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Evelyn slowly walked up to the dying man, there laid Snape across from her. A pool of blood beneath his body, her eyes watered once again, her tears stinging her eyes turning them red but she didn't dare blink.

She swallowed walking closer to him, oh Severus.
She sat on her knees, her small warm hands stained with Lavender's blood making its way towards his bleeding neck. There was a large laceration on the left of his neck. It just wouldn't.

She placed her hands against his neck hoping to stop the bleeding and heal the wound. Warmness radiated from her body- "No." He murmured.

"Don't" he shakingly pulled her hands away, and she shook her head not taking a no for an answer. "You've done enough." He looked at Harry.

Tears falling uncontrollably, "Th-ank you for looking af-ter he-r" a small tear slipped out the corner of his eyes. "Take them. Please, take them." He said. Harry turned to Hermione who rummaged through her pouch and pulled a small clear jar.

Harry crouched down next to him and carefully took his tears. "Take them to the pensieve," he said. For a last time he stared at the boy's bright blue eyes, he had his mother's eyes. His father's look. But it was Harry himself that made Harry Potter.

"Go" he said to them glancing back up at the girl. Harry stood back up reaching to help the girl, but she quickly shook him off. "N-no. I'll stay" she said looking up.

Harry slowly stood up with a small okay, "You know where we'll be" he said walking back to his friends, they said they're byes to the girl. A moment of silence filled the room, Snape spoke up first.

"After all these years you never lost her looks," said Snape looking at the girl's features. The girl shook her head not wanting to talk about her, "I'm s-sorry for- n-or s-stopping h-im. I knew h-he was l-oo-"

"Shh." She placed her soft bloody hands over his mouth yet not touching him. "D-don't cry" he choked up. She looked up, her head began aching. She held onto her head, her hair falling on top of her face.

"I-t hurts" she bit her lip. Another tear rolled down his cheek, I want to show you something. She raised her head in shock, never had she ever been able to look or hear into Severus' mind and thoughts. He had never let anyone in years, till now.

He shook his head slightly, she moved her hand to his shoulder, her mind and eyes going blank. Then he showed her everything, just how it happened.

A young boy with dark medium hair lay on the outskirts of the castle, a brunette-haired girl lay next to him. The young boy who looked white as a ghost and soulless reminded her so much of Snape, he pointed towards the bright blue sky, but the words were not audible for her to hear.

The girl next to him only smiled and watched the boy's gestures. The memory changed and this time they were by a river, where Evelyn and Harry shared their first kiss, the two now teenagers seemed much older, and the girl that Evelyn was able to recognize was her mother dancing.

A young teenager Severus sat on a rock watching the girl dance around, he had a vacant stare on his face. He always did, Alexandria inched closer and forced the young boy to dance along with her. At first, he refused but gave up in minutes, a wide smile on his face, they danced and danced until the sky fell dark and it was just the two of them in the world

Another memory was the Youth Ball. Alexandria walked down the castle's main stairs, she wore a dark green dress and black high heels, Severus watched as she walked down. He was awed at the sight of the girl, the way her hair sat perfectly behind her ear in a bun, he never would've been here in the first place if it wasn't for her. She only needed to ask and he would've given her the world if he could.

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