Chapter 5 When hell starts

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"Thanks...what am I supposed to do with it?" He ask. Annoyed a bit you take the candy from his hand and unwrap it. "Your supposed to eat it". Freddy is confused "eat it?" He says. "Ya like eating pizza just-" you take a small bite from it and chew slowly "bite it and-" you swallow "swallow" you say a little happy. Freddy stares at your lips the whole time your demonstrating. "Freddy?" Freddy snaps back to reality as you gesture him to take a bite. He leans forward and takes a bite from the chocolate right from your hand. Your blushing and your heart is beating. He chews "mm it's sweet and good" he grabs the chocolate from your hand and nods his head "thanks". You close the door because chica is outside. "No problem" you say grinning. Freddy heart beats another time and he smiles. Chica feels heart broken and depressed "she will pay for this" chica mutters angrily and tightens her hand into a fist. Chica goes back to the stage. "Be right back I better get to the kitchen" he says getting up from the desk. "Why?" You say staring at your tablet acting like you don't care but you really do and you can tell. "Because you need to eat" Freddy says, smirking and walks toward to the hall and into the kitchen. "...did he notice my stomach makin-" your stomach growls quietly. "Yep, yep he did, and we were having a nice conversation" you say smiling.
As Freddy enters the kitchen he doesn't notice chica blonde hair and her blue eyes staring at him. "so why are you so..interested with the security guard Freddy?" Turning around to find chica looking at him. "Hello chica dear" Freddy smiles.

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