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4 hours later vocal training is over now I realized being a vocalist is hard and takes time to master your voice, that's why I choose rap so I don't need to go high up in octave and probably strain my vocal cord. Before I left for my home there was a sudden meeting about the upcoming schedule, I almost fainted looking at how full mine is and Treasure's concert is coming up which means I would see them every day for dance lessons even if it was just self-practice.

"I feel like I'm going to work my leg soon," I told Hyunsuk. "I know I'm one of the best dancers in YG and everyone needs me but after the concert is over you have to treat me to something special."

"I will, you should go before it starts raining soon," Hyunsuk said. "See you tomorrow, call me when you get home." I went first and then to Treasure's car. Today has been a long day and Valkyrie is going to be excited to see me home again but before I go home I stop by the pet store because today the pet toy is on sale and Valkyrie is probably going to love the new one. "Val, I'm home and I got you a new toy."

She happily ran to me with a smile and I tossed her new toy. It still feels weird living by myself but I do enjoy it. It feels so much better getting out of the work clothes, tomorrow I have to wear casual clothes and the requirement for female workers is to wear a skirt but because of my accident, I get an excuse to wear pants. I wonder how Hyunsuk is going to react to me wearing a suit. Also, my schedule is free tomorrow but somehow I was scheduled to practice for a song cover. I do know how to sing but it is not my thing.


Today's a good day. I talk to Sunshine after 5 years and she is happy about it. Tomorrow is a break day and I am probably going to sleep in or do something fun but I still have a schedule at the end of the day.

"Hyung, you are so happy today," Doyoung said. "You like her, don't you?" I nodded slightly and everyone made a noise. This was my first time liking someone and I don't know what to say about it.

"Hyung has a crush on our dance teacher," Jeongwoo said. "Does she know about this?" I shake my head no and everyone sighs, I'm not a good person to tell especially someone I like and she is one of the staff.

"I don't know how to say it," I said. "It would be weird to like one of the staff and she is our dance teacher, maybe I should tell her later."

The minute I got home I went to bed to lie down, it has been a long day and I just want to sleep but Hyunsuk hyung and the other members couldn't keep quiet. Everything went quiet until Hyunsuk hyung cheered loudly because of something.

"Guys, I asked Sunshine tomorrow if she wants to go to an amusement park together and she said yes," hyung cheered loudly. "It has been a long time since we went somewhere together but this time it's kinda like a date, maybe."

I feel a bit sad but it's okay since she only considers me as a treasure member and nothing more, sometimes I wish I can be like Hyunsuk hyung but that is too much to ask. After the happy news, Hyung told everyone to go to their room and rest while I help him with clothes for tomorrow out with Sunshine.

"Hyung, stop stressing about it," I said. "Everything is going to be fine, she will love it but how do you get her to trust you?"

"Just try to get closer to her, spend more time," hyung said. "The reason I got her to trust me is I'm addicted to coffee and she stops me from drinking too much. I don't know if that works for you but just try to be around her and kinda like to care for her a bit."

"I will try but when should I tell her I like her," I said. "Don't want to rush it but at the same time I don't want to wait longer than it is."

"Take time, I'm not going to steal her," hyung said. "She is just my best friend, nothing else, I believe in you Jihoon. Maybe get along with her dog first, that is what I did."

After talking for a while I thanked him and went back to my room. I will try my best to get closer to Sunshine but I don't know if I will succeed or not. She kinda trusts me today during lunch when her ex-boyfriend shows up again causing trouble but the feeling was still awkward, I think I'm making progress.

I was a bit bored so I decided to walk around for a bit since it was already dark. The Han river would be pretty right now, while I was walking enjoying the nice weather a motorcycle went by fast next to me and they stopped far in the front.

I was about to go up and talk to them but they left quickly after turning around and looking at me. A couple of minutes later I arrived at the Han river and the same bike was there. To my surprise, it was a girl and she kinda looks like Sunshine so I called out her name and she looked at me.

"Jihoon, what are you doing here?" she asks. "The Han river is pretty at night, right?" I nodded and sat down next to her. "Did Hyunsuk tell you he was going out with me?"

"Yes," I said a bit quietly. "What are you doing here? Don't you have a meeting tomorrow early in the morning?"

"Yes but I like to spend time here because this is where I met my first boyfriend," she said. "Valkyrie loves this spot but she couldn't come with me tonight, her caregiver is at home with her."

I stayed quiet for a while until I remembered what Hyunsuk hyung told me, he said 'Get her a drink or something nice or maybe ask her for a private dance lesson'.

"Um, Sunshine, do you want to walk around the river together?" I ask. She nodded and I was happy, there was a shack of snacks and I went up to buy some food but she denied it because she won't eat after 9:00 pm and it was already about to be 10 pm.

"As a pro dancer and dance teacher I don't eat after 7:00 pm, only water is allowed," she said. "That is why I'm fit for a lot of things and some company model has scouted me. I decline."

I bought her water because it was tiring and for some reason, her ex-boyfriend appeared again, he always wanted to cause trouble.

"Look who we have here again," the guys said. Before he could say anything his probably new girlfriend dragged him away.

"Sorry for the trouble," the new girlfriend said. "After what happened in high school he was a bit mental and crazy. I tried to tell him to take his medicine but he kept declining."

She bowed and left with the guy, I walked her back to her bike and she volunteered to drive me home.


Chapter 7 is finished. I feel like Sunshine is opening up to Jihoon and is willing to move on, what do you think?

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now