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After the two youngest members finish washing dishes I walk inside the cottage to see Jihoon and Sunshine sleeping next to each other, they look so cute but I need both of them to wake up. I also notice Sunshine isn't wearing her knee brace so I rush to get it before waking her up, praying hard that she doesn't get mad at me.

Her face was shocked when she realized how close she was to Jihoon and Jihoon didn't react to anything.

"How long was I asleep for?" she asks me and shrugs. "I remember exploring the forest with him and then falling asleep on the couch but I don't remember being this close to Jihoon."

"Jihoon!" I yelled. "Wake up!" He almost fell off the couch, still sleepy. "The manager asks for everyone to gather up since it is about to be nighttime, I wonder how you two are going to sleep peacefully tonight."

I help Sunshine put on her knee brace and walk out together, both of them are still sleepy and not fully awake, especially Jihoon. The manager talk for a bit after that over movie times and today I was unlucky enough to let Junkyu win since he will choose a scary movie. The scary movie was The exorcist and somehow Sunshine look excited to watch it. I sat next to Sunshine and Jihoon hoping I wouldn't get too scared.

The movie started and I already got a weird feeling but I try to not think about it, the first jump scare happen and I scream loud plus Jihoon's voice makes Sunshine look annoyed. The part where the girl was shaking scared me badly and when the girl stabbed herself also scared me, as sometimes I try to hide behind Sunshine.

Quick author note: The movie they are watching is the exorcist, as for me it isn't that scary but everyone else it could be so some parts here are exactly in the movie.

An hour later the movie is finished and I was tired from screaming but Sunshine still has the same reaction. She is weird about watching scary movies. I left for my room and lay down not knowing if Haruto would come too but he had to goof off before going to sleep. I know Sunshine is already in bed because I have been annoying her about scary movies through text and her simple answer was 'I'm different'. That makes me want to go yell at her but it's night time and I'm not the type to be angry at night.

A few minutes later Haruto went inside our share room, he looked tired and I'm glad he did. Young people have way too much energy at night and old people get tired easily.


That scary movie was funny. I don't know why Jihoon and Hyunsuk scream so much, I sat next to the guy who screams the loudest. My eardrum probably blew already and now it is at peace, I get to enjoy my time looking at monitor dance practice and probably Facetime Valkyrie's caregiver.

I call Val's caregiver and she picks up immediately saying Valkyrie misses me a lot and the doctor just responds with her medication. I was worried about hearing that but she told me that when I returned home, the whole cottage was quiet and it sensed a weird feeling of someone watching. Maybe the movie has affected me and now I'm scared but nothing can stop me from sleeping.


I woke up early today hoping to get some peacetime and fresh air but Sunshine was already sitting by the swing, and there was a tear forming in her eye. I hesitated a bit before coming up to her and on the next swing, she didn't notice but I brought her some tissue.

"Sunshine, are you okay?" I ask. "You can tell me everything, I will listen. Should we sit over there to talk easier?" I walk over there slowly while waiting for her to get her emotions together.

"This morning the caregiver just announced to me Valkyrie was in the hospital," she said while tears fell from her eyes. "Valkyrie is in critical condition, I would go home but the caregiver said I would pass out after hearing how badly Valkyrie is injured. Jihoon I don't know what to do now."

"Let's hope for the best for Val past the critical condition," I said. I let her head lean on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Val doesn't want to know you are sad and crying hard."

I stayed in the same position for a while until she felt better and got up to walk around, I understood how she felt. Today is our last day here and we fly back early tomorrow morning then I won't see Sunshine a lot again, my feelings for her aren't a lot but I love having her around.

After a few minutes, Hyunsuk Hyung and the other members appear out of the cottage, they look happy and excited about today's adventure. For today the manager said there will be another hike but this time it is to farm food for tonight's dinner and catch fish, I still remember how I failed to catch fish yesterday.

"Everyone will be in pairs and since Sunshine can participate she will be watching and telling if enough food or not," the manager said. "She will be in charge, in this bucket will be a challenge. Sunshine will pick and call out who would do this the best."

Hyunsuk hyung walks first and I follow behind the other members. Sunshine probably made me catch fish because she was happy about how I failed yesterday. I could hear everyone grunt when we arrived at the open field with plants and vegetables with a big stream for fish, Sunshine gathered everyone up to talk.

"Okay, so I will divide everyone," I said. "There will be two members catching fish, picking vegetables, picking pumpkins/spices, and the last room washing vegetables. Here is the group: Me, Jihoon, and Hyunsuk catching fish. Yoshi and Junkyu picking vegetables. Jaehyuk, Asahi, and Haruto pick pumpkins and other spices. Doyoung, Jeongwoo, Junghwan washing vegetables and spices. Let's get to work."

I walked over to the stream with Hyunsuk and Sunshine. She wasn't paying attention to us and started to take a picture.

"Should we have a competition?" she asks. "Who catches the most fish wins." When the match began I could feel her happiness seeing us having fun and struggling. I know Hyunsuk Hyung wanted her to be happy and enjoy the time with us and forget about the past. She took pictures of us and I smiled while struggling with a fish. I slipped and fell which made her laugh hard.

The competition is not going great. I didn't catch any fish. Neither did Hyunsuk hyung but Sunshine is enjoying it so I continued. 20 minutes later I caught my first fish but I accidentally let it go.

The timer rang and it timed up. I caught a bunch of tiny fish while Hyunsuk hyung caught a big one. Everyone looks so tired walking back to the cottage place, the manager is so nice about not making us cook the food.


Chapter 10 is finished. How do you think Sunshine's parents will react to Jihoon?

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now