Chapter 1: A Dark Unsafe Day

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The next step of evolution brought humanity a better environment in the new world. But much like our time, it would go through conflict, war, and chaos, and it might even face a fate worse than death.

It had been 18 years since a catastrophic event known as the "4th Ehergeist Enigma" had ended. Back in the days of the old earth, war was fought with guns, knives, and bombs. In this world, war is fought with unusual weapons, advanced technology, and people with incredible powers. Under these circumstances, one must be cautious and prepared for the next attack. If not, a much more dangerous threat or the next horrible tragedy.

While most of the Xeros are still able to continue their lives in the aftermath of the 4th Enigma event of 18 years ago, in 2990, which resulted in the destruction of nearly 1/3rd of the world's states, cities, and landscapes. Almost half of its places were once big futuristic cities or lands with unique architecture, and now they are reduced to ruins with only a few buildings and houses still intact.

There was little protection and security for the cities affected by its devastation. Criminals, gangs, and the worst scum of the world would reside in those areas and claim the territory as their own. The crimes and pillages would sometimes spread even to the safest places.

Hauth, however, was among the safest in the country of Arkenia. Hauth was a reasonably sizable state with a small but comfortable city for visitors and its residents. Hauth is filled with towns and the usual sights one expected to find in most towns: Houses, parks, stores, and churches. What set Hauth apart from the other states, however, was that these towns were often nestled among the sweeping mountains and desert wastelands and few forests.

One dark cloudy afternoon on the 4th of May, an older teenage boy with messy white hair, silver eyes, and wearing a backpack was riding on his gray motorcycle through the suburbs of Sunbreak, a large town filled with nice houses with warm colors and a retro-futuristic look. The atmosphere around the place had a welcoming vibe with the mountains and lakes surrounding Sunbreak, especially when it's sunny.

He rode further away from town and looked for small forested areas on the hills. He seemed to be focused on hiding out of sight. He occasionally peeks to check for cars from behind to ensure he isn't being followed. He parked his motorcycle behind the bushes and looked around his surroundings again. He got out and jogged.

The teenage boy was a 6'2 tall Latino, but his semi-deep pitch and near-perfect English with only a slight Hispanic accent made it hard to tell. He was 18 years old and good-looking, but he didn't believe himself to be exceptionally handsome. He wore a dark blue jacket, gray T-shirt, white shoes, and black track pants with white stripes.

He was observing the scenery around him, and it looked like he was in the middle of a dark, haunted forest. Despite being nervous, that's the atmosphere he was looking for. He places his backpack down and prepares to take out something inside.

But as soon as he did, he could hear a car coming. The boy quickly grabbed his backpack and hid behind a tree branch surrounded by bushes. He saw a black car with dark red kanji writing on the doors and a dragon symbol on the hood.

A Mexican wearing a black hoodie, gray jeans, and a spiky belt came out. He looked around the area before heading to the trunk and preparing himself. He took out a Pulger 380, a shotgun capable of being fully automatic. The boy got worried and thought the street gangster-looking man was up to no good. He hesitated on going after the shady-looking man but decided to take him down somehow.

As the gangster loaded the shells into the magazine, the boy punched him on the back of his head, pulled him down to the ground, and raised his hand. A spark of light glowed around his palm and formed a transparent glass knife.

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