Chapter 8 Trust or love?

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You walk out of the pizzeria and you start walking to your home. 'He has no idea who he's messing with' you think to yourself. When you make it home you get dressed into a white mini skirt and white corset 'I can't believe I'm going to do this....Make him think I'm pure or something' you think to yourself as you brush your hair. You put on a [color] jacket and you put on black flats. 'Time to visit Freddy's' you think smiling at yourself. You go out from your house and start walking, when you get a call from Mike. "Hey mike what's up?" You say happily. You and mike had been friends since middle school. Let's just say you had a crush on him years back in middle school.
"Oh nothing I just heard you got a job at Freddy's? Like for night shift?" You nod but you realize he can't see it "uh Ya why?" You ask. "Well if you don't mind, can I be your coworker Plus we should celebrate at Freddy's because you got a job!" You smirk , "Ya sure mike meet me at Freddy's in 15 mins" you say smiling. "Hmm so that early...ok doll I'll meet you there" he says happily. You hang up. 'I think out of most people he's the only one I can truly trust, plus bonus I won't be alone tonight' you think while you walk in Freddy's. "Table for how many?" The counter lady says. "For two please" you say smiling. Freddy notices you and turns his head toward you. 'Table for she going to talk to a friend of hers' he thinks but then notices you wearing a mini skirt. The counter lady takes you to your table and you sit down when mike comes. Your grinning, 'he's so cute..." You think apparently other women think so too because they are staring at him. "Honey what are you looking at" a man says to his wife and turns toward her gaze. "No no no honey I'm your husband not him ok dear" he says smiling. "Ya ha whatever gramps" she says still staring at mike.

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