Chapter 12 So this is love?

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It was 4:45 and you and Freddy talk for a while. Freddy regains your trust. You check the cameras and you sigh. "Freddy...I brought a candy bar..." You say smiling a bit. "Why?" Freddy ask confused. "Well if I was going to kill you, might as well have something sweet after your dead to cheer me on" you say grinning. You get the chocolate bar out from your backpack and hand it to Freddy. Freddy places his hand on yours when you try to hand him the chocolate. "How about we both share it" he says smiling, it makes your heart flutter. You then notice that his hand isn't as cold anymore, it was warm. You had these feelings that you never felt about anybody. 'What is this feeling' your silent but Freddy gets the candy bar and unwraps it. He then breaks it and hands the second half to you. "For you dear" he says winking. You blush. "Don't flirt with me Freddy bear" you say smirking. "Freddy bear now is it? Hmm call me that again. I dare you" he says with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Freddy bear" he than gets up and picks you up from your chair and pins you to the wall. "Well I did warn you" he says smirking. You blush. "Freddy stop....please let me go" you say trembling a little. He loosens his grip and let's you go. 'Why did I do that?' He wonders and stares at you. 'Why did he so that?' You blush when you notice him staring at you. He blushes also and grins. "Dear it is 5:37 you better get your things ready so then you may leave" he says nodding at the direction of the pile of stuff you have. "Ya your right..." You nod and then start picking up your stuff. Freddy is staring at you. 'Am I....inlove with her?' He thinks. 'Even if I did it won't change the fact that I did kill her friend' he thinks. He feels guilty because he knows he lied to her again. When you turn around Freddy's lips are on yours. Your shocked but you take the kiss anyway. His lips are warm and soft. You kiss him back but then break the kiss so then you can breath. ..."I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to-" Freddy starts to say but you nod no."it's ok....I needed that." You say looking down blushing. Freddy looked down, blushing himself.
(Tell me if you want me to remake this Freddy x reader or to continue either way will be find lol
And thank you for reading this story it means a lot to me -RubiDoll101)

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