Awake and Unknown Feelings

753 16 1

Third person view

The first thing queen Athena felt as she began waking up was softness. Immediately she knew she wasn't where she had passed out as there wasn't an ounce or inch of softness on that bed.

As her eyes flickered opened, she confirmed that she was somewhere else as she seen she was now in a larger better kept room.

She sat up and seen she was in a large comfortable bed with some kind of clothing around her chest and stomach.

"Thank Poseidon" she mumbled to herself. Her beasts had been bare and exposed to all those filthy humans when one of them ripped her sea shells while catching her.

After that, they had put her in some kind of metal thing with barely enough seawater to wet her tail for a few days while being guarded by a pair of humans who didn't take their eyes off of her breasts the entire time they watched her.

After that they put her on a rough bed and leaving her there for a few more days. All the while, she grew weaker and weaker from no food and barely any water.

And then a man who went by the name 'Captain' came in and began undoing the clothing around his waist.

Athena didn't need to know a lot about humans to know what his intentions were so she began fighting with all the strength she had left.

However the last thing she remembers was a fist from the man coming towards her head. However her body didn't feel like she had been defiled, she actually felt quiet good.

Queen Athena then began looking around the room. There was another metal thing to her right with some smaller wooden things full of water.

However other than that, everything else she didn't recognize as she didn't know a whole lot about humans.

Her hands trailed down her body until they got to her tail. Her skin and tail weren't dry like when she had lost consciousness. Also there was something around the wound on her tail and it didn't hurt as much as it did earlier. How did it all get like that?

However shaking her head, she quickly remembered her family; her daughters, her husband, her kingdom. She had to escape.

However just as she began thinking about escaping, the door began making noise, signaling that someone was coming inside.

Quickly laying back down, Queen Athena quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep but she kept one of them slightly cracked.

DJ entered his quarters with a loud sigh. Even without navy ships or pirate hunters, it was still a lot of work supervising his crew.

'Actually I think I prefer to have a daily attack than deal with bored pirates' he thought to himself with a smile before he walked over to the mermaid.

She was still laying in his bed, just as she had been for the past few days. He sighed before he began walking towards the bed.

As the human sat down on the bed and leaned over the edge, Athena clenched her fist. However she was confused as this boy was only a year, if that, older than her eldest.

Never the less however, this boy was standing in between her and freedom. And if he was anything like Captain, then he had this coming.

He rose from his bent position and Athena readied herself. He turned towards her and his hand came closer to his face as did his body.

'That's it... Just a little closer and-' Athena was cut off when rough yet gentle hands caressed her left eye which was a little tender. Instantly she felt hostility leave her body for an unknown reason.

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