So Hungry

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Darkness floats around me, silent, heavy and suffocating. My whole body feels strange. I don't know where I am. I don't even know what is happening. My heart pounds in horror but I can't move, even as I flail. I have been trapped somewhere. My pulse feels strangely distant, yet I can hear the rush of blood in my veins like an ocean storm.
"Where the fuck am I?" I try to move but I am met with narrow wooden walls. Am I... in a coffin?!! Oh, fuck no! This cannot be happening! My front teeth poke into my lower lip, longer and sharper than they should be. My breath becomes faster as panic takes over. The hunger. It's got me in a vice-like grip and it's making my throat feel dried out. My stomach burns. I need blood... No, I want blood "I... I can't... be... no... I can't be..." But the word comes to me like a flare in the darkness "Oh my god! I'm... I'm a... I can't be a fucking vampire!" While the panic is strong, the hunger is stronger but what is way stronger than that, is the desire to get the fuck out of here "Okay, Emily. Don't panic. Do what they do in movies," I twist my hips and pound my foot into the bottom of the coffin. And yell out as the wood splits apart. I beat on the coffin lid and feel it break beneath my hands, opening cracks that send flurries of dirt raining down on me. Finally, with one powerful push, I shove the coffin lid off. I hold my breath as dirt rains over my head, realizing as I start to claw my way upwards, the urge to inhale never comes.

After what seems to be forever, I finally feel a cool breeze on my fingertips and moments later, my head breaks through. Slowly I crawl out of the hole and land on loose soil, I am momentarily stunned by the night sky above me. I lean up on my elbows. It was streaked with stars and smoke. The stars are so bright and smoke burns my nose. My stomach turns and my head throbs. I am starting to see why Melody freaked out when she first turned. I then looked around and saw that I was in a graveyard. And I am alone. Where is everybody? What happened? My memory is so hazy but what I do remember is Odin's smirk and the pain of the sword sliding into me. I remember the pain, the cold... the fear. But as I close my eyes, I remember that I was in Loki's arms. He was telling me that he couldn't lose me.
"Holy shit," I pant. I then shot up, staring at my grave. Without even thinking, I place a hand on my side "Hang on, I was in a coffin. That means that I should be dead. ... Did I die? Why am I not dead?" I know I am a vampire but if I am in a coffin that means I didn't turn when I was supposed to. I need to find the others.

As I get to my feet, dizziness makes me sway. The scent of the soil and stone around me is overwhelming. And what makes it worse, woven into the scents, is the smell of blood. And man alive, it smells delicious. Almost like it is taunting me. The hunger burns in my gut. I hold my stomach and stumble forward, following the faint smell of blood.

I eventually make it out of the graveyard and into the city. But everything is in ruins. Fires burn up boroughs and shadows stalk the alleyways. Hisses and screams and scuffling of feet echo all around me. Vampires battle in the streets, amidst the sounds of clanging steel and barking guns. Ferals descend upon a wounded vampire with gnashing teeth. I press my hands over my ears but it does nothing to drown out the tidal wave of sound.
"How the fuck do those guys cope with all this noise?" I move away quickly. I come across an intersection. To the right, I hear wailing and to the left, I see smoke. Breathing shallowly, I stumble to the right. That's where the blood is stronger. Everything is dark as the humidity presses against my skin.

The wailing grows louder until I come across a vampire nearly torn in half, lying in the street. The scent of the vampire's blood and viscera nearly knocks me out. I lean against the wall and pant, my throat tight with hunger. The vampire tries to hold in their intestines but it is pointless. I watch as their eyes eventually roll back, their jaw hangs slack and they crumble to dust.
"I have to find the others before I end up like that," Once again, I stumble forward. Loki's building was on the other side of Central Park, Keeping to the shadows. Thank goodness, Melody made me play Assassin's Creed. My shoulders scraped against the sides of the destroyed buildings.

I managed to escape the worst of the chaos as I headed for Central Park. Blood still hangs in the air, luring me on. The hunger cramps inside me and I nearly double over from the pain.
"And I thought periods were bad," I swear vampires have it worse. My head snaps to the right. I can smell it... Human blood. And it's fresh. And I know it's going to be delicious. Where is it? I need it.

"Oh god, oh my god! NO!" Someone screamed. I hid behind a tree. From the shadows, I watch a bleeding woman limp into the park, trying to find a place to hide. I think I went to high school with her. I can hear her blood pulse around her veins. The woman's safety is far from my mind as I can smell her blood, thick and fragrant in the air. My stomach clenches as a deep, rumbling want grows stronger within me.
"I can't... I won't..." I tried to deny what I was feeling but I knew that I had to drink her blood. I dart forward. My mouth hangs open as I drool, famished. I lick my lips even as my mind screams at me to stop, to realize what I am doing. An inhuman growl escapes me as I speed up, The park blurring around me as I close in on the woman.

The woman turns back and sees me. Her scream rattles through my skull.
"No! Please! Stay away!" I can see the blood dripping down her leg, splattering on the grass. It smells better than any food I have ever smelled. More alluring than any wine. I want it. I need it, I have never wanted anything so badly than this. I need it... No, I crave it. I grin in anticipation as I prepare to grab the woman "Noo!"
"I'm so sorry but I am so hungry," I lurch forward and a hand grabs my wrist. I whirl around and bare my fangs with a growl, eyes wild, hunger tearing me apart.
"Oh no you do... Emily?" Loki looks disheartened when he sees me but his face turns to a smile. He orders the human to leave. She quickly leaves. I rush forward to try to grab the human. Even though I am confused and terrified of what I am right now.
"*snarl*" I swing my arm at Loki. I try and fight, barely registering his existence.
"What are you doing? Stop!" Loki speaks as he moves his head back, away from my flailing arms. He grabs my wrists and easily pins my arms to my side, guess that's the perk of being 300 years old, stupidly strong. I try to fight Loki off. I want the blood of that woman "Shhh, Shhhh. Stop!" He says so calmly.
"Hun... hungry... so... fucking... hungry," It's all too much. I immediately begin to weaken, the peak of my hunger devolving into exhaustion.
"Emily, It's okay!" Loki presses his forehead to mine. I know he is trying to distract me "Calm down, darling,"
"Do you even recognize me?" Loki reaches out to me. I tense up as he cups my face. My head tilts. Something in my mind clicks "Do you know who I am?"
"Lo... ki," My voice hoarse. I feel like I have not drunk for days. Loki smiles a little more.
"I'm here," My eyes widen with horror as I look around.
"Oh my god," My hands flew to my head.
"Remain calm. Your emotions are heightened," Loki pulls me to his chest. I relax a little as I feel safe in his hands "How are you alive?" Loki cups my face. His eyes glisten as he realises what he just said: "You're alive!" Loki smiles, scooping me up as he spins me around. I wrap my arms around him, breathing in the familiar smell "How are you alive?" But I can't answer, no sound comes out of my mouth as the darkness closes in. Loki screams my name as I finally lose consciousness.

I gradually come back to consciousness, my head is spinning though. But before I can make out where I am, I see four familiar faces standing by... something.
"Where are my glasses?" I grumbled.
"Emily!" Loki rushes to my side, handing me my glasses.
"Are you alright?" Sif asks.
"What the hell happened?" Melody stays by Sif's side and Thor is by a window "How are you alive?"
"See, I told you guys, we should not have left her there," Thor spoke, anger in his voice. Everyone started speaking at once. Their voices overwhelm me, crowding my mind. I clutch my head with a wince.
"Alright, you lot shush," Melody spoke as she crossed her arms "Remember, Heightened senses. Let's give Emily a little space," Everyone reluctantly takes a step back from me as I sit up slowly. I look around and I realize that I am in Loki's office at Odinson HQ.
"I... I feel... I feel awful... I was..." My mind is fuzzy with visions of Central Park. Of the woman screaming. I think I am going to be sick. The hunger that consumed me has faded but only slightly. I can't help but notice an empty goblet resting on the desk, the rim lined with blood. I gulp slightly as I lick my lips. Tasting blood. So that's why I ain't hungry anymore. They got blood into my system. I look up, the others are watching me carefully "What the fuck is going on?"
"Emily..." Loki takes my hand in his. My nail beds are dark with dirt, my skin is streaked with grave soil. I start shaking. Loki puts an arm around me, steadying me "It will be alright. I promise," The others exchange a look that's hard to read. I struggle to swallow as I place my head in my hand "What is the last thing you remember?"
"We... we were in the museum. With Odin... I think I staked him," I ran a hand down my face "Don't tell me that we didn't win?"
"No, you staked him all right," Thor grinned.
"You were rather brave. Resourceful and incredible," Sif praised.
"Yeah, you totally treed his ass," Melody beamed and then her face dropped.
"But?" somehow I knew there was a but. There is always a but when it comes to these sorts of things. I looked at Loki. His face was calm but I could see the pain in his eyes.
"But... he stabbed you in return. The wound was..." Loki hesitates for a second, words trapped in his throat "It was fatal. He... He urm," Loki couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. A hush falls over the others as I try and wrap my head around what Loki is saying.
"He killed me," I pinched my lips together as Loki nodded.
"We did everything we could. But the wound was too deep. You were too far gone," Melody hugged herself. Another silence falls before Loki clears his throat.
"I... I had to turn you... It was the only way," I stare at him, trying to make sense of his words.
"Did you turn me? I'm..." I looked at everyone. Melody was the only one who nodded. I knew that it was a big deal for Loki, He had tried to turn someone he cared about over a hundred years ago and she turned into a mindless beast. But saying I am a vampire out loud fills me with an aching fear. I kinda knew I was a vampire back at the graveyard but hearing it from the others made it seem real. I have been around vampires for so long, It was no longer normal to be with humans but I never ever expected to be one of them. I remember sort of discussing it with Loki back in Paris. The world around me is no longer the same. Heck, I ain't even the same anymore.
"Yes, You are a vampire. Emily... I had to... I couldn't bare to lose you. I point blank refused to,"
"He was as stubborn as you can imagine," Thor spoke, patting Loki's shoulder. Honestly, not surprised. I know what Loki is like.
"I panicked. I'm not proud to admit it but I just... I couldn't lose you, Emily," Loki whispered. I nod and close my eyes.
"I'm guessing something went wrong since I ended up in a coffin?" I squeezed Loki's hand.
"The turning didn't take. I don't know why. We waited all day but you were still... gone. You stayed dead. So we... we brought you to the graveyard. We buried you," Loki looked at the floor.
"Right..." I pinched my lips together, still trying to get my head around this "So I died? You couldn't turn and now I am alive. I'm technically a vampire zombie,"
"Vombie," Melody chuckled "But yeah, technically you are right,"
"We mourned you. I mourned you. I was on my way to visit you today," Loki gripped my hand tightly.
"That's why you were in the park," I try to even my breathing as his words take root "How long was I gone for?"
"A week," Sif replied.
"A week!" I nearly shouted. My jaw hung open. I was dead for a week. A whole week. It didn't feel like it, I thought I had only passed out for an hour when I woke up. I feel as if the wind has just been knocked out of me.
"We thought you were dead. Fuck, you were dead," Thor replied.
"And then I found you in Central Park. As a vampire," I still can't figure out how I feel. The hunger is still gnawing at my gut. I think of that poor woman in the park and shudder, tears pricking my eyes.
"I'm a vampire. I am a fucking vampire," I shoot to my feet and pace up and down. I say it to myself a few times as I begin to accept the grim truth.

The others allowed me to pace. I then hit an object that embraces me. I look up to see Melody. She wraps her arms around me. The heaviness in the air lifts slightly and Melody trembles as she cries into my hair.
"Girl, I can't believe you are back. We lost you. We really thought we lost you and now you're back," I cling to her tightly, relief finally swelling within me. The other three look on with faint smiles.
"I'm sorry," I just kept repeating. Melody stroked my hair.
"Emily, you have nothing to be sorry for. We failed to protect you," Sif sighed as she leaned against the desk. I have no words to say right now, it's all too much to convey in simple words. I sob into Melody's arms as she rocks me back and forth. I can feel the other hands on my back, on my shoulder, stroking my hair away from my grimy face. Loki comes and stands next to us. Melody spins me around and pushes me into Loki's arms.
"I... I... I have no fucking idea what is going on," I mumbled.
"I got you," Loki cups the back of my head and I lean into the contact, grabbing hold of his jacket and pulling him closer. Being in his arms is my safe place "Can you three give us a minute?" The others nod and wisely leave the room, giving us some time alone.

Once the door is shut, I lift my head up, wiping my face. Loki takes my face in his hands and rests our foreheads together.
"I am so sorry you had to go through this, Emily. I never wanted this for you. I..." Loki's voice breaks and I can see the struggle in his eyes. The fear.
"Loki..." I tried to speak but I don't think Loki was listening.
"I know we sort of spoke about this back in Paris but never did I think it would be this soon,"
"You were gone and I just... I snapped. I had to bring you back. I didn't even stop to think about the consequences. Of how life would change for you once you become a vampire. I was being selfish," I covered his mouth and smiled at him.
"You are aware that you are rambling, right?"
"What I am trying to say is, Can you ever, ever forgive me?" Loki wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Loki... what a stupid question. Of course, I forgive you. I would have done the same if it was you in my shoes,"
"You do know how huge this is, Emily? The transition from human to vampire is far from easy," I put my hands on his broad shoulders, letting him be my anchor.
"Then it's a good thing that I have you to help me, isn't it?" Loki laughs gently, amazedly.
"The world is a mess. The city is burning but right now," Loki pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes "I am just so happy to have you back," He strokes a thumb over my cheek as if he is reminding himself that I am real. It's the mildest touch but the sensation is overwhelming. It's like he is caressing my entire body at once. I gasp, closing my eyes.
"I can't believe I was gone for so long. Why do you think it took so long?"
"I also wondered that very thought. My theory is that because you are a BloodKeeper, your body didn't know how to transition right away," Loki lifted his head and smiled at me "The very first BloodKeeper. That will be something for the history books," I took a deep breath and hugged Loki once again. Making sure to compose myself as the others re-enter the room.

"I have a question. So if Odin is now in tree form, then why is New York still all... Apocalypse-y?" I spoke as I pointed out the window. I then turned around in Loki's arms. He doesn't seem to be wanting to let me go.
"Odin might be defeated but his minions still live," Sif frowned.
"And boy, are they inflicting chaos," Melody got her laptop out and showed me some footage from local security cameras.
"He really did a number on the city," I replied as I watched a vampire looting a blood bank.
"The US government evacuated as many civilians as they could but between the ones trapped behind, the vampire war and the ferals..."
"It's anarchy," Thor finished Sif's sentence.
"And from what my uncle said, SHIELD, SWORD and The Avengers are still doing what they can. They are down an awful lot but Stark, Rogers, Bug Boy, Emo Metal Arm and Spiderman are still working in the city. We had some help from a very stretchy man, a woman who turns invisible, this man is a walking human fireball and HULK made friends with a man made of stone," Melody showed me some files on her laptop.
"I know him. This is Reed Richards. He worked with Stark a few times," I pointed at the file "But I don't know them. Who are they?" I pointed at the other people as I narrowed my eyes at them.
"They call themselves the Fantastic Four. She's called Susan and she's dating him and he is called Johnny, he is Susan's brother and this big guy is called Ben, he is their unofficial bodyguard. Deadpool introduces them along with a load of other mutants to Fury," Melody replied as she brought up SHIELD's files "I last heard from Wade yesterday, He is having fun turning vampires to ash,"
"What about Blade?" The vampire hunter. Now, I have a real reason to avoid him.
"Blade hasn't been seen since last year. possibly still in London. I think Uncle Nick talked to him the other week,"
"Where are the rest of your clans?" I look at the remaining council members.
"Working on damage control all over the city. Huggin's been leading the efforts," Thor smiled.
"Good for him," I grinned. I always did like him "So is our city just cut off from the rest of the world?"
"Basically. Fury knows about our shadow kingdom, thanks to someone being related to the director and me working with them over the years," Loki said as he looked over at Melody, who whistled "He has been in touch to try and work out what's next."
"There are some senior government officials that know too," Sif scrunched her nose up "Which reminds me, we have a meeting with both the directors of SWORD and SHEILD soon to coordinate the next step,"
"Can I come?" I raise my hand.
"Of course," Loki kisses my temple. I leaned into his touch. Melody and Sif both looked at each other.
"But first..." Sif nods her head. I see everyone else staring at me and I look down, I look rough from my point of view and I dread to think what I look like to the others "You need to change,"
"Yeah, your outfit is all... grave-y" Melody placed a hand on her hip, the other tapping her chin.
"I don't have anything with me," my headshot to Melody "Actually, does our apartment even still exist?"
"Surprisingly, yeah it does," Melody grinned "And for your debut as a vampire, we have you covered," Melody winked as she shot her finger guns at me "Sif, Care to help me?"
"Sure," Sif grinned. Now, I am scared. I have handled Zombie Demon Santa, the ferals, the Black Order, and pissed off a lot of vampires, I coped with Sif at Christmas but when it comes to Sif and Melody teaming, fuck this. Nope, I choose life. I try to back away but Melody grabs my wrists. Loki outs as Melody unwraps his hands from my waist.
"Excuse me?" Loki frowned.
"You can sit down over there. We will give her back to you when we are done," Melody points to the sofa. But after a glare from Sif, Loki pouts and does as he is told. Sif smiles as she leads me to the bathroom.

Melody and Sif rush me out of the room and into the ensuite bathroom. Sif sits me on the toilet, she then looks at Melody and nods. Melody grinned as she took a flannel, soaked it, ringed it and wiped my face with it.
"I... can... clean.. my... self," I tried to slap Melody away but Sif got to work cleaning my hands.
"Stop arguing and let us work," Sif frowned. I backed down and reluctantly let them work.

After what seemed an eternity, The two women were done. Melody has scrubbed my hair clean with an inch of its life and Sif and cleaned every nook and cranny of dirt. Though I felt violated, I was a lot cleaner.
"Girl, when I say that we have you covered, we have you covered," Melody hands me a neatly wrapped package. I undid the package to reveal a black off-the-shoulder knee-length shirt dress with a black leather corset belt "When Loki rang and said that you were alive, I knew you needed fresh gear. I saw this and thought of you,"
"Thanks, Mel," I hugged Melody. Sif handed me another bag from under the sink. I looked in it and it contained fresh underwear.
"We will be outside," Sif patted my shoulder as she and Melody left the room. I heard Sif tell Loki to sit his backside down. I take a deep breath and put the outfit on. I can't help but admire how I look. I quickly fluffed my hair.
"I feel way more me now,"

I took another deep breath and strutted out the door.
"Well?" I posed in front of the others. Loki and Thor do a double take. Melody clapped and Sif grinned. She praised Melody for her choice of clothes.
"Emily..." Loki's jaw dropped as he rose to his feet. He was immediately by my side, arms wrapped around my waist "Have I ever told you, you make a stunning vampire?"
"No. But I expect to hear it every day from now on," I smile as I tuck my hair behind my ear.
"You are already looking the part in that outfit, Emily," Sif nodded her head at me.
"You think so?" I looked down at my outfit. Well, I knew I looked good but I still doubted myself.
"He ain't wrong,"
"You 100% look the part," Thor spoke. Loki let out a growl. I see that nothing has changed. I told Loki to cool it.
"It has to be a written rule that all vampires need to look sleek and sexy," Melody beamed. I rolled my eyes.
"Now, come on, you two. We got a press conference with my uncle to get to," Sif sighed.

I walk into the familiar conference room, the place where I had my first interview with Loki. Where the council used to meet. What's left of the council sits at the long table and I join them. The flatscreen TV at the far end of the room flickers on, revealing a man with a sour expression.
"Hey, Mel, who is that person? I was expecting your uncle," I lean over and whisper to Melody.
"That nobhead is the director of SWORD, Tyler Hayward,"
"Loki! Thank goodness you are alright. I was worried when I didn't hear from you," Hayward smiled.
"I apologize, Tyler. There was a... a complication," Loki glances fleetingly at me. I try not to look down at my lap. Melody reached over and squeezed my hand.
"Where's my uncle?" Melody spoke up.
"Running late. Again,"
"How are the evacuees doing?" Sif stood next to Loki.
"As well as they can. Given that they had to run from their homes without any explanation," Hayward scoffed. I don't like this man "Loki, I need you to tell me what the hell is going on down there. And don't bother trying to fluff it up for me. I need the truth," Loki shares a pained look with the others. I clasp my hands together, distantly aware that I can hear everyone's heartbeat speed up.
"The cause of all this chaos, Is Odin Borson. And he has been defeated. He won't be a problem ever again," Loki threw a file on the table.
"Saying that the city of New York is still in chaos. Odin's followers are running rampant, killing any and everyone who wasn't able to evacuate,"
"The ones they kill are the lucky ones," Thor grumbled.
"And why is that?" Nick Fury spoke as he finally appeared on the screen. He's looking well. Considering I haven't seen him for over a year.
"Hey, Uncle Nick," Melody beamed.
"Melody, behaving yourself?"
"Course not. Where's the fun in being good?" Melody smiled.
"You are just like your mother," Fury groaned. Melody's mum was always a troublemaker, right up until her last breath.
"Can we get back to the situation?" Hayward spoke up. What a way to ruin a moment.
"The ones who survive being attacked by the vampires... they become feral,"
"New York has become their playground,"
"How is the rest of the world handling this?" I speak up. Hayward seems to notice me for the first time. Fury looks confused. He looked towards Melody and she nodded and mouthed that she would explain later. She must have told him that I died.
"Is this a new member of the council?" Hayward looked at me. Loki tensed up and looked over at me.
"Me? No. I am not on the council. I'm just another vampire. Actually, I'm not even in a clan yet," I then glanced at the two older vampires "Wait, are we doing something about that?"
"Don't worry, we will take care of everything once the debriefing is over," Loki whispered, winking at me before glancing back at the screen "Tyler, Emily is with me,"
"All right, so, another new vampire. Great," Hayward pinched his nose. Loki growled softly so that only the vampire could hear him.
"I can vouch for Emily. I have known her for years," Fury spoke up. He puts a thumbs up at me and nods. Hayward glances at Fury and the two have a private conversation. Tyler Hayward moves away and rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, the current cover story we've sold the world is that a massive disease outbreak has ravaged New York. A new degenerative disease that can trigger intense hallucinations and violent outbursts,"
"Let's keep that story," Thor agreed.
"But this bullshit can only hold for so long. The world is watching. I need to act," Hayward slammed his fists down on his table.
"What are implying?" Sif frowned. Tyler Hayward sighs and I notice then how tired he looks.
"The other factions in the government are pressing me to cleanse the city with an airstrike,"
"So you are just going to bomb the hell out of us like some sort of exterminator?" Melody questioned.
"I don't want to resort to this but things are getting desperate. My agents and then the Military only need my word to launch an attack,"
"That won't be necessary, Tyler. We can take care of things on our end," Loki spoke up.
"You better be right. I can give you 72 hours but after that... I won't be able to stop what's coming,"
"Tyler, you can't be serious. What about those that survived?" Fury pulled Hayward to the side.
"As I said, Fury, it's getting desperate," Hayward crossed his arms.
"This is a SHEILD matter, not an intergalactic matter,"
"Director Fury, the government has made the decision,"
"I recognize the government has made the decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it," Fury snapped, grabbing Hayward by his upper arms "That is the island of Manhattan, Hayward. Until I'm certain Loki's team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population,"
"If we don't act now, we lose everything," Hayward replied, snatching his arm back.
"You send that bird out, we already have," Fury frowned.
"72 hours is more than enough. Thank you, Tyler," Loki interrupted before pressing a button on the table and the call cut out. Thor gets up to angrily pace.

"They want to bomb an island? What the hell is Hayward thinking?" Thor shouts, clenching his fists.
"He only answers to himself and to the higher members of the government. There is only so much he can do," Sif leaned back in her chair.
"Does he hell! We wall know that he has been known to twist events to fit his own agenda! He falsely accused Wanda of being a terrorist!" Melody raised her voice "Either way. Uncle Nick just sent me a text, he said he would stall Hayward to give us a few extra hours but he can't promise anything. Hayward has his balls in a vice,"
"Tell him that we say thank you. It will be greatly appreciated if he could stall the idiot," Sif nods her head.
"Do you want me to explain about you to him?" Melody looked up from her phone and smiled at me. I nodded.
"It will be easier if you do it. I'm still getting my head around it," I wrapped my arms around myself. Then I felt another pair of arms, I looked behind me to see Loki hugging me, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Will 72 hours really be enough time to take care of all of this crap?" Melody sighed, slouching in her chair.
"It will have to be. I've called a meeting of the vampires in the central park tomorrow night. A lot of them are in hiding or are trying to protect humans," Loki sighs, the weight of all this was really dragging him down "We will reestablish the council's authority and make it well known that these traitors will be dealt with swiftly and severely. Only then will order be restored," I open my mouth to convey my support but the hunger lurches within me, making the room spin as I clutch my stomach and groan.
"You need to feed, Emily. The goblet we gave you will only last so long," Sif placed her hands on her lap. I rubbed my temple, trying to ease the oncoming headache.
"Feed? As in, blood? Human blood?" I muttered. I don't like blood when it comes out of me. Though a perk of being a vampire, I will never have a period again. Result.
"It's the only way. If you get it in your system, it will be a repeat of Central Park. You will lose control," I remember that terrible hunger and even though the thought of drinking blood repulses me, there's also a strange feeling of yearning for it.
"I guess..."
"Come with me. I will show you what to do,"

I follow Loki down the elevator toward the archives in the basement. When I stepped out, I was surprised to see several humans there. There are cots and miniature fridges, as well as a portable cooking station.
"We've taken in as many as we could. In return, they have agreed to willingly let us feed on them when we need to," At the sight of Loki, two humans get up and wander over with weary smiles.
"Is it time again?" The young woman grins, batting her eyelashes at Loki. I let out a small growl. Now I get why Loki always growled at people. Loki patted my back.
"We just ate so we have the energy for it," the young man agreed.
"I am glad to hear it. Emily here is in dire need of your help," Loki placed a hand on my waist and the woman backed away. Obviously disappointed. Not that I care. She comes near my man again and I will rip her throat out.
"Yeah, of course," The woman nods.
"It's the least we can do after all you have done for us," the man spoke. Despite their eagerness, I am still uneasy at the thought. but I can smell their blood already, hot and inviting. I lick my lips and glance between the two humans.
"This is it. I am really doing this. I am going to drink some blood," I thought to myself. I was really nervous. I feel as if this is going to go wrong.
"Go ahead and choose whomever you like," Loki gives me a gentle nudge. I gesture towards the young man, who smiles and steps closer as the young woman sulks away "Follow me,"

Loki leads us to another book corridor.
"I should also point out that this is Emily's first time feeding, so I will need to direct her through it,"
"That's fine with me. Do what you need," The man said as he undid the top of his shirt. I am trying to listen but I am already impatient with yearning. I want to grab the man by the shoulders and sink my bloody fangs into the vulnerable skin of his throat.
"Are you ready?" Loki asks as the man turns away.
"As ever," I shakily spoke. Loki instructs me to take hold of the man. Trembling, I do so.
"Good. Find the spot where the vein runs across his neck," I brush my thumb over the pathway of the man's vein. He shivers. I can hear the blood rushing through it. It's so taunting and enticing "Now, slowly and carefully, bite down," I bring my mouth to the young man's neck. It's a little rough with stubble and he smells like the most delicious meal I have ever had.
"Nnn..." As I rest the point of my fangs against the young man's neck, his heart begins to race, sending blood rushing through his veins. The sound is deafening. I can't deny this any longer. My fangs puncture the skin, sinking into the rich vein.
"Easy," Loki whispered. I hold tightly to the man and take a moment to orient myself even as blood touches my tongue. I moan in pleasure "Now, remove your fangs and take just a couple of small pulls," I hesitate and Loki rests a hand on the back of my neck, squeezing gently "Release," I follow his order and retract my fangs. The young man is panting "Good girl. Now drink. Slowly," I cover the bite marks with my mouth and start sucking. Blood rushes down my throat, hot and exhilarating. I can feel it flood through me. Invigorating me, like I am drinking a hot pulsing light. I can feel it course through my limbs, and muscles. Healing me. Strengthening me.
"Mmmmm," The young man arches against me as I feed, sating the hunger deep within me.
"That should be enough for now," Bit it's not. Not nearly enough. I grab the young man's hip in a bruising grip and growl, gulping down as much blood as I can.
"Emily!" Loki squeezes the back of my neck again and I release the man to turn to hiss at him. It's only then, do I realise how pale the man is.
"Oh, my god. I am so sorry," I helped steady the man.
"Whew... yeah, deffo your first time," He smiles as he places his hand on his neck.
"Emily, prick your finger and put your blood on his bite marks," Loki orders. I do as he says, watching the wound disappear. With Loki's help, the young man takes a seat as someone brings him a sandwich.
"I can't believe I nearly lost control," I hugged myself.
"It happens to all of us at first. You will get used to it. I promise," Loki leads me away from the people. I feel as if all eyes are on me "And believe me, you have no idea what truly losing control looks like,"
"I hope you are right,"
"Let's get back to the others," I spare the humans one last look, guilt choking me as I turn to follow Loki back up the elevator.

"How did it go?" Sif asks as we rejoin the others in the conference room.
"Yeah, was it better than my first feeding?" Melody wraps her arm around me.
"Barely," I mutter.
"Yikes. I'm sorry," Melody winces.
"Stop apologizing. Ain't your fault," I sigh. Sif walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder "You will --"
"Get used to it. I know," I cut Sif off. Melody leads me away and pushes me into Loki's arms.
"You should get some rest, Emily" Loki wrapped me up in his arms, leaning down to whisper "or, if you like, you can come back to my place to unwind," That does sound tempting.
"Orrrrrr... I have a bottle of tequila with your name on it," Melody grinned.
"You could also come and hide out from all the crazy at my new apartment. Since the thunder den is under renovation... again," Thor sighed as he walked off.
"Or spend a quiet evening with me," Sif offered.
"All of your options sound nice. I could really use a distraction right now," I already knew who I was picking. I wanted to be in my safe place.
"Actually, why are we even bothering offering you all these choices, we all know she is going to pick Loki's offer," Thor sat back in the chair and placed his feet on the table.
"You don't know that she will pick me," Loki frowned. When have I not picked him when they offered to do stuff? It was only at Christmas that I picked Melody's option and that's because I knew we all needed a break from Sif.
"Really," Melody swung her head and smiled at me. I smiled and shrugged "Emily, are we wrong?"
"They ain't wrong," I mumbled.
"See? I told you," Thor waved his hands. Loki shrugged and held out his hand.
"Let's be off then," Loki took my hand in his and we left the room.

As I set foot in Loki's apartment, exhaustion washes over me. Loki takes his jacket off and hangs it up. I only get a few steps in the door before I have to lean against the wall.
"Tired?" Loki places a hand on my back and helps me straighten up.
"Who knew that breaking out of your own grave, wandering through a lawless city and drinking blood for the first time could be so exhausting?" I roll my eyes. Loki laughs softly but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. he looks away.
"I just... can't imagine what that was like. Waking up alone. In a coffin,"
"Look at me," I place a hand on Loki's face, turning back to me "I don't blame you guys for putting me in that thing. I was dead,"
"But... we should have waited longer. If we had just known," Loki's eyes looked to the floor.
"I was gone for a week. How were you supposed to know? It's alright," Loki stares at me for a moment longer before he sharply turns to the bar cart.
"You're right. And you're here now, which is what matters," Still, his hands grip the sides of the bar cart. So tightly I think he might have bent the bronze metal. I sigh as I step up behind him and loop my arms around his waist, wrapping them tightly around his taut middle.
"Loki," I can feel his heart thundering in his chest as if it were my own. I can hear each quiet, shuddering breath with such clarity. I rest my head on his back "I know this isn't how either of us imagined things ending up but I am here and I am alive. Sort of. I'm not sorry and you shouldn't be either,"
"I was meant to be your boyfriend and supposed to protect you and I couldn't even do that," His grip on the cart relaxes a little, though his muscles still feel coiled, tight under my touch "I wish I could forgive myself as easily as you forgive me," Loki gives a hoarse chuckle as he releases the cart.
"Because it wasn't your fault,"
"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" He hefts an expensive bottle in his hands and pours two fingers into icy glasses "I'm being selfish. We should be celebrating your return!" He whirls around and hands me a glass and I clink my glass against his. As I take a sip, the flavours explode in my mouth, nearly making me drop the glass.

I stumble towards the sofa, staring at the glass in my hands. After placing the glass on the table, I sink into the cushions.
"So does everything taste this amazing with vampire senses?" I take another sip. Loki smiles as he slowly walks over to me.
"More or less. Everything is heightened. Bad things tend to taste even fouler as well. Pros and cons, I suppose,"
"I am in Vampire Diaries?" I gaze into my glass, wondering what else I will have to get used to now that I am no longer human. Loki notices the sudden mood shift and comes and sits next to me, putting a hand on my leg.
"It's alright to grieve for your lost life, Emily,"
"I don't know if grieve is the right word for it. This is just all so different, being part of your world instead of watching from the outside," If I am being honest with myself, my life had changed but it hadn't. Not really anyway. I was already used to working the night shift. I think the only thing I will miss about the daytime is going to Juan's for a greasy fry-up but the last time I went there, I got food poisoning so it ain't really a loss "Has someone called my mum and dad to tell them?"
"Melody spoke and said that we all got separated and no one has heard from you. She said she would call if there was any news but not get their hopes up. Melody said she would ring on Sunday and keep them updated," Loki sighed as he nodded. I should call them. But what do I say to them? Will I even be able to go near them again?
"They are going to get a kick out of this," I ran my hand over my hair. I have so many thoughts in my head and not one of them makes sense.
"What are you thinking?"
"That I don't know where I fit in yet. Heck, I don't think I understand who I am," Loki squeezes my leg sympathetically.
"You are still Emily, just a little more durable," Loki smiled, He put his drink down and moved his hands so one was on my back and one was holding my hand "You know, It was the same for me when Odin first turned me,"
"How did you deal with it?" I mumbled, gripping his hand. Loki's thumb stroked my knuckles.
"It was torture at first. I had just lost my wife and my boy. My whole life. I barely had a chance to mourn it all before Odin was giving me mission after mission, teaching me how to be his soldier. Unleashing the darkness within me and setting me loose to kill," Loki tensed up. I poked him on the forehead.
"Loki, focus," Loki blinked and shook himself back to reality.
"After I met Sif and some of the other vampires in Odin's crew, clan or whatever he could it. And I had to try to fit in with them. Lest they think me the weakest in the pack,"
"And now I am the weakest of the pack," I sighed, heavily. I was always the weakest of our group as a human and now I am a vampire, I still fucking weak. Loki pulled me onto his lap, hugging me tightly. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.
"Don't say that, Emily. Yes, you are the youngest of us but you are also likely the strongest,"
"How so?" I mumbled into his shirt.
"You are a vampire BloodKeeper... that's new. That's powerful," Loki rubbed a hand up and down my back "We just need to develop your skills. You have only been a vampire for one day. We have plenty of time," Loki smiles slightly before placing me back on the sofa, standing up and moving towards the kitchen.
"Hey, I was comfy," I complained. Loki smiles at me.
"How about I cook something up for us?"
"Loki, you should know me by now. I will never no to food," I smile as I get up off the sofa and follow Loki.
"That's what I was counting on. What do you fancy?"
"Other than you," I lick my lips, my comment making Loki blush "Now who is being cute? I want something savoury,"
"I can absolutely do that," Loki rubs his hands together. I love seeing him so carefree.

I watch from the breakfast bar as Loki takes out pots and pans from under the sink, rolling up his sleeves to cook. Soon the apartment is flooded with the smell of fragrant spices and the sound of sizzling pans. I then realise that I am drooling.
"This is so weird... I just ate but I am still hungry. Do vampires have two stomachs?"
"Yes, actually. One small one for blood, above the normal one. Two livers, too," Loki holds up two fingers "And a strange spiked organ we never got to the bottom of,"
"Did you, Loki Odinson, just tell a joke?" I grin like a child. Loki winked at me as he chuckled.
"Admit it, I had you till the last one,"

Eventually, Loki serves up a plate of pasta with a decadent cream sauce, I take one bite and moan.
"Okay, this is officially the best pasta to ever be pasta'd," I groan. Loki smiles as he takes a bite of his own food "Two hundred years of practice?"
"Not at all. I've always been this good," He cups my cheek and smiles. I poke him playfully and he laughs "Eat up," Loki shuffles closer to me "Just so you know, Since you are now a vampire, I ain't letting you go ever again," he whispered in my ear. His breathing sent a shiver down my spine.
"I hope not,"

Once the two of us have eaten, we sit in comfortable silence and look out the wide window. The sky was still streaked with smoke.
"I can't believe the city has fallen to vampires. It's like something out of a horror film," Loki doesn't reply. He looked at me intently. And I shift self-consciously "Is there something on my face? I have food on my face, don't I?"
"No... I'm just so glad you are here with me. So goddamn glad you're back," I relax as Loki moves closer. He cups my face in his palm, his thumb lightly stroking my cheek "Emily... when I thought we had lost you, I..."
"I know, Loki. I know," I cover his hand with mine, twining our fingers together. Our eyes meet and I can see the depth of the years he's lived, the tragedies he's experienced "You won't lose me again. I promise,"
"That is a big promise to make, Emily,"
"Good thing I intend to keep it, then," Loki breathes out a laugh, leaning closer. I find myself leaning towards him in response. I wrap a hand around the back of his neck and draw him towards me. When our lips meet, I gasp in shock. My nerve endings sing with exquisite pleasure, My lips sparking and tingling against Loki's. It sends a shiver throughout my whole body.
"This is one of those vampire pros I mentioned before,"
"You don't say," I pull him in again, ready for it this time. His touch crashes into me, making me fall back against the sofa as the room spins "... Loki..." Loki cups my face and opens his mouth, I do the same, our tongues brushing together slowly, carefully.
"Emily..." my toes curl as Loki kisses me deeper, his fingertips skimming over my throat. My whole body is on fire, aching like I have a fever.
"Hmmm," And then suddenly the apartment fades around me.

I spin around. I know where I am. I'm in bloody limbo. The one right before I have one of my visions. Great, I'm going to have a headache again. I see a small flicker of memory so I reach out and touch it. I see Loki in a soldier's uniform, his teeth gritted as he charges over a churned-up battleground. I watch as Loki runs a man through with a bayonet.

I come out of the vision with a gasp. Well, that was a short memory. Still, the headache is just as bad.
"Emily, are you alright?" Loki cups my face, helping me sit up. concern etched on his face.
"Yeah. I just saw... something... a memory. One of your memories," I panted as I pressed my fingers to my forehead.
"It must be your BloodKeeper ability," Loki strokes my cheek, looking into my eyes "What did you see?"
"You were... in the middle of a battle. Blue uniform. Your civil war days?"
"There were a lot of battles. And still more to fight," Loki nods slightly then kisses me again. Even that small contact was enough to light me up.
"But I will be by your side, now,"
"And I will be by yours,"
"And as for the comment that you made earlier. About how you were meant to be my boyfriend and all that crap, you still are,"
"Really?" Loki whispered. I nod.
"There's no one else I want. You are stuck with me,"
"I do not have a problem with that," Loki pulls me closer to him. As he kisses me, I shudder "You are still getting used to your new sense. Let's take it easy for tonight,"
"Just for tonight," He sinks into my arms, our mouths gently coming together. I drown in him as the kiss goes on and on until I know that I would happily die here, right in his arms.

The next night, the others and I regroup in Odinson HQ before the big meeting. Everyone seems to be on edge.
"So, on a scale from one to Odin, how dangerous do you think this meeting will be?" I link my hands with Loki.
"Potentially very. Odin is gone but his followers are still out there, still loyal. One might try to take advantage of the chaos," Sif crossed her arms. She no longer wore her purple suit but was sporting a rather fetching blue suit. Blue does suit her skin complexion far better.
"And that's not even mentioning the ferals. There's a lot of them out there... doing their own thing," Melody hissed a sigh as she clapped her hands. Loki clicked his fingers.
"Actually, that reminds me. There's one thing you haven't done yet, Emily," He looks down at me. I still hate being short.
"Apart from you," I mutter in my head. Stupid visions interrupted everything "And what's that?"
"You need a brand,"
"Yeah. Deffo want to get in on that. You're probably fine but it would royally suck if you became ferals after all this," Melody nodded. As did Thor.
"Don't have to tell me twice. So how do I get a brand? The whole burning with the amulet" I remember Melody getting hers. Did not look like fun.
"Actually, I thought we would use a tattoo machine now. Speed things along," Loki grinned.
"Typically, it would come from your maker but in your case, you can just choose which clan you want to be part of," Sif replied.
"Do you even need to ask her that?" Thor mumbled as he crossed his arms.
"I may not be a clan leader but I can give you one I designed if you prefer," Melody grinned as she pulled out her phone.
"There's also another option,"
"There is?" Sif asked. Judging by her face, having another option than a brand was the first she had heard of it.
"An injection my company invented for newly turned vampires that will stave off becoming... well you know. You will have to take it regularly but if you don't want a tattoo, it's an option,"
"I think I will take the tattoo. I have the memory of gnat so it would be better,"
"So she's taking Loki's brand," Thor spoke. I nodded.
"Other than the fact that Loki is my boyfriend, he is my maker. It just makes sense," I smiled, looking up at Loki.
"Of course. I'm happy to welcome you to my clan, Emily,"
"Happy to be here,"

Loki leads me towards his ground-floor office where I sit on the lounger chair as he prepares the tattoo machine.
"You just keep one of those in your office?"
"For moments like this, yes. It can come in quite handy. Where do you want your brand?"
"Upper arm, please," I slip out of my top and Loki sits next to me. He cuts his finger and bleeds in the container where the ink is supposed to go. I shiver as Loki brushes his thumb over my upper arm. Savouring the smooth, blank canvas of my skin "Are you ready?"
"As ever" I swallow. As he begins to work, I hold back a gasp and bite down on my knuckles. The pain is amplified tenfold thanks to my vampire senses "Ow," And yet, despite the pain, there's also an undercurrent of pleasure. The look on Loki's face is one of concentration and desire. I watch, hypnotized, as he inks his own blood into my skin. Connecting the two of us in a way even more intimate than I could ever imagine. I feel him, distantly, all the sorrowful years of his life fanned before me. When he is done, he sets the machine down and gently wipes the new brand on my arm with a sanitary cloth. I feel electric, alive.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... absolutely. Thank you, Loki,"
"My pleasure" Loki holds my gaze for a moment.
"You really are a man of many talents," I smile. He cups my face and kisses me "Will you stop driving me crazy?"
"It is my right as your boyfriend to drive you crazy. In every way, If that is even possible," Loki smirked as he kissed me again. After I slip my top back on, Loki takes my hand in his "My mark does look good on you though,"
"You just look good on me," We smile at each other as we rejoin with the others.

Soon enough, we arrive in Central Park for the meeting, tense and alert. I am amazed at the crowd of vampires who have formed before a makeshift stand, muttering and shifting on their feet.
"I didn't expect to see so many of them," I looked around. I still hate crowds.
"I can guarantee that not all of them will be on our side but we have to try," Sif replied to my comment. She looks at Loki and nods. Loki tightens his tie and takes to the stand, where a podium has been erected. A hush falls over the vampires.
"Thank you all for coming. We know you are eager to know more about what's happening and how we can progress from here. Odin's attack was devastating. He left us with nothing but a ruined legacy to clean up, the aftermath of his storm. I wish I had better news but the truth is that we have been given 48 hours to restore order here in New York," More rumblings from the crowd.
"That doesn't give us much time,"
"I know that it is not much time but it's all we have. We'll need to work together to ensure that the chaos can finally end. That we can still have a future. We can work to ensure a better--"
"Ha! Future my ass!" A loud voice shouts from the crowd. All the vampires turn to look at the voice's owner "I'm sorry but who made you president of the fucking world?"
"I beg your pardon?" From the crowd emerges a large, burly vampire wearing a mask like an animal skull. The other vampires shrink back from him.
"I said who made you president? What makes you qualified to lead us?"
"The council--"
"Screw the fucking council. You flaunt these pretty words and pretty promises but we all know that once things go back to order, we will be under your heel. It will be the same as it's always been. Vampires ruling other vampires, setting the rules, playing with power until they go mad with it," The crowd murmurs with intrigue at the man's words and I can feel my stomach sink.
"This is not good,"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Melody shouts as she takes a stand next to Loki. I know his face.
"My name is Punisher and I am the leader of the Unchained," I informed the others that his real name is Frank Castle and he works or used to work with DareDevil. I miss Matt. I heard he helped evacuate Hell's Kitchen "We serve no one! No clans, no council. No goddamn King. The unchained only follow one rule,"
"And what is that?"
"Chaos reigns," A few cheers go up from the other vampires. Loki sends the rest of us an alarmed look. Sif scoffs and steps forward, crossing her arms.
"What excatly do you mean to accomplish with this tantrum? Are you rejecting the council's authority?"
"Oh, I am doing much more than that," with that, Punisher raises his hands and I see movement all around us. 
"Oh, for fuck sake," I muttered as I groaned. It's only my second day as a vampire and I am already in a life-or-death situation. A dozen masked vampires lunge out of the foliage and debris, crossbows trained on the clan leaders "Here we go again,"
"Not only am I rejecting this sorry excuse of a council. I am abolishing it. I'm killing you all,"

The NightWalker: RebornWhere stories live. Discover now