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Dinner yesterday was great but today is different. The company told us to pack for the trip early since hyung said we needed to go there 5 days before the concert, they also said there was free time but I don't know if I could spend time with Sunshine.

"Hyung, you should get matching clothes with her," Haruto said. "Or a couple like, I know you haven't confessed yet but need to be prepared." He is right. I should get matching things since I feel like she likes me too. I wonder what type of clothes she will bring because I want to match the style after the day I confess. From all of the dance practice and hanging out together I could tell baggy pants are her style with tight shirts or maybe that's just what the dancer wears. Hyung probably knows since he has been friends with her for a long time already.

"Do you know where Hyung is?" I ask Yoshi. "There is something I need to ask him." Before I called him, he appeared by the door with a drink in his hand. "You went out without me?" He shook his head and Sunshine appeared behind him, they did go without me on a drink date probably.

"She is staying here with us for tonight and it would be easier for her to leave for YG together, don't worry she won't be sleeping with anyone, I will sleep on the couch tonight so she can have my room or I will sleep with you guys," hyung said. "Also don't worry Sunshine I won't bother you when you sleep. I might watch soccer highlights at night."

I watch her kinda scolded Hyunsuk on the way to his room and I laugh slightly, I can't imagine the tour together and how much these two will bother each other. This reminds me of the time back in high school, hyung always bothers Sunshine and gets yelled at.

"Are they always like this?" Yoshi asked. "They look more like a couple now, Jihoon, you have to fight for this."


I sat in Hyunsuk's room watching him clean up stuff. His room is big enough for both of us but he knows I hate when soccer is played at night.

"So, do you like Jihoon?" Hyunsuk asked. "You seem fond when he is around, am I being forgotten?" I throw Chilli at him and that makes him a bit mad.

"Ya! No one throws Chilli," he said. He stepped back the minute I was about to throw a pillow at him. "Chill out, somebody is feisty this morning. For a second thought I can sleep on the floor just don't hit me again."

It's kinda boring here since there is nothing to do, my pc and other tech stuff are at home and Hyunsuk won't let me touch his stuff so I went outside to see how everyone is packing, everyone is fairly done. This is my first time going on tour so I don't know how I feel. The last time I traveled was when YG hosted a dance competition and I got 1st place to visit Paris.

"So, how do you feel touring with us?" Yoshi asked. "I know Jihoon will be happy but I don't know about you." Honestly, I don't know how I feel either it could be good or bad, my schedule is different than theirs so there won't be a lot of time when I get to see Jihoon.

"I don't know, my schedule is different than yours and it looks like I have a free day," I said. "I have been to Japan before but there is someplace I haven't been to and it looks fun to travel but fans are annoying, they are probably jealous of how close I'm to Hyunsuk and Jihoon."

"Fans are scary sometimes, the manager already arranges a bodyguard for you to walk separately from us," Jihoon said. "I think it would be okay, tomorrow the hotel roommate will be out. There is a chance you might share a room with Hyunsuk for the entire tour."

"What?!" Hyunsuk asked in surprise. "I don't mind sharing a room but sharing with her is a big no. Jihoon, you can share a room." Everyone looks at Hyunsuk with a question mark. "Fine, we never shared a room even in high school. She hates when I watch soccer highlights at night loudly, Jihoon knows about this. She doesn't hate soccer but it's just something she doesn't like at all."

Suddenly Hyunsuk had an emergency meeting with the manager for a last-minute meetup. I didn't need to come so I went back to Hyunsuk's room and lay down. I'm not sure when they got home but I did fall asleep and Hyunsuk accidentally woke me up.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping," he said. "Scoot over, I want to lay down too." The bed is tiny. I don't know how we will fit but somehow it works. "The schedule changes and the manager wants you to be with us wherever we go. I know it is hard for you but the manager said so."

"Now how am I supposed to enjoy my time in Japan?" I ask. "There are some places I want to go alone not with anyone else, this just got harder." He also shows the roommate a listen and of course, I have to share a room with Hyunsuk.


I was a bit sad since I hoped I could share a room with Sunshine but no hyung got it. I sent a message to Hyung saying good luck and he yelled at me.

"Jihoon, why does Hyunsuk hyung make a big deal of sharing a room with Sunshine?" Yoshi asked. "I don't think it's that bad."

"The big deal is he likes Sunshine a lot, back then they used to date but their relationship went down because of his trainee status," I said. "He avoids sharing a room because of how close they are now and back then, hyung knows I like her and he couldn't start a relationship with her again."

While I was telling Hyung was already by the door, listening carefully and ready to be mad, it was quiet when Sunshine showed up looking not happy. Almost everyone here is afraid of her when she is mad or stressed, I will try to not piss her off.

"Junkyu everything Jihoon says is not true," Sunshine said. "Some parts are true but others are making it up. Also, sleep early and we have an early flight."

After everyone left I turned off my light and went to bed immediately. I'm excited about tomorrow.


I was laying and watching Hyunsuk being excited about soccer highlights. Tonight is going to be long if he doesn't go to sleep.

"Hyunsuk, can we sleep?" I ask. "You can watch it tomorrow. It's already super late." He smiles at me and continues watching, but turning to the other side doesn't help either since he likes to cheer and scream. "Hyunsuk for god's sake sleep."

"Then let's sleep here," he pushed me over and lay down. I agree because I need his soccer highlights to stop. "Goodnight, sweet dream and please don't push me off the bed."


Chapter 20 is finished. The confession is a bit delayed.

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now