Journey to Haibei

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Valley of Peace

The Dragon Warrior and the Five had reached the village below the palace. It was late afternoon when they were just outside Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu, where 2 dads were busy.
Li Shan was outside the entrance sweeping when he caught sight of Po and the Five.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked thoughtfully and raised an eyebrow, while at the same time he had a small smile on his face.
"Oh, uh, yes. We've been sent on a mission to Nam Binh, the Imperial City." Po replied and Li's smile quickly disappeared.
"Huh, noo, please tell me you're just joking around... right?"
Po and Tigress shook their heads.
"No Po, don't leave, I just got to see you, and you know what just happened down there!" said the old panda.
"And what's going on here then?" asked another father, standing at the entrance.
"Mission, to the Imperial City." Po replied.
Ping immediately had flashbacks to when Po went to Gongmen. They weren't good flashbacks either. After the incident at Gongmen, he had had panic attacks at home. He didn't know if his son would return.

"Please say you'll come back unharmed." said Mr. Ping, almost sobbing, and waddled towards Po.
"I'll try."
"Good, here, take these." said the old goose, handing Po several yuan.
"I think you might need to stop and buy food somewhere, from the looks of it, I probably won't have enough time to make you guys any food." Ping said.
"Thanks Dad." "I love you both." Po said, hugging both dads tightly.

Po and the Five began to jog away a little cautiously when Li called out, "Po!"
They stopped and checked back.
"Good luck." Li said, sad that he lost time with his son.
Po nodded slightly cautiously and gave Li a smile, before turning back and continuing to jog, out of the village.

The six masters were now inside a forest, several miles away from the village.
"This is starting to feel like Gongmen all over again." said Monkey.
"Mhmm, creepy enough." Viper replied.
"Po, may I ask, how does it even feel to leave your fathers like that?" asked Mantis.
"It's horrendous." he replied, nodding his head a little slowly.
"I understand that." replied Mantis.

"Heh, that was something new." said Crane.
"What?" asked Mantis, looking at Crane in confusion.
"It's very rare that you talk like that." answered Crane, grinning a little.
"Just shut your beak," replied Mantis and looked away, towards the forest. That made Viper chuckle a little.
"You two are so funny when you're acting like that." she said, grinning.
"Hey guys, maybe we should focus. Po, pick up the map and check where we are." Tigress said, glaring at him.
Po let out a "Hmm" and pulled up the map. "Why did Shifu have to bring this overly sized map?" Po muttered, struggling to unfold the large map. Tigress grinned at him, something Po noticed. "Tigress, instead of standing there grinning, maybe you could perhaps, I don't know, help me?" Po asked.
Tigress immediately stopped grinning and immediately returned to her old self. "Sure, I'll help," she replied. After a few minutes they finally unfolded the far too large map, which Po immediately began to scan through.

"Let's see.. where are we now? We started at the Jade Palace, then the village, and through the bamboo forest, past some lakes..." Po continued, letting his finger follow along the map.
"Aha!" There we are! You see that big forest over there, a little east of the Valley of Peace?" asked Po.
"We see it." replied Monkey.
"Mm, maybe we could follow along that river beside it and we'll reach Nam Binh in no time!" Po said happily.
"Wait, weren't we going to Haibei?" asked Crane.
"Oh my bad, sorry, we'll have to change route."

"We could use the same river, it seems that it branches off a couple of miles before you reach Nam Binh. The branch actually takes us directly to Haibei. Awesome!" shouted Po, and began to fold the map again, with the help of Tigress.
Po and the Five continued through the forest and finally reached the great river. However, they couldn't find a boat nearby that could be rented, so they simply had to make their own boat.
It was close to evening when they finally managed to finish the boat, similar to the one they took to Gongmen. Po had wanted to do a lot of decorations and adjustments but the idea did not go through, as Tigress thought it was not "worth their time" as they would abandon the boat anyways when they reached Haibei.

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