Next Level Elliot

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This one-shot was requested by Beans on Archive of Our Own. They asked me to write an AU where Anbu succeeded in kidnapping Elliot in A Stab in The Dark, and Elliot gets entered into SOMBRA's next-level program.

On the Bureau's plane...

"Anders, report at once! Have you learned where the SOMBRA agent took Elliot?" Chief Ripley demands, the rest of the team standing around anxiously.

"We found Elliot's phone in the gardens," Anders tosses the device onto the table, "Elliot seemed to be writing a message... something about the docks?"

"The docks!" Jonah shouts, "of course! The agent must be planning to escape by ship!"

"Then we should rush there because it's worse than you think! We've got proof that SOMBRA's experimenting on people!" Marina announces, "we don't know exactly what they're doing, but we need to find Elliot before he becomes their test subject!"

"Then we must move out NOW! Carmen and I will go to the docks with you, Anders!" he volunteers, "let's gear up!"

After putting on their bulletproof vest, the three agents speed through the streets of Singapore to the docks. They squealed to a stop at the gate and ran down the ramp toward the docked boats. Anders looks around and finds Anbu dragging Elliot toward a small motorized sailboat.

"Freeze, Anbu!" Anders orders, aiming his gun at the killer's head.

"You again, Agent Anders! How did you find me? Don't come a step closer!" Anbu yells, tightening his hand around Elliot's mouth.

"You've got nowhere to run! Freeze and drop your weapon, or I'll shoot!" Jonah vows.

"Before you do that, I'll pull the trigger, and your little tech genius will die!" he yelled, finger curling threateningly around the trigger.

"I don't have a clear shot!" he hissed, "if I try to shoot this psycho, I could hit Elliot!"

"I've got nothing either!" Anders growls.

"Let him go, Anbu!" Carmen demanded, "he's just a kid!"

"He's my ticket to freedom!" Anbu cackled, walking backwards towards the boat and dragging Elliot with him, "as long as he's with me, you have no choice but to let me go!"

"Damn it!" she cursed, "we can't let him get Elliot on that boat!"

But the agents couldn't get a clear shot to hit Anbu. He held Elliot perfectly in front of himself as a human shield, and they couldn't risk shooting the arm or hand in front of the teen, lest the bullet go clean through and hit Elliot. So they could only watch helplessly as Anbu succeeded in dragging Elliot onboard his getaway boat.

"Get us out of here, you idiot!" Anbu barks at the SOMBRA agent behind the ship's wheel.


Anders, Carmen and Jonah run down the docks as the boat jets off across the water, carrying their youngest teammate with it. There was no way they would be able to reach him now; even if Anders used his powers, he wouldn't get to the boat in time before Anbu made good on his promise of killing Elliot. So all they could do was watch as the ship sailed out of sight, taking their teammate to SOMBRA only knew where.

"Son of a bitch!" Jonah yelled, holstering his gun with unnecessary force, "god damn it! We let that bastard get away with Elliot!"

"We'll get him back, Jonah!" Anders vows.

"How!?" he demanded, "we have no idea where Anbu could have taken him!"

Carmen sighed, "I hate to say it, but Jonah's right... They could go anywhere! And we already know SOMBRA has people almost everywhere; there's no telling what's waiting for Elliot!"

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