Only Fire

29 4 1

As mentioned earlier, this book has been reviewed based on the following criteria:

♠Point of view execution
♠Story pacing
♠Writing style
♠ Character introduction

It also contains comments and ways the writer can better their work. If the review makes you want to read the book, go right ahead.

Title: Only Fire

Genre: Paranormal/Romance

Writer: FantasticalChaos


Title: Because I read a little more than the five chapters I was meant to read, I got to perfectly understand why you chose this title for the book. Of course it wasn't like those banger moments when you suddenly realize why the author named the book the way they did and you're going all 'wow' about it but I guess it did suffice.

I can't exactly remember what my thoughts were when I first saw the title before reading the book. Sure, I wasn't exactly eager to read the book just because of the title but I don't think it would have deterred me from reading it either if I had just been randomly searching for a book to read. So yeah, it's okay.

Cover: I can see what you were trying to do in your cover because I've read the book but if I were just scrolling through Wattpad on a normal day, looking for what to read, the cover would have been a definite turn off.

Firstly let's talk about the font. I once read somewhere that you shouldn't use extremely basic fonts on your cover because we're all used to seeing these kinds of fonts in our everyday lives and it just gives the feeling that whoever made the cover is an amateur.

As for the background picture, there's nothing aesthetically pleasing or eye catching about it. I'm not a graphic designer though so this is just a personal opinion.

Blurb: The blurb is good. The stakes are clear and it was easily one of the things that convinced me that the book is worth reading.

Grammar: While you did a fair job here, there were still a few mistakes I noticed. The most obvious one was the tense inconsistency. Your story is written in past tense but sometimes you switch to present and then back to past. And that messes with the flow of the story.

The least obvious one had to do with subject-verb agreement. Here's an example:

The feelings that immortals feel was different than that of humans.

There are actually two problems here. Firstly the switch in tense I talked about. Only in this sentence, there's both present and past tense. And in this case, the sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Then the second problem is with the subject-verb agreement. If you were going for present tense, the sentence should have been written this way:

The feelings that immortals feel are different than that of humans.

But if you were going for past then this would have been better like this:

The feelings that immortals felt were different than that of humans.

Since the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.

That said, I didn't notice a problem with the subject-verb agreement a lot (I can't say the same for the tense inconsistency) so I'll wave it aside as a mistake. Nothing a thorough editing wouldn't fix. As for the tense, I think you should be more mindful of that.

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