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Po had.. Disappeared. He's, gone. Only thing remaining is presumably his blood, aswell as some pink petals around there too that the tiger had noticed. Was he still conscious after the strike..? Or had Oogway brought him up to the spirit realm or something?

It seems though that the most likely option was that he had risen and walked to some place.

But how? How did he tank that strike?
"Po's a warrior." Tigress whispered.
"They always rise up. Always."

"Come on" She alerted the others. "Let's move. We gotta find Po."
The Trio walked up the mountain until reaching the very top. There were hardly any trees at this altitude, but some still remained. This particular tree stood at the very top, almost resembling the Peach Tree back at home. 

Home.. The place everyone yearned to come back to, if they ever make it out of this alive, that is.

Tigress carefully let Viper and Shifu rest against one side of the tree, whilst Li put the other three at the opposite side of the tree. This tree stood atop a little plateau. They were pretty much safe. Noone could roll down during their **sleeping**

"Hey Crane, do you mind staying behind taking care of Li and the others until they wake up? I'm gonna look for Po." She said. "Alright, but be back, and.. Be careful." Crane answered.
"I will."

Tigress walked down the other side of the mountain, facing opposite of Nam Binh. This slope wasn't as steep as the other side, this one was mainly just.. A slope.

She looked around herself. She spotted another mountain top just a few hundred meters away, it was all the same mountain, different peaks.
This one also had a lonely tree at the edge. It was almost an exact replica of the peach tree. She stood at the side, looking down at the massive valley in front of her. She cleared her throat and uttered the small words: "Uhm.. Master Oogway? Are you there..?"
No answer.
*Sigh* "Something tells me that you are listening to me." She muttered. "Anyway, I just wanna tell that I am sorry for disturbing your eternal peace, but.. I need your guidance."


The only sound she heard was the wind atop the mountain top.

"Master Oogway? Are you there?"

She sat there in silence for a moment, looking down the mountain, the wind blowing past her small orange and pointy ears.

Tigress looked up the sky, which was beginning to turn darker by the minute, stars could soon start appearing. Small dots that perhaps were just like our own star. She looked up in hope for seeing the wise tortoise, that she didn't even notice a small pink petal landing on top of her head. Tigress shrugged it off. Then it got to her, that was probably his sign. "So you are listening." She murmured.

"Indeed I am." said a voice behind her, which sounded pretty peculiar. She turned around in hopes of seeing the founder of Kung Fu himself. And there he was, standing with a massive chi staff beside a tree. The tortoise slowly walked over to Tigress, who quickly got up and bowed. "Oh Please, don't do that.. Consider me a friend." Oogway said. "Oh, sorry." she answered and got back down. Tigress turned back to look at the valley below. She sensed Oogway walking up beside her. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Oogway asked. "Yeah." Tigress answered. She cleared her throat before speaking: "Listen, Master Oogway, I.. Need guidance."

"In what?" Oogway asked and sat down in a lotus position beside her.

"I don't know how we should defeat Huang, he seems unstoppable. And Po has vanished after being throwed into a mountain wall at very fast speed." She explained. "Please, Master, help me find Po at the very least."

Oogway remained silent for a while. "Do not worry, my friend. Po is in good hands."

"Wh- where is he?"

Kung Fu Panda 4: ConquestWhere stories live. Discover now