Well, You Fooled Me

27 6 0

As mentioned earlier, this book has been reviewed based on the following criteria:

♠Point of view execution
♠Story pacing
♠Writing style
♠ Character introduction

It also contains comments and ways the writer can better their work. If the review makes you want to read the book, go right ahead.

Title: Well, You Fooled Me

Genre: Young Adult

Writer: StupidFreakingBees


Title: The title would actually attract me, it's alright.

Cover: I like the simplicity. And considering the chapters I read, it fits the story line. Out of 10, I'd rate it a 6.5. It's okay.

Blurb: It's kind of bland to me. I get that it's a cliche story, but the blurb is what should pique your readers' interest, the blurb just didn't have anything that would make me want to read the book.

Grammar: The grammar is really clean, I didn't even spot up to five errors in all the chapters I read. Also, the tenses are consistent, so kudos for that.

Point of View execution: This was nicely done. The first person POV was maintained all through.

Story pacing: I like the pace. It was not rushed, and neither was it so slow that it got boring. It's great.

Writing style: The writer's style is simple, and that's something I like. But I suggest that they invest some time into improving their description, I think they're lacking in that aspect. Also, I appreciate their humour, it's really good.

Punctuation: The punctuations were not bad, I noticed a few places where commas should have been used but weren't. My biggest problem was how they arranged their paragraphs, especially when it had to do with dialogues; at some point, it became confusing and I found it hard to figure out who was talking to who.

Character introduction: As for this aspect, I commend the writer. They did not introduce too many characters at one, which is a mistake a lot of writers make. It was easy to get an idea of what each character was like, and I also like how they have their own distinct voice. Well done.

Overall, I'd say my reading experience was a little above average. I can see the writer's vision and I believe that their plot has great potential. If they could improve in their description and punctuation, this piece would be excellent!

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