Journey to Nam Binh

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After a night of snoring and dozing off, Tigress awoke to the sun rising and shining on her face. She looked over to see Po lying down, talking in his sleep, to which she smiled a little, then got up and went to look in the window.
No one was out in the village, except for a red panda meditating on his late master's staff in a small pond.

Tigress then went over to Po's side of the bed and gave him a little shake.
"Wake up, sleepyhead." she said. "We have a little trip today."
Po's eyes opened a little stiffly. "W-what?"
"I said we have a trip. To the Imperial City."
"Oh, right." he said, falling straight down with his face on the pillow. Tigress sighed and threatened him. "If you don't wake up, I'll do the wuxi finger hold on you." It made him bounce off the bed, which she smiled at.
"Please no..." he said and bowed.
"You remember that didn't work on spirit warriors right? You are a spirit warrior after all." she said.
"Oh, that's right, silly me, heh." he said, standing up.

"This thing about being a spirit warrior feels really weird." he said. "It feels like I shouldn't really be here, but yet here I am. It's hard to explain."
"You mean it feels weird to be here even though you died once." she replied, crossing her arms.
Po nodded. "Yes."
"Mhmm" she mumbled and headed for the door. "Never do anything like that again."
"I'll wake the others up. Shifu seems to already be down by a small pond down there, so you can go meet him. I'll explain my plan while we eat breakfast." she said and closed the door.

"Yeah," Po muttered, drumming his fingers.
"I'd better go down then," he said and went down. On the way down to the lobby he met a big and tired tiger.
"Hello *yawn* Po." Kang said.
"Hello. Are you tired?" Po asked. "Are you okay?"
"No, Yes, I'm fine. It's just soo early in the morning." he replied, yawning.
"Alright. Are you going to listen to Tigress' plan or?" asked the panda again.
"I thought so, I'm just curious to hear what she was thinking." Kang replied.
"Alright, see you out there then!" said Po, sprinting away.

Once down, Po got a view of Shifu, standing on his staff and meditating above a small pond.
Po walked forward a little cautiously through the grass and sat down calmly and quietly, trying to avoid disturbing Shifu.
"Good morning panda. Did you sleep well?" Master asked.
Po was a little shocked to hear that he knew exactly who was sitting just a few meters away from him. "Oh, well, I've slept well."
"Good." Shifu replied, continuing to meditate.

Po sat staring at Shifu and the staff to try and see if either of them trembled, which they didn't.
"Hey, Shifu, may I ask one thing?"
"And what is that?"
"How do you manage to end up in such perfect balance on that staff, without the slightest vibration in it?"
"First of all, this is Oogway's staff, and secondly, it requires good balance and good focus."

"Then I have a little challenge for you." Po said pointing up into the air.
"Challenge accepted."
"Try balancing on the little dot on my chi staff."
Po quickly made a small chi movement with his hands that caused a small yellow cloud to appear in between. From that yellow cloud, his chi staff formed.
"This is so effective. If I lose the staff, I can just do this. And I know what you're going to say, it drains my energy to do that, but this time it's not worth picking it up. I think I accidentally left it behind on the boat we took to Haibei, heh."

"That's not good, you better not waste energy unnecessarily." Shifu said jumping over to Po and taking his chi staff.
Shifu took a proper jump, dotting the staff in the water, and landed with careful precision on the small dot.
"Woooowwww..." "That's sooo cool."
Shifu then jumped back and replaced Po's chi staff with Oogway's old one.
"I prefer Master Oogway's old wooden staff." Shifu said looking away towards the castle.

There the Five, Kang, and Po's fathers appeared.
"Are you going to listen too?" Po asked his fathers.
"Yes, our presence is absolutely necessary for this mission, you're not going anywhere on empty stomachs!" said Mr. Ping, strutting around with a large bag on his back. "Let me take that." Li said, holding out his hand. The goose took off the bag and put it in Li's paw. "Thank you Li." replied the goose, exhaling.

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