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There was a moment of silence for Harry and Evelyn as they both shared confused glances. Is he serious? Thought Harry.

"Well we're both so happy for you, truly" Harry slowly backed off the bed towards Evelyn, Ron trailed behind.
"You think she knows I exist?" Ron asked.
"Well I surely do hope so, she's been snogging you for about three months. I've kind of grown annoyed with her to be quite frank." He admitted.

"Hey don't say that!" He stood up.
"Okay I'm sorry"
"Stalking? Who are you talking about?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows, jealousy growing in him.

"Who are you talking about?"
He's talking about Romilda Vane, Harry. Evelyn took hold of his hand and sat next to him.
"Romilda Vane of course"

"Okay now that's very funny" Harry chuckled. Harry stood up and threw the empty box of chocolate at his friends, hitting Harry on his left shoulder.

Evelyn closed her eyes and Harry in an instant tried to cover her with his body, " You almost hit her, calm down! What was that for?" asked Harry as he stood up defensively.

"It's not a joke. I'm in love with her!" Ron snapped.
"Fine, you're in love with her. Have you ever actually even met her?" Harry snapped back, Evelyn looked down and held back a smile, this was too chaotic for her.

"No. Can you introduce me?"
"He's serious" Harry turned to Evelyn with a disbelief look. Evelyn looked at Ron and back to Harry, she tilted her head at him, signaling him to take him somewhere.
Take him. She signed.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows not understanding, Evelyn reached for his hand again, Take him to Slughorn. It's your chance to speak with him. She let go and walked towards Ron who was still stuck in a daze, she gently grabbed him by his arm and guided him back to Harry.

Take him.
"Ok yeah. Come on Ron I'll introduce you to Romilda Vane. Come on before it's too late" They both turned to the door. Harry turned his head around, " Well be back soon." He smiled.

Evelyn slightly nodded, Harry gave her girlfriend another look before letting go of Ron and walking back to her. He placed both of his hands on her cheeks, his right hand taking her glasses off.

He stared into her eyes, " I'll be right back. Okay go to bed, love you" he gave her one last goodbye kiss and walked out.

Evelyn made her way to Harry's bed looked under the bed and looked through his chest. She noticed she hadn't brought enough of her clothes, so she took a small sigh and walked out of the common room and towards hers.

She quietly roamed the lonely hallways of the castle, walked up to her common room, and made her way inside. She entered and noticed most students had gotten to bed, she walked to her dorm and noticed Luna sleeping comfy.

A small smile plastered across her smile as she dreamed, Evelyn always wondered what she dreamed about that had her smiling and giggling. Sometimes she'd wonder where she'd run off to in the middle of the night.

She gathered her stuff into her side bag, stuffing it with her necessities, and walked out. As she walked her she began to feel a headache on the top right of her forehead.

It's happening again. She thought.

The pain became unbearable, and her body especially her arm began to feel as if she was set on fire. Her legs became numb and she fell to her knees, unable to sustain herself. Tears began forming in her eyes, she didn't want to hurt anymore, Evelyn held onto her hair, her mouth wide open but no sound came out.

She was finally able to catch a small glimpse of her arm, and her eyes widened. There it was, no other than the Dark Mark slowly appearing on her arm, tears began to pour even more. She held her hand over her mouth, butting her wrist to sustain the pain.

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