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Why did you lie?❞

❝I'm being dead serious

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I'm being dead serious. I think I just shit my pants"

❝No it can't be! There must be another way to destroy it without her getting hurt

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No it can't be! There must be another way to destroy it without her getting hurt.❞

❝It's the only way❞

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It's the only way❞



Evelyn and her friend's worlds are turned upside down once they enter their last year at Hogwarts, if possible.

I present to you
Harry Potter
and the
Deadly Hallows

Like I said from Act 2 I will try and make more longer chapters for your guys inconveniences! Plus I think longer chapters are better as well and I just want to make it worth the wait. lol

Thank you guys for 11k viewsssss.!!!!!!!
Love all of you guys.
That's CRAZY, I literally thought I was going to be writing this for no one but thank you guys for reading this crap lol and keeping up with my shitty writing I will get better I promise.

Please COMMENT, FOLLOW AND VOTE. It brightens my days lol when I see that. Leave all your guys thoughts.
Just to keep in mind. Evelyn now communicates with
TOUCH and mind, she can read people's thoughts, make them see what she wants them to see. She can siphon pain from anyone she encounters, she's a HORCRUX. Her father is Regulus Acturus Black/Sirius niece.  Her mother is Alexandria Blackwood, she was killed by Evelyn's father

When you read this book you'll just have to wait and see what happens?


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