Unintentional Rescue

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So I decided to do a little Mermaid story because I recently watched the movies again, shout out to my niece who's going through her princess phase.

Third person view

"Oh I can't believe it. A real life mermaid" a man said with a wicked smile. He was dressed in ragged pirate clothing as was the several men that surrounded him.

"Aye, imagine all the silver we'll get for her. Not to mention all the fun we get until we get to port" another said chuckling as did many of the others.

Up above the ship in the crow's nest, listening to the conversation below him, sat another man dressed as a pirate. Just like the rest of the crew he was smiling wickedly, thinking about all the fun he was going to have with the mermaid.

However something to his left caught his eye. He turned so he was facing the rear of the ship and put his telescope to his eye. He then lowered it as a look of horror was now plastered onto his face.

"Mates, we got a ship on our stern and she's gaining!" he shouted down to the crew. Immediately all the crew was on their feet.

"Spanish flags?" A member yelled back up as the pirate in the crow's nest quickly looked back at the ship. After a few seconds, he looked back down.

"No colours!" he shouted as many of them now began panicking. One member ran down below deck until he came upon a door and knocked loudly on it.

"Captain? Are you in there?" He questioned knocking again.

"Oh, bloody Hell!" an agitated voice said from behind the door as it opened to reveal a man dressed in red clothing meant for a pirate captain. He had a large black beard but had a strip of white in the middle of it from top to bottom.

"What do you lads want now? I barley got me pants off" he said fixing his belt.

"Apologies captain but we have a ship on our stern and it looks like it's a pirate ship" he said. The captain immediately froze before he shoved the crew member aside and ran up the stairs. The crew member quickly shut the door and latched it before he followed his captain up.

Once he got up, the captain was immediately handed a telescope and he looked through it at the ship following them. Every ship was different and he has seen many, so who was this?

Black sails, black wood and a hooded skeleton on the front holding a scythe.

"It's the Reaper! Full canvas!" The man yelled as much of the crew began doing what they were told. All the while the captain kept watching the ship through his telescope.

Unaware that someone else was watching his ship through their own telescope.

On the Reaper

A man, if you could call him that as he was barley seventeen, lowered his telescope as he watched the ship ahead of him. He had dirty blonde hair that went down to his shoulders and hazel eyes. He had a light scar running down the left side of his face from the corner of his eye down to his chin.

He was wearing a brown worn vest with a hood and a black tee-shirt underneath it with tan pants and boots.

On his side was two swords and across his chest were three flintlocks along with two behind his back on his belt around his waist.

"Captain?" A voice from behind him said causing him to turn. There he seen his QuarterMaster, Joshamee Gibbs.

 There he seen his QuarterMaster, Joshamee Gibbs

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