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I got called up early because of practice and tomorrow is the last tour concert before the break. I don't know if I'm going to cry while saying my speech, this tour was the best and most memorable. It still feels like a dream that I'm the first member to go public about my relationship with Sunshine, before leaving the stage practice I went to see her and she was still sleeping. I kissed her before leaving, making the member tease me on the way there. They don't understand how much I love her.

"Hyung, when you get married, invite us," Junghwan said. "Teume can be the flower dog that will represent all of us and our fans but here is a question: when are you planning to get married?"

"It's still too early," I said and hit him slightly. "Let's wait before I ask her, I don't want to make it a rush." The drive to the set was quick since no one was up at 5:00 am and going to the practice area, and most of the makeup staff were already there. The dance teacher comes later and answers if there are any questions. I hope the last concert goes well and I'm excited about the vacation time. In the end, the manager asked us to practice our speech and I started to tear up. Most of the time fans prepared gifts or surprised us and I wonder what it will be like this time.


I woke up later than Treasure and Jihoon left me a note, he also left me food for breakfast and my favorite drink. After eating a good meal I left for work, Jihoon greeted me with a smile and waved before leaving for another rehearsal. For today the other dance teacher is in charge so I get a break, while they are rehearsing I sat in the audience to experience the feel of their fans.

"Excuse me Sunshine," Jihoon said through his microphone. "How does it feel like sitting down there? Also, can you stop eyeing me like a hawk?" I laugh a bit and use the microphone next to me.

"It's pretty fun," I said. "It feels different sitting down here and also I wasn't eyeing you Jihoon I was watching your move carefully." I told him to continue his practice after the practice is over until the setup team appears, and I just need to monitor. While I was standing there Jihoon whispered something to my ear and left, which somehow made me smile widely. After sitting up, Jihoon was waiting for me at the front of the concert hall. I was a bit confused since he didn't tell me there was a plan today.

"Since today is our last tour and I have a whole vacation with you," he said. "Follow me, I will show you something." I walk alongside him while holding his hand. Today Jihoon is happier than before. The walk wasn't long, he covered my eyes while leading me with his other hand leading me toward a couple of trees ahead. I heard some music but it was a love song, after a while, Jihoon removed his hand from my eye and I saw it. "For the past month, I gathered up all the pictures we took together and someone took selfie pics from you. Fans adore you on stage with us and I want to announce for this last tour please perform with us, here is a little gift for you."

I opened it and it was a couple of necklaces plus a bracelet, he hugged me tightly and everyone in the back cheered. Somehow he got the manager and staff into this along with his other members, after hugging for a while the bus came to pick us up.


After getting back to the hotel everyone gathers in Sunshine's room for Weverse live together, this is the first time fans see everyone together with Sunshine. Everyone is excited about the last tour concert, there will be a surprise but nobody knows since only fans and Sunshine know.

"What should we do?" I ask everyone. Our schedule is clear for the rest of the day, so hanging out in Sunshine's room is the best.

"I have a rap and dance evaluation to do," she said. "You can do whatever you want just don't trash my room, my parents are not happy when I leave it messy."

The only thing I knew to do is sleep but I needed to be more relaxed since the members were annoying and loud. Hyung most of the time calms them down but he enjoys seeing them like this. I was still awake 🫶when she walked out of the room. From her mood, the evaluation probably didn't go well and she was disappointed in the trainee."

"So, how did it go?" I ask. "Did they do good?" She shakes her head no and sighs, the evaluation was on her computer and I read it. My eyes were shocked by all the ratings she gave of the bad rap and dance performance. "Now I know why you sometimes eye us like a hawk."

Hyung, Yoshi, and Haruto came over to listen and they also thought it was bad. I feel bad for her since she spends time training them but it turns out they don't have any energy to get it over with, she lays down next to me and I hug her tight.

"What will happen to the one who doesn't pass this evaluation?" I ask. "Will they get removed from the training team?" She nodded, this reminded me of the time when I was still a trainee. Someone got removed because the manager thought it wouldn't fit the group style.

"The manager will have a discussion when I get back to Korea about this, there is a low chance he will give them a second chance but the chance of getting removed is high," she said. "That is why I'm strict on dancing and rap because I want them to succeed, whenever you eye you closely or other members there always will be a reason." Listening to her talk made me sleepy and I fell asleep next to her. I know she is not sleeping yet.


The story is almost over and I'm excited to start the other one soon. I hope everyone enjoys this one.

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