The Rules

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Hello, my lovely readers!

It's finally here! My one-shot book dedicated to stories for my Criminal Case Galaxy! (See what I did there?)

In this book, you can request and read one-shots about my characters that otherwise wouldn't make it into my mainstream series. Feel free to submit a request at any time for a story you would like to see me write. However, there are some things I will and will not write about, so please see the lists below.

Things I WILL write:

* Fluff

* Romance

     * Canon ships from my story. But I'm not entirely opposed to writing some non-canon ships... Within reason!

* Angst

* Hurt/comfort

* Death (canon/non-canon characters)

     * Murder, suicide, accidental, etc.

* Alternative Universes

* "What if?" Scenarios

* Smut/NSFW

     * Only consensual sex. I've never written smut before, so if you give me this request, don't be surprised if it takes a while for me to write. Also, if I try to write it and I don't like it, I reserve the right to move this down to the "do not write" section

* Abuse

     * I will write about implying it, but I might not write about it happening. Depends on the situation

Things I will NOT write about:

* Rape/sexual assault

     * I will write about implying it but not write about it happening

* Incest

* Pedophilia

* Self-inserts (aka stories that use the y/n thing in the palace of the main character's name; I hate those types of stories; the cringe drives me insane!)

* Age regression, especially sexual age play!

* Daddy/Mommy kink or fetish...Please don't ask me to write this; the CC characters have enough parental issues!

Things I will CONSIDER writing about but may choose not to:

* Genderbend AUs (it's not really my thing; I only like it in rare instances)

* Other people's OCs unless they appear in my story (I'm uncomfortable writing about other people's OCs as I'm nervous I won't be able to do the characters justice)

As the writer, I reserve the right to change these lists at anytime. If I come across a suggestion for something I'm uncomfortable writing, I will tell you and add it to the list. Likewise, I will do the same for things I will write about.

There are also some other rules that I need to outline before we start:

Other Rules:

* Respect the one-shots people request; if you don't like it, move on! There's enough hatred in this world, and I strive to make my stories a safe space for my readers. That means hate comments will NOT be tolerated! If you are being disrespectful to someone in the comments, I will delete your comment!

* Do not harass me to update this book! My mainstream series will ALWAYS be my priority; as such, do not be surprised if the updates for this book are very spread out!

* Please don't repetitively ask me for the same one-shot. I plan to add suggestions to a list and cross them off as I post to keep track of what I have or have not written. So if you're not seeing your request (and it doesn't fall into the will not write category), do not worry; I haven't forgotten about it!

* Some suggestions might not be written if it is something I plan to have happen in my mainstream series

     * Likewise, I might wait to write a one-shot if it relates to a future event, even if it is not "shown" in a mainstream story

* I reserve the right to refuse a one-shot request, so please be respectful of my choices

I think that's everything I wanted to cover, but if I forgot something, I'll add it later! And if anyone has suggestions for other rules, let me know!

I'll see you all in the one-shots!


Astra's Criminal Case GalaxyWhere stories live. Discover now