Morning after and Shipwreck Cove

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DJ took a deep breath of air as his senses slowly began coming to him as sleep left his body. He smacked his lips a few times before he brought his hand up and rubbed his face.

He tried to sit up however felt more weight on his chest than usual. He opened his eyes and immediately paled.

Queen Athena, the woman who's married to the king of the ocean was laying with her upper body on half of his chest and one of her hands was resting on the other side.

And his hand was- oh god.

'Okay DJ just relax. You knew you were going to die someday, that day just happens to be today' he thought knowing he couldn't get away with her laying on his chest like she was while also removing his hand from her rear.

An arm was a different story, man can live without an arm.

'But at least I have some time to think before-' his train of thought was interrupted by Athena groaning and using her hand to rub her eyes. She then opened them and locked eyes with DJ's.

Immediately she sat up and moved over to the side of the bed she had originally been on, jumping over his hand despite her wounds, while DJ did the same.

They both then sat in awkward silence for a few seconds before they both turned to each other.

"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time. However before DJ could speak, she held her hand up.

"No, it-it was my fault that we got into the position we were in. Last night there was a thunder storm and I have always hated them. As a child, I had my parents and as an adult, I had my husband. However last night I had neither and I really wished to get a full night of peaceful sleep" she said while not making any eye contact with the man.

"Okay, I can understand that. But why didn't you just sleep on my arm or something?" He questioned. She didn't answer but DJ seen the look on her face.

"Which you obviously did and I did something to get you closer to me" he said. She simply nodded while he sighed.

"Well, looks like there blame to be had on both sides... but um, nothing else happened, right?" he asked a little worried.

"No" she said quickly while turning towards him.

"Okay, good, good" he said with equal quickness. They then drifted into silence once more before DJ got up.

"Well uh, I guess I should get doing my job as captain" he said getting dressed.

"Um, I'll bring you some food in a little bit and um.... yeah" he said before rushing out the door while still doing up his pants. Athena went to say something but he quickly slammed the door.

She sighed before clasping her hands over her eyes. What had she done? Not only had she embarrassed herself and her kingdom but she might have just ruined the very first friendship between a human and merperson. Plus he was her savior so that made it even worse.

"All because I couldn't act like an adult and sleep through a simple storm" she muttered before falling back onto the bed and began a staring contest with the ceiling.


DJ finished up his belt and turned around only to see that his ship was already moving and it was at least two hours since dawn.

"Mr Gibbs!" he called out seeing the Quartermaster up by the Helmsman. Gibbs immediately came down the steps and stood at attention.

"Aye Cap'n?" He said.

"Who gave the order to shove off this morning?" He said in a tone Gibbs knew well.

"I did Cap'n" he admitted with as much bravery as he could muster.

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