little below average. Yes, it kinda depicts what the book is saying, but it almost has too much going on. To fix it, I'd suggest changing the title's font color and maybe darkening the background a little. And the faces, blurring the faces or making them faceless should help too.

Grammar: I didn't have any problem with the grammar. It was simple and easy to understand. Well constructed. Well organized. I did not sight any mistakes with tenses or any other errors.

Punctuation: I'd rate your punctuation almost almost perfect. Yeah. And that's because, while you did very well in punctuating the narration, the dialogue was not well punctuated. Normally, when punctuating dialogue, a comma should come before or after a dialogue tag. For example, in most cases, you used a full stop to end the dialogue like this:

"The girl carried the bag." He said.

Instead, it should be:

"The girl carried the bag," he said.

Yeah, that's basically it.

And that's that on your punctuation.

POV execution: For me, this was pretty okay. Not perfect, but just okay. You wrote the book in third person limited. At a point, it looked like you switched and wrote in third person omniscient. Pretty basic with descriptions and all, but it was okay.

Story Pacing: At first, I thought the pacing was slow and the story was being dragged, but nah, I was wrong. It's a short story and I think the pacing is just perfect for it. The suspense wasn't too much and the revealing also wasn't too fast. So, yeah. Just good.

Character Introduction: All right, so this book has a lot of characters. And I think you did a good job of separating them and their roles— based on what I read in the first five chapters. They're many, but I was able to tell who was who and who did what. Again, just good.

Writing Style: Again, while I do like simplicity and originality, this writing style was sort of too basic for me. It didn't do much to keep me hooked to the story. Maybe description isn't your forte, but I think spicing up your story with a little more detail, detail that'll create images in the mind of a reader, should improve the writing style. Yeah.

Overall, I wouldn't say I completely enjoyed reading the book, but I did enjoy it to an extent. It has a lot of potential and I like the creativity. But like I've been saying — XD — it needs a little more spice. I've always had a thing for murder mystery, and seeing that this is one intrigued me. But my intrigue sorta died at some point.

Okay, that's all. I do think you're a good writer who has a whole lot more to offer the world of readers and writers. C'est Fini.

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