Return To The Sea

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Third person view/One month later

An entire month had now passed since Athena was rescued by the kind human captain. Her tail had healed nicely by now and her strength was back.

Luckily for DJ, he was right. Athena couldn't remember that night or anything she had done and he wasn't going to remind her.

He simply said that the drinks she had made her a little clumsy and she had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

So the only thing she had to deal with was the headache and vomiting the next morning.

During the month, she had learned more things about humans and their ways and DJ learned more about her culture.

There hadn't been any thunder storms since the first one so Athena hadn't slept right against the boy since. However she felt sad about it even though she didn't know why. She was married, she shouldn't be feeling sad about not sleeping near another man.

However there was one morning that Athena would never forget. For multiple reasons.


Athena's eyes blinked open as she woke up. The first thing she had seen was DJ sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed, his head buried in the pillow. She smiled at the sight before rolling over to look out the window.

The sun was just beginning to rise giving the dark room an orange glow to it.

She was about to go back to sleep for another hour or so when there was several loud booms followed by whistling sounds.

She was confused by the sounds but seen out of the corner of her eye that DJ's eyes snapped open which confused her more as thunder had not awoken him.

But before she could question him, he grabbed her and rolled off the bed away from the window, landing on the hard floor in a mess of blankets.

Suddenly the whistling stopped and was replaced by the shaking of the ship following loud bangs and several yells from outside. Immediately DJ was on his feet and had grabbed his shirt as well as his weapons while Athena laid on the floor still confused and scared.

Suddenly the grey haired man bursted into the room and Athena thanked Poseidon that the blankets still covered her tail. Though in the state he was in, he may not have noticed.

"Cap'n! A Navy ship, she's firing upon us!" He reported, his own pistol already drawn.

"Thank you Mr Gibbs!" DJ responded his voice laced with sarcasm

"Return fire and get the Helmsman to get us moving" he ordered as the man nodded before running back outside barking orders.

DJ then ran over to the bathtub before quickly dragging it over to the rear of the ship where the large windows were but was careful not to put it right in front of them.

He then came over and picked up Athena before carrying her over, ignoring her cries of question.

"Listen, you take this and stay down" he said giving her a pistol before he set her into the tub.

"You remember how to use this right?" He questioned as she nodded.

"If anyone who isn't me comes through that door, you shoot them and then go out the window and you swim away. And you don't look back!" he instructed before he ran out of the room.

For the next fifteen minutes Athena sat in the bathtub shaking with fear as loud booms echoed from outside along with yells and smaller bangs. Finally, she heard the sounds of cheering from above her.

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