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I woke up early to an empty apartment no more Val called me up early again and I started crying but today is another work day. I have to stay strong. My phone vibrated from Hyunsuk's spam message plus a few missed calls. I answered and he was so happy. Like always I went to XXX cafe for coffee before heading to work. It was going to be a great day but I still miss her.

The YG building was still empty since most idols don't arrive until 8 something close to 9 am while the staff mostly arrive at 7-8 am. The first thing I always do is put my stuff in the locker room and change into a tennis shoes or any comfortable thing to wear. While I was waiting, my parents texted me saying they were surprised.

"Dance mentor Sunshine, the front desk has something for you," one of the trainees said. "Is it true Treasure Jihoon and you are close friends?"

"Oh thanks for the information and I can't answer it sorry," I said walking out of the locker for something at the front desk. When I got there the two ladies gave me a package and it looked like it was from Jeju, something was moving inside, and when I opened it a new border collie appeared. It was a black and white puppy and it was so cute, the two ladies agreed to take care of her until my work time was over.

"Puppy," Hyunsuk said, running from the front door. "Puppy, do you have a name yet?" There was a clicking noise because fans were taking pictures through the door when it opened so I pushed him to go inside and leave the dog. "Ya!"

"Fans are taking pictures of us," I said. "And my parents just sent me that dog, I don't have a name yet." On the way to the dance practice room, he gave me a list of good names for a black and white border collie but I ignored it since Bobby is asking me if I could bring the new pup to see his family. "Hyunsuk, you talk way too much."

"Sorry, I'm just excited to name the new pup," he said. "Can I go get him please?" I nodded and he ran off happily, I'm for now he loves the new pup more than I. A few minutes later he came back with the pup and some Treasure members, everyone was almost there except for Jihoon. "Jihoon is late for dance practice."

He came in 5 minutes later holding something to give to me but I feel since I was standing in the hallway and there was some trainee and idol, they all made noise when Jihoon gave me a gift. I pulled him inside immediately and I could hear some staff and trainees whispering outside.

"What was that for?" I ask. "You know we are in a company and not at home?" I was a bit mad at him for coming late and using a gift as an excuse.

"I know I just want to do something nice, don't you like it?" he said. "I know coming late to practice isn't your favorite thing but it was on sale and I need to get it for you." He opened it for me and it was a match charm bracelet for close friends or sometimes a couple. "It matches your style so I bought it."

"I don't want to hear it anymore, dance practice has started," I said. For today I want to see the dance performance for Jikjin and MMM. I eye them like a hawk preying on prey, especially Jihoon.


After the gift and I came late I feel like Sunshine is more strict than before, I could feel her looking at me profoundly watching my movie carefully. Jikjin was a success and she didn't stop halfway for something but MMM is going to stop a lot. I could tell she was mad at me for being late and something else.

We couldn't even get through the song while being stopped more than 3 times. I wonder why she picks on this song so much, maybe something she doesn't like about the choreography that was being created.

"You can have a break," she said. I collapsed on the floor with other members while Hyunsuk hyung went over to her about something. Maybe he was trying to figure out why she picked on this song so much. After a few minutes of watching them talk, he came back and sat next to me. "So why does she pick on this song?"

"Because of mine and Ruto's rap plus the music video," hyung answered. "Before the song came out she heard the lyrics and watched the choreography and when it came out I did a reaction with her and every time I showed up she looked like she was dying."

That makes sense since she has known Hyung for so long that it feels weird to see his other side. Most of the time Hyung is cute so I understand her reaction. The 10-minute break is over and MMM practice has started again. There is no way she will give us a clear answer but surprisingly we got a good score and it is time for the last song of the day.

Today's practice was torturing and tiring. I don't know why but she became more strict than before. I know the tour is upcoming but she could at least lessen the intense eye on me and the other members. During the break from dance practice to the vocal lesson I tried to talk to her but she ignored me and that kinda made me annoyed before I could do anything. It was time for the vocal lesson, she was in the back watching like always so that was my chance when everyone else was busy practicing.

"Why are you mad?" I ask sitting back down after my practice is over. "Hyunsuk hyung told me why you dislike the song MMM because of hyung and Ruto's rap, just because I came late so you are mad?"

"I don't know," she said and that somehow triggered me. I became a bit more flirty and continuously teased her and pulled her a bit closer. "Jihoon." She tried to fight me back but it worked since I didn't want to hurt her. That also concludes the vocal practice. I don't get to see Sunshine for the next hour until work time is over. She has trainees private lessons while I went with Treasure to try on concert clothes. I hope my performance is going to impress her. Also in two days, we are going to Taipei for the first concert and then coming back to South Korea.


Chapter 17 is finished. It's almost time for confession, warning I'm not good at writing confessions so I hope you like it.

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