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Mute. Like Evelyn?
"But things took a turn for the worse when Voldemort tried to retake power, she tried to keep her away, but Regulus, you see, he didn't like it when he heard his wife was trying to leave with their daughter, I tried to help her and your parents but I was sent to Azkaban, all she cared about was protecting her daughter from them from him" Sirius stopped.

"So what happened?" asked Harry, his heart beating faster, he knew what he was going to say, yet he wanted to hear it.
"He decided to put an end to this, his loyalty got the best of him, as always, then suddenly one day when she was trying to run away once again, he caught her, he felt betrayed and heartbroken and he just couldn't contain it anymore, he cast the killing curse, not realizing their daughter hiding watching everything"

"Regulus noticed and grabbed the child away, he killed her daughter's mother, his wife, her partner in crime, there was no turning back, he began to realize all the things he'd done. I thought he had changed for the better, that he was going to do good but he had other plans in mind. He was dangerous and so he decided to send the girl away to live away with their fake relatives, and made them not even to mention their names ever again till it was time. The small girl never uttered a word."

Sirius began to pace around admiring the walls, the memories began to flood back to what he had when he was younger when he was happier.
"What was her name," asked Harry.
"His wife" he explained.

Sirius stared at the boy, hesitating whether to answer or not.
"Alexandria Blackwood"
"Blackwood?" asked Harry.

"As in Evelyn Blackwood, your niece?" Harry's heart began beating fast. That's why. He had heard his niece was alive all this time and finally she was here.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what had happened to her I thought she was gone for good until you told me her name earlier today, and I just couldn't believe it"

"Does she know what happened?" "Does Misses Weasley and Arthur know?" He nodded.
"How come I never knew this?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"Although her mother was silent, she was strong. Evelyn's mother did everything in her power to keep her away from all the cruelness in this world, she didn't even just put Black as her last name in fear they'd come looking for her" Sirius kept explaining.

"Does your brother know that she's here, that she's at Hogwarts" Harry had a million questions to ask Sirius but decided not to and ask them later on.
"What about the Malfoy's, won't they tell?" he went on.
"I don't quite know, but I know for sure that the Malfoy's knowledge of what happened and hasn't done anything yet which is good"

"Knowing how her personality is, I doubt they would do something to hurt her, especially that Malfoy kid, but Lucius, I know he's up to something and I'll figure it out"explained Sirius, Harry slowly rolled his eyes at the sound of the blonde Malfoy being brought up.

"I can't imagine what would happen if they did, but I know for sure that my brother has begun to look for her"
"All this going on at the Ministry and with Umbridge, I kind like feel like he's planning something maybe taking her away, who knows"

Sirius sighed and walked closer to Harry placing both of his hands on the boy's shoulder. The boy's heart ached at the thought of the girl being taken away.

"Harry, you must protect her, I would've done it myself but I'm not in the best position to do so, so I'm putting you in charge, I know how you feel about her, I could see it in your eyes boy, when you introduced me to her, now you must not let anyone know she's here, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and I, we'll talk about this later" said Sirius.

"Yes, sir" Harry nodded.
"Alright then, too much storytelling for you, go to bed tomorrow morning you leave" Sirius whooshed the boy away.
"Harry" called out Sirius.

"Promise me you'll take care of her, she's the only family I have and now that I know she's alive, I don't want anything to happen to her" pleaded Sirius.
"I promise, not even a scratch" nodded Harry.

"Ok good off to bed" but before Harry could say anything, a small creek was heard outside.




Sorry for the short chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it and make sure to like it ❤️

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