FOUR - Serendipity- 04

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Song for chap.: What A Feeling - 1D :)

Enjoy <33

Jasmin is coming over today to record with the boys. I'm nervous what she'll say.

Hopefully she isn't bringing her dickhead boyfriend along with her.

The boys are all already here, and Harry looks hot. Well, they all look hot but Harry look especially good today.

Niall and Liam are in the studio right now while me, Harry, and Louis are sitting in silence in the living room. I'm the kid, so let me start a conversation.

"So, H-"

"Nope " Harry interrupts me.

"Excus-" I start.

"Ehp." Harry whispers.


"Grace. Stop talking." Louis says.

"Why? What did I do?" I say and Louis' hand slaps to cover my mouth.

"The paps are looking for us, they know we're in town. Even a whisper they'll hear." Louis explains, and I breathe against his hand.

"Okay, move your hand." I mumble against Louis' hand.

He doesn't move his hand which frustrates me.

So, I lick him.

"What? Did you just lick me? You shit!" He yells and I slap my hand over his mouth now, and he hisses.

"Your fault, you slapped me so." I respond and he rolls his eyes. I drop my hand from his face and we both are laughing. Until Harry starts laughing.

"It's not funny anymore." I state.

"You're just a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" Harry says and I nod my head.

'No actually. I prefer the moon. Much prettier, and way less hot. Like the moon is so pretty and cute, then BOOM, the sun. Also night time is just where I shine best. So I prefer a little ray of moonlight." I correct him.

"Okay. What the fuck, that was random." He says in response. I bug my eyes at such profanity.

"Hey, watch your mouth, Styles. Or should I say dimplesssssss." I emphasize the 's'.

"No. Don't you dare call me that EVER again. Oh my God, I think I'm going to cry." He whines.

"Save your tears, crybaby." I get up and walk to the kitchen.

I open the fridge and the doorbell rings. Fuck.

"GO HIDE NOW. LIKE IN MY BEDROOM OR SOMETHING. GO. NOW!" I yell at the two boys in my living room. They sit there, doing nothing. "Go, I'm serious!"

They sit there and stare at me. I sigh.

"It's probably the paparazzi." And before I even finish my sentence, they RUN. To my bedroom.

I rush to the door and open it slowly with a faux smile on my face.

"Jasmin! Excited for you to be he-" I'm saying before Niall comes up behind me.

"Who's this?" He says.

"What the fuck." Jasmin whispers to herself. "Is that-"

"Yup. You might pass out when you come in, so I hid some of them. Early Easter egg hunt!" I smile widely on my face. I fucking knew she'd react like this. She loves One Direction more than she loves her mom.

Great timing, Liam plops down on the couch as soon as I swing the door open.


"You won't. Because I live in a apartment." I mumble and she slaps me. She runs into the apartment and introduces herself.

"H-hi I'm Jasmin Holmes. I'm Grace's bestfriend and I fucking love you." She sits down next to Liam.

"Oh. Hi! I'm Liam, and I f-ing love you too!" He says, pulling her in for a hug.

"Niall. I'm Jasmin Ho-"

"Jasmin Holmes and you love me, I know. Who doesn't love the Nialler?" He states and I chuckle.

"Me." I say.

He hugs Jasmin and she literally hyperventilates. He pats her back and she hugs him tighter than she'd hug me. Rude.

"Um, maybe don't go down the hall?" I state as she jogs down the hall. I hear my bedroom door slam open and running happening.

I look at Niall and we both laugh, and Liam follows me and Niall down the hall.

I peek my head into the bedroom, and she is literally hugging Louis like a koala.

"Who is this, haha? Deadass." Louis death stares me and Jasmin is literally redder than a fucking chili pepper.

"That's my bestfriend, Jasmin. She literally loves One Direction more than she loves her mom."

"That's literally not true, I don't even know who One Direction is, or the song Illusion. What?" We all stare at her.

"Alright, I love your support, and I really love you too, but I'm small, and have a bad back." She hops off real quick.

"YOU ADMIT IT!?" I yell

"Admit what?"

"THAT YOUR SMALL." I say and he nods.

"I don't have to admit it, look at the fucking size of my legs." He stutters.

"Its okay, Lou. Jasmin likes short men." I say and he smiles.

"Isn't she like 13? You're 19. Embarrassing." He chuckles and Harry laughs from across the room.

"Harry?" Jasmin whispers.

"Mhm. The most annoying one. He's actually a bitch. Shocking, I know?" I say, and she rolls her eyes.

"Shut up, I'm just not a personal space kinda guy." He says.

"Harry, you're literally laying in my fucking bed, under the covers. The fuck do you mean you're not a 'personal space' kinda guy?" I say and he shrugs.

"Touché. Come here, little one." He says, sitting up from the bed, and flipping the cover. He didn't have trousers on?

"Harry." I say, in a warning tone.

"What?" He questions with a smirk.

"Holy shit." Jasmin says, I think she meant to whisper it.

"I'm still confused?" Harry questions.

"You're fucking h-" Jasmin says before I slap my hand across her mouth, same from me and Louis' actions earlier.

His eyes go wide, and he realizes he doesn't have trousers on.

"You've got to be kidding me." Niall says.

I jump, forgetting he was even in here.

"Why were you so quiet, you like to talk?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Because I saw Harry's trousers on the floor." Niall smiles. I guess Liam went back to the front room.

Oh my fucking God, it's gonna be a long day.

What a feelings to be right here, besides you now. Holding you in my arms.

1062 words :))

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