March 1st simping

21 0 17

5:32 pm
He's at my house RN omg omg, he's going through his phone and it's so adorable!!!!!!!!

6:51 pm
I love him so damn much, if I had to spend my life with one person it would be him, he is so lovable and cute!
I wanna make a move but I don't have the confidence to do so whatsoever, I could do it right now, he is right there, I could just reach over and do it AAAAAA I wanna do it so fucking bad! I know I could easily do it but I'm scared to death Imma go give him my attention really quickly PH MY GOSd HR YIG AAAAAAAAAAFAFG, okay okay okay, he was so close to my face AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, he is so fucking close to my face omfl ẞAHsyridhdtYUFIY*H I should just do it, it would make my less nurvous, my heart is beating so fast oh my god AAAAAAA I should do it, Imma do it, just do it iris, it's easy, you got this, my stomach is swirling like WEEEWOOOO WEEWOO LOVE ALERT SOUND THE ALARMS I mean it's either I do it today or I do it in like a week. C'mon iris, you got this

Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck oh my god holy shit AAAAAAAAAAAA, he kissed me holy shit oh my god oh god god

9:14 pm
Today was definitely something, my bus was cancelled in the morning so the only school related thing I did was I watched a video on volume and things like that, it was kinda boring. My grandmother came over and we ended up having Chinese food.
After the school day ended my note boyfriend Max came over and well you know the rest. I thought I should end the day with a normal ish entry that isn't me simping.

I hope you have a good sleep and that everything goes well in the future for you

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