Chapter 14: Heaviest Weight of Conscience

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In all the years he's lived, Genix never thought he'd ever kill a man in his life.

It felt as if time itself was moving very slowly. He saw Strife's head and the hole he made. He lost grip of his Lightmaster and it turned off by itself. Strife's head landed on the floor. Everything sounded muffled and Genix remained completely stunned at the sight of his head being impaled. He could hear someone saying his name repeatedly, but the voice was unclear. He felt like his body was rumbling.

"Genix! Can you hear me?!? Genix! Wake up!" Eyrin wailed at him.

Fufu was patting his head in desperation and holding his Lightmaster hilt with his mouth to get him to notice. Eyrin smacked his head.

"WAKE UP!!!" This snapped Genix out of his trance and was breathing heavily. Fufu moaned and wavered his hilt, telling him to get moving.

"Let's go! Get outta there!" Fiona shouted.

Fufu ran away with the hilt, leading Genix and Eyrin back to the RV. They started running and following Fufu. Some of the neo-crusaders were shooting at the gang.

"Strife is down!" One neo-crusader shouted in surprise.

"Find the killer! Don't let them escape!" Another one added.

The gang were running back and finally returned to the RV. It seemed to have been shot a little, but good enough to drive. Eyrin couldn't run over to the door super fast as his shin was stabbed. He tripped and yelled in pain. Derek had to carry him. Fiona was first to make it to the door.

"Where's teh key?!?" She cried.

"Urgh, it's in my pocket. On my left thigh." Eyrin groaned.

Derek carefully laid him down to the ground as he reached for the keys. Genix made it back to the RV last. When he reached there, he was breathing heavily, his eyes wide open and shivering in guilt. He covered his face with his arms as he faced the wall.

"Genix, que te pasa?" Maria asked. Genix didn't respond to her.

"He's lookin' vary peely wally." Fiona commented.

"Let's not stress him out, we're still not out of this shit yet." Derek said as he opened the door. Everyone got inside. "Maria, get Eyrin inside, he's hurt."

Derek quickly turned on the car, Maria lifted Eyrin up and put him down to the ground and quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it on his head. Genix was still outside, holding his head with deep regret.

"Get in, laddie! The squaddies are comin'!" Fiona called Genix. She saw them running over to them. Without hesitation, Fiona pulled Genix into the RV and was still in shock of what happened.

"Dat's everyone! Move it! Go! Go!" Fiona said. Derek floored the accelerator and made his way out of the woods and getting away from the neo-crusaders.

"Oye, tu!" Maria calls Fiona. "Wrap a blanket on his leg, make it tight!"

"Ah got it!" Fiona reassured her as she helped out Eyrin.

Genix could see Eyrin being attended by Fiona for the time being.

"Thank you so much!" Eyrin said, still in pain.

Genix still didn't respond and covered his head tightly.

"Are you OK, dude?" Eyrin asked again.

"I killed him... I killed him... I killed him..." Genix muttered.

The Surro-Bot's screen turned on.

"GEROS here, what's happening?" GEROS asked with concern.

"A plane from these Final Judgment bastards crash landed over in the Circle of Foundation! A massive gunfight just started and we're getting out of there! They're coming for us!" Derek shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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