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Skip time to the last tour stop


Today the tour stop is Vietnam. It has been a long time since I have been here, the last time I visited was when the private concert hall was being built and my parents wanted to go see it so I went with them.

"Woah, the concert hall is so pretty," Hyunsuk said. "Fancy sitting for Teume, pretty light and decoration, and the curtain." After visiting the concert hall the bus driver took us directly to the hotel. This time Jihoon's room isn't next to mine anymore, I got my fancy room because my parents own this hotel. It feels so good laying on your bed and having a private room to yourself, this floor only has 5 suites and I own one but not a lot of people order suits since it is expensive.

While I was laying on the couch there was a knock on the door and it was Jihoon, he looked happy to see me and was shocked at how big the room was.

"Big room, rich and young," Jihoon said. "Oh, I'm here to give you this. Tomorrow is set up the day after our rehearsal and the day after is the concert. Since we got here late there is not a lot of time to do anything."

"The manager chose this hotel because it is the closest to the music venue," he said. "Do you want to go shopping? Other members want to go, it would be fun." I nodded and followed him downstairs to the bus, everyone was at the front waiting, looking excited to go and have fun before the concert since I know a bit of Viet language I will probably be the translator.


To me, the Viet language sounds interesting and fun to learn but it does sound hard at the same time. There were a lot of stores but nothing caught my attention because this was my first time here and I don't know what to look for.

"There are perfumes here, Burberry or Versace has a good smell," she said. "I will pay for this shopping trip, don't worry about the money. Just enjoy, you all work hard." Hyung was excited to smell perfume while other members stand around with Sunshine after choosing for a while

Breaking news: Treasure and Sunshine have been seen walking around Diamond plaza but the surprising part is that Sunshine is paying for the stuff, she bought Jihoon and Hyunsuk Versace perfume.

"You are so rich," I teased her a bit with my eye. Some members are disgusted by that. Everyone follows Sunshine because she is the only person who knows where to go, she stops by Pandora for jewelry. "You wear jewelry?"

"Yes, I order a lot of things here and it's time for me to pay to pick them up," she said. I was shocked because of the total price, 10 items total of more than 2000 dollars. "Okay let's go."

After getting jewelry at Pandora everyone looked tired and wanted to go home, the weather in Vietnam is different from others making it hard for us to adapt. I'm curious about the Pandora jewelry, who is Sunshine buying it for? 10 people which means it has to be a group, it could be us or any trainee or gift for the team but I feel like it is for us and I appreciate it.


Today has been a long day, the flight was early this morning and landed here in the middle of the day. The minute I open my hotel door I jump on the bed immediately while Jihoon sneakily goes in, he was supposed to be visiting the set again but somehow he got the manager's permission to skip out of it. Another breaking news appears and this one includes all Treasure in it.

Breaking news: Some fans took a picture of Sunshine buying Pandora jewelry with Jihoon while other members left to visit another place, they look like a true couple picking out things and walking out together. How big is the bag, fans predict she bought more than 10 items which probably cost more than 1000 dollars total.

"Woah fans love you," he said. "My rich girlfriend." Jihoon snuggles me but I try to push him away a bit.

"I need to do my work, you can stay here just don't bother me," I said. Even though I'm on a tour I still have to do my rapper evaluation of trainees, most of them have improved a lot, some still struggle but they will get it one day. An hour later when I looked over, Jihoon was sleeping peacefully next to me, he looked so cute. I won't be able to sleep at night if I sleep now so play on my phone while letting him rest, this is the last tour before vacation which means I can show them my house.

"Jihoon," I whisper. "Your phone is ringing." He didn't listen so I shook him. "Manager is calling!"

He picked up his phone and Yoshi called him, after calling I got pulled to look at him.

"I would be mad but I love you," he said. "Yoshi asked where am I since he was in his hotel room, did you plan this with him?" I nodded and started laughing, he almost kicked me off the bed. "Imma go but before I go I wanted to say I love you a lot, even back then I already started liking you but I ended up hurting you. I'm truly sorry and I promise to not let anyone hurt you."

I hugged him tightly and started crying, the way he treats me is different than anyone else. Yoshi called again but this time something important about the concert, he kissed me before leaving.


When I got into Hyunsuk's room everyone look at me weirdly because I was crying a bit.

"Did you cry?" Yoshi whispered. "I think the manager is going to talk about something related to your relationship."

The meeting starts and I already know something is not right, he never calls an emergency meeting before the concert.

"Jihoon I know you love Sunshine a lot but your popularity is growing and I don't want your relationship to be ruined if," he said. "This vacation is long because I want to give everyone a break before upcoming busy schedules. I hope you have a lovely time with Sunshine. Please don't hurt our precious dance teacher."

The meeting was short and quick, I didn't go over to Sunshine because it was dark and she need sleep.

"Jihoon, after the day you confess to Sunshine you change a lot," Yoshi said. "She changed you, were you asleep when I called you?"

"Yea," I said. "I should go sleep with her again." I was about to go when Yoshi stopped me. "I forgot tomorrow we have an early rehearsal."


Chapter 26 is finished. The story almost ends.

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now