Chapter 3: Meeting a Friend

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In the days following Angela giving him the Lightmaster, Genix's interaction with her remained in his mind like a nail on the wall. He would continue to work on his movie and calculate the budget, but he would still wait for Angela to call him.

It was now May 34th in the year 3008. On planet Earth, a full calendar year is 365 days. In the world of Globatron, a calendar year is 760 days. January, March, May, July, August, October, and December last up to 64 days. April, June, September, and November in 63 days, and 60 days in February.

The past 30 days seemed perfectly fine after his discussion with Angela about the Lightmaster.

The film project he was doing is called 'FutureShock.' A movie about a young man named 'Braun' who meets a future soldier named 'Ruvaro' and confronts a robot in the future who would stop at nothing to kill him, preventing him from leading the human resistance and winning the war against the machines.

He continued to work on his movie in his free time while he worked his usual day job. Because of this, Genix had only managed to shoot a third of his film so far.

Genix convinced a few of his friends on Mediablitz to help with the project in exchange for payment. His friend Swanilda Cruise would compose the soundtrack, and his friends Cory Vocola and Mark Rocco would provide the special effects in certain scenes. Lastly, his friend Jethro Taringer would make a brief cameo as one of the soldiers and do voice-over work with certain characters.

They proved themselves talented editors and actors but would need help traveling to Hauth. This didn't matter to Genix because he didn't want to reveal to anyone where he lived and was cautious of the people he talked to on Mediablitz. While most of his friends were interested in his work, there were several Genix couldn't see himself working with, at least in the near future.

On top of that, he debated the use of the people around Hauth, especially those who knew him in high school. He didn't feel comfortable telling people about his film project. However, his primary concern was that his mother would take issue with his filmmaking path and ruin everything he's worked hard for.

There was only one person that Genix was considering having in his movie. A friend he trusted so well that Genix eventually revealed his true self rather than maintain his Systematic One persona. Yesterday, he was notified that he'll have a call today about his participation. A conversation with his most trusted friend on Mediablitz, The 23rd Soiman. Or his real name, Eyrin Irinoi.

Eyrin lived in Irvingham Hills, Soillend, a smaller city just outside of Winago. He was a popular sports vlogger who made videos discussing the current news of Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, and Aggroball. About a year ago, he stopped doing sports videos and started to do acting auditions in the hopes he could obtain paid work as a professional actor on Mediablitz.

Genix met him in the comment section of his trailer for his movie called 'FutureShock.' To his eyes, Eyrin had the look for the leading role and the ability to carry out action scenes. Genix had a hard time looking for anyone willing to perform in the movie, and no one was good enough for Braun, so he decided to take his chances with Eyrin.

Genix brought Eyrin over in a Joinex video call; they talked to each other about the trailer and the script. Before they knew it, the discussion became a fun talk about their ideas and shared ambitions to do more fictional works. After many calls together about the movie- amongst other things, Eyrin got the role, and Genix promised that he'd meet with him in person to do the film.

He woke up at 9:00 in the morning and went to the kitchen to make himself a simple breakfast meal. Before he began, he looked up the script and remembered the footage he recorded of model buildings angled with a dark cloudy sky. Some scenes were set up for the atmosphere, while others were set up to be destroyed in explosions.

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