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Today is a work day again after what happened yesterday. It is going to be hard to ignore Hyunsuk and the other members but I need to focus on my job and not get into any rumors with Treasure. I arrive early and greet everyone happily, a few minutes later Treasure arrives. I was talking to the front desk so they walked past without noticing me. I feel weird and awkward but it's going to be normal soon.

They were already stretching and when I walked in they greeted me like how my trainee does. Today's practice is bang bang bang for the upcoming concert cover. As normal I sit and watch for detail and stop when something is wrong but today everything seems okay except for the last part, some members got it but others didn't.

"Let's do it again," I said, making them sigh. "Your manager probably told you all the dance and vocal teachers will be strict because of the upcoming concert and you would want to perform best for Teume."

The dance practice continues after the first song is finished and it breaks. During this time I usually watch previous recordings of the next song or just sit around and wait. The next song is hello and it is not easy but this time their sync was perfect and everything looked clean, then the song finished just right in time for the lesson. They thanked me and left just like any other group.


Today was weird. Sunshine is more strict and watching carefully which puts me under a lot of pressure, I don't want to disappoint her and my teammate. There was a break before vocal/rap practice. I wonder if she was going to sit and watch but this time she was going out with someone I think. When I was walking to the vocal room I saw a guy waiting for her at the front of YG before she rushed out with two helmets and handed him one.

"Hyunsuk hyung," I said. "Does Sunshine have any friends besides you?" He nodded and told me the whole story. Now I know the guy who went with her was a stepbrother from Ikon named Bobby. It was a complicated reason but hyung also said after he got married his wife and Sunshine are best friends. "It's complicated because I think her mom has two husbands and they were both born at different places or their bloodline is somehow related. Fans don't care about the sibling, they are used to it now."

For today rap starts first since the last time vocal practice first, I'm still confused about Sunshine and Bobby so I look up the situation and when it happen the world was going crazy. There was a news article that said: Ikon Bobby and YG dancer Sunshine have revealed they are step-siblings for complicated family reasons. I shouldn't worry too much about this since it is not my problem and there was noise and talking out in the front because I usually walk outside after my practice is finished, I watch her arrive back to YG without Bobby or any fan following.


After the dance practice is over Bobby asks if I want to get lunch together and I agree, it has been a long time since we eat lunch or even hang out. After he got married and had a kid things started to get busy with him but I don't mind since he has his own family and Bobby is being Bobby even though his wife sometimes reminds him to be a gentleman and drive his sister but he makes me drive him everywhere when we go together.

For today we decided to eat some BBQ and catch up on life. I know he is going to ask me about my rumor even though he is not my actual brother but he does act like one sometimes.

"So, in conclusion," he said. "Are you still friends with Hyunsuk?" I shake my head no, he understands fans are tough and annoying sometimes. "I know it's hard for you and him but you have me, my wife, and my son. How Val?"

"Val, she is in the vet hospital," I said. "While I was in Jeju with Treasure, the caregiver called me saying Val is in critical condition. Yesterday, when I went to visit the doctor, they said she was past the critical condition but they didn't know when she was going to wake up." It was quiet and I could see Bobby looking sad and about to cry. Val is his favorite dog while Dark is mine but since he is busy now Val has been staying with me. After eating he told me to stop by the boba place for him to get something for his wife and that is so nice of him also he got me boba too, he wanted to visit Val so we went together hoping Val would hear his voice and wake up.

"Hey, Val," he said while I tried to not cry again. "It's me, I know I don't visit you a lot but please wake up. It has been hard for me, mostly Sunshine." His voice didn't wake her up and that made me cry again. "Let's go, can you take me home to my family?" The drive was quiet, he didn't say anything more than going to cry when I got to his home. His wife was waiting and she brought their baby out too. "Cya later Sunshine today was fun."

I ignored his goodbye and went straight to his baby and wife. I could hear him sigh and try to tell me to go back because there was another dance practice with Treasure soon. I don't know how he didn't notice my outfit until right now and his wife pointed out something causing him to rush inside and bring me one of his shirts.

"I still can't believe you have a dance practice with this kind of shirt," he said. "I'm cool with Hyunsuk but Jihoon and other treasure members I'm not. You don't have to return it, good luck with your dance lesson." I gave him and his wife a hug before driving back and hoping I would get there in time for the Treasure dance lesson. There was still a time when I arrived so I changed my shirt quickly and rushed to the dance room.

They greet me again nicely and the dance practice begins. I ask everyone to dance their whole choreography from the beginning to the end with a bit of break-in between.


She wore a different shirt than this morning's practice, this shirt is bigger than her and it looks like a male t-shirt. It could be from Bobby hyung but what made him give her this shirt? I went to ask Hyunsuk hyung during our break and he said that Bobby hyung shirt.

"Jihoon, why are you still worried about her?" Hyung asked. "We need to focus on our tour and nothing else." I agree with him and dance practice continues.


Chapter 13 is finished. This chapter concept is a bit random and includes Bobby and his family. Do you think Jihoon will confess to her on their tour? Will Bobby be okay with Jihoon liking Sunshine?

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now