My Wife is Also My Husband Part 1

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A/N: This was a suggestion from MyFaceHasNumbers. They requested a one-shot where Adalet/Anders shows Fili their gender transformation for the first time.

*Warning for implied sexual content near the end!*

Adalet- no, Anders, took a deep breath to try and calm his racing heart. He was sitting on the bathtub's edge, wearing nothing but a fluffy red bathrobe and slippers. Why was he so nervous, you might ask? It was because tonight he was determined to tell his husband he was genderfluid.

He had already told Fili, Ahmet, and the team about him being an alien after rescuing Jarvis from the prison transport van, and they had all taken that surprisingly well. But he had left out the part about him being genderfluid and being able to change his physical appearance from female to male. He was scared to tell the team, especially since he couldn't change into his preferred form and risk exposing his secret to the public. He doubted they would be disgusted with him, but he couldn't risk it yet...

Back in Grimsborough, he would transform in the privacy of his house where no one could just walk in on him. But here in Pacific Bay, he lived with a husband and son; there would be no easy way to explain an unknown man in the house unless he told them beforehand. He needed to tell his family the truth, starting with Fili.

Anders didn't know why he was so nervous to tell his husband. He knew Fili was bisexual and was attracted to females and males, but that didn't necessarily mean he would be attracted to Adalet and Anders. He was scared that his gender would be a turn-off, and Anders didn't want to lose the most incredible man he'd ever met...

But he hadn't been able to transform in months, and the gender dysphoria from being trapped in his female form for so long was driving him crazy. His body felt too soft, too curvy, his chest too big, his hips too wide... Everything felt wrong, and he wanted to fix it so badly!

"Starlight! I'm home!" Fili's voice rings out from the main level.

Anders swallows past the burning lump in his throat. Fili had returned from dropping Ahmet off at a friend's house for a sleepover, so the couple had the place to themselves for the night. It was the perfect time to tell Fili the truth without being interrupted.

If only Anders could get the courage to leave the bathroom...

He listened to Fili ascend the stairs, and soon knocking was heard on the bathroom door, "starlight? You in there?"

"Y-yeah!" Anders calls, cringing at how high-pitched his voice is.

"Are you alright, Adalet? You sound funny!" he commented in concern.

'Of course, I sound funny!' he wanted to cry, 'I sound like a woman, and I don't want to!'

But, instead, he bit his tongue and replied that he was fine. His husband accepted the answer and moved away from the door, probably to change his clothes for bed. Anders took another set of deep breaths before exiting the bathroom. He finds Fili sitting on the bed, pulling his socks off.

The Irishman smiles, "there's my lovely wife! Are you sure you're not getting sick, Adalet?"

That made the dam burst. Anders started sobbing, covering his face in shame. He didn't want to be called Adalet! He didn't want to be Fili's wife; he wanted to be his husband! He wanted to be seen as a man!

Fili sprang up, hugging Anders and stroking his hair, "why are you crying, starlight?! Are you hurt?!"

"N-no!" Anders wails, gripping Fili's shirt.

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