I figured it out

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A lot of things have happened, let's start with what I've been doing, I've been hanging out with pulsy a shit tonne, Matthew is at a comp so he hasn't been able to vc with the two of us but I've really liked just hanging out with Lena, we played some skyblock on the hypixel server, it's been really fun. Caleb has been really distant recently, it might just be the whole comp thing but he texts in group chats I'm in but when I say hi he doesn't say hi back, I hope this isn't because of when he joined call and I was paying more attention to Matthew and Lena instead of him, I've been wanting to apologize to him but I don't know how to, I might text azaro about it in the morning, I'm really worried about him, we used to have such a close friendship that I won't trade for anything but I'm worried I've lost it, I've lost the thing that made me the happiest, I know that there will be a day where we must say goodbye and go our separate ways but I don't want that to be now you know? I don't know what to do...

I think I've figured out my sexuality, well slightly, I like more feminine aligning people than masculine aligning people. Idk man

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