Rocket's Test

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As I get to the door of the apartment, I swallow nervously. I wasn't expecting to meet Rocket tonight.
"Are you sure you are ready?" Selvig asks me as my hand hovers over the door handle.
"I think so... I have to be..." I whispered. I felt a cushion hit my head. I spun around to see Melody smiling at me.
"Don't worry, Em. You are going to kick ass... I mean, mental ass. Which is... brain... the ass of the mind," Melody grins, ducking as I threw the pillow back at her.
"What does that even mean?" Sif frowned as she turned to Melody, holding up a hand "Wait, no. Don't even answer that,"
"Probably for the best," Melody pinched her lips as she nodded. Sif turned her head back to me.
"You will be just fine, Emily. If you are able to resist Frigga, you are strong enough to do anything," Sif smiled at me.
"Sif's right. Besides, you are the BloodKeeper. Rocket won't be able to refuse you, knowing that," Loki smiled at me.
"You can do this, Em. We all believe in you," Thor put his thumbs up. Misty eyed, Melody dropped her pillow and held her arms open. I ran forward and slung my arms around Thor and Melody's necks.
"Loki, Sif. You got to get in on this hug," Melody turned her head around. Loki joins the hug with a laugh. Sif sighs as everyone looks expectantly at her.
"For you," Sif joins the huddle and we all share a warm tight hug that fills me with determination.
"Can't... breathe... Squeezing... too... tight," Melody choked. I knew she was playing so I squeezed her neck tighter "Choking... not... breathing,"
"You guys are right. I can totally do this. I will make you all proud," I nodded as everyone let go. I swear I saw Sif shiver.
"You already do," Loki pulled me in for a hug. An awkward cough sounds from where Selvig is standing. We all turn our heads to him.
"What?" Thor snapped.
"If you are done with this little moment... We should get going," Selvig nodded towards the door.
"Right. Yes. Brain training time," Taking a deep breath, I nod and follow him out of the door. I wave bye to the others.
"I love you," Loki mouthed. I mouthed it back before leaving with Selvig.

Selvig guides me into a tall unmarked building deep in the city. We enter together and take an elevator into a massive empty office.
"This place is huge!" I spun around in a circle as I walked behind Selvig.
"You have no idea," He mutters. I look around but the office is empty.
"Are we the first ones here?" I ask. Selvig raises an eyebrow at me then points at the elevator on my right.
"He's waiting below. Good luck,"
"Wait, you are just gonna leave me?" I questioned as Selvig pushed me towards the elevator.
"We try not to overwhelm Rocket with too many people. He gets overstimulated easily."
"Okay. I guess that makes sense,"
"The elevator will come for you when it's ready," Selvig gives a half-hearted nod as he backs out of the door "Good luck," And then he is gone.
"... Great," I sat on a bench near the elevator. I wish I brought my phone. I could easily smash a few levels of Candy Crush.

10 minutes later (and after I counted every single petal on the nearest rose bush), there's a ding from a nearby elevator. I turn to see the doors open. Swallowing, I enter.
"Going down" I sighed, hugging myself.

While in the elevator, I brace myself for it to stop but it keeps going down and down.
"Okay, Emily. You can do this. It will be fine. It's not like the fate of the world rides on this or anything," This reminds me of that Doctor Who episode. Series two. The hospital one with the trampoline lady "I swear that I am about to be murdered. Again,"

After what feels like an eternity, the elevator stops and my heart kicks up again in a panicked tempo. I step out of the elevator and shield my eyes against the glaring white. When my eyes adjust, I realize the room that I am in, is completely stark. There's no artwork or decoration. The walls are bare.
"Where am I?" I look ahead and see that there are two people in the room, right next to a small table "Oh..." One of the figures is Groot and the other is a raccoon.
"I am Groot," Groot bows his head.
"Oh, hey Groot. How are you doing?" At least I think he is saying hello.
"I am Groot," Groot nods his head.
"I hope I am understanding you correctly. I am good. Nervous but good," I shuffled anxiously on my feet.
"Welcome, Emily," The raccoon spoke before he turned to Groot "Sit down, you lummox. You're scaring her,"
"I am Groot," Groot frowned.
"This is getting weird," I thought to myself. The raccoon giggles. I take a deep breath and try to pull myself together. Walking further into the room, I put on my best smile "Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me. I have heard a lot about you, Rocket," Rocket approaches me with an impish smile.
"Hello, Emily. It is a pleasure to meet this generation's BloodKeeper," His voice is so clear that it is like a bell is going off in my mind "And may I say that your outfit is truly remarkable. I have never seen one quite like it,"
"Thank you," I look down at my outfit, glad I chose to wear it.
"Nebula really does have a good eye for this sort of thing," Racoon jumped up and stood on the table "You must have many questions,"
"A few. Like how are... how are you talking and behaving like a human?"
"About 500 years ago, I was genetically and cybernetically enhanced by some assholes. My brain was somehow placed in this... this body. In my head. I am still a young child who was turned into a vampire at a young age,"
"I thought only humans could become vampires? How is a raccoon a vampire?"
"Again. genetically modified," Rocket rolled his eyes "It must still be quite confusing,"
"A little. I don't want to sound like I am intruding on anything. I am confused but more curious than anything,"
"Do not fret. I am quite used to it. After 500 years, I'm used to it,"
"500 years old," My jaw dropped.
"Somehow I have managed to keep myself entertained this long,"
"I am Groot," Groot wiggled his head.
"Shush you,"
"So are you part of the guardians?"
"Yes. One of the founding members actually. I just kept myself out of history. Humans normally freak out at a talking raccoon,"
"I like Raccoons,"
"I am Groot," Groot leant down and spoke to Rocket.
"I am not old or too young," Rocket snapped at Groot.
"I am Groot," Goot mocked.
"I will turn you into firewood if you don't shush," I watch as the two beings argue. They were like siblings. My head looked like it would have if it was watching a tennis match. I sigh and pout, leaning against a wall. Rocket spots me and breaks his serious expression with a laugh "Sorry. We should get back to business,"
"You are having a lot of fun with this, aren't you?" I crossed my arms.
"The key to living so long is not to take anything so seriously. If you do, you will go mad at some point," I take another deep breath as I remember why I am here.
"Rocket, There is something serious to discuss. It is the reason I am here,"
"I know why you are here. Your true psychic abilities have unlocked since you turned into a vampire and you are the only one who can stand against the first vampire, Frigga,"
"You already know about Frigga,"
"Meh, Gamora informed me. After bitching about Sif. For three hours. Frigga is the beginning of the vampire legacy. The bloodline from which we all descended and she is the force that could destroy us all just as easily as she created us,"
"Yes. Especially since she has the ability to control vampires' minds. She can force them to do terrible things," I shudder, remembering the way the others turned on me. Rocket seems to shudder as well.
"It is truly a frightening power and one that she will misuse to get her own way,"
"But there is a chance at stopping her. If you help us, if you fight with us..." I step forward but Rocket holds his paw/hand up, stopping me in his tracks.
"No. This is not my fight. My role is to remain impartial. Waves crash and fall. I stand a rock and-"
"Now matter how hard the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow. I know the terminology. my nanna used to speak like you," I sighed. While I loved my nanna, the way she spoke was a little infuriating. I glared at Rocket "How can you say that if you know what is at stake?" Rocket shrugs, unconcerned with my anger.
"I have spent half a millennium in the minds of others. I would rather have inner peace than get myself involved,"
"I am Groot," Groot spoke up.
"If you want," Groot went and sat down in the corner and played on a Gameboy. Rocket turned his attention to me "One side will win and the world will be reshaped once more. It is how it has always been and how it will always be. If Frigga wins now, after all this time. Then perhaps, it was meant to be,"
"Lives are at stake!" I scream. Rocket shrugs.
"Lives are always at stake" Rocket sat down on the table.
"This is different! This Frigga! That bitch will not only plunge the vampire world into chaos but the human world also! Where will you find yourself if that happens?" Rocket shrugs, completely unfazed. I grind my teeth together. As anger shoots through me, Rocket winces and clutches his head.
"I am Groot," Groot shoots over to Rocket and puts a... hand? On his friend's shoulder until he calms down.
"Yeah, I am fine," Rocket slaps his friend's hand away.
"I am Groot," Groot glares at me.
"What did he say?" I looked at Groot and then back at Rocket.
"I am Groot,"
"Not everyone understands you, you stupid tree," Rocket shook his head "He wants to know what has the world ever done for you. Why would you wanna save it?"
"Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" I yell, pointing at myself "I just... this is really important to me,"
"I know. I can sense it. I can see what you have been through,"
"If you won't help me save this world, then will you help me? Can you help me control and use my powers properly?" Rockets look at me for so long that I am afraid that he simply won't answer me. I swallow and I think about heading back to the elevator when he finally speaks.
"Yes. I will teach you,"
"You will? I... thank you,"
"While I will not get involved in this war, I can provide you with a tool. A weapon if you will," Rocket steps forward, his smile returning "That is... if you can prove yourself worthy," Rocket reaches out as if to shake my hand. Of course, I have to pass a test. What is it with vampires and their tests "It's time to go," I reach for his hand hesitantly.
"Go where?"
"Just grab hold," As I touch his hand/paw, the room disappears around me in a flash of light.

And I am back in the swirling void of memories. I feel strangely disconnected from everything. My body, my surroundings and even my own mind. Flashes of memories dart past me with snippets of sound and vision. Some even have taste and smell. It's like I am falling through a tunnel of sensory immersion.
"So this is that mental place that I was in a while ago. Though this place is more of a freaky theme park ride," As soon as I think of a rollercoaster, I am quickly overtaken by a flash of a memory. One of raising my arms over my head on a rollercoaster. I even get the churning in my stomach that comes with the fall "Are these my memories?"

I walk around for a little bit when suddenly, I am pulled up short before hurtling towards a nearby memory. Before I can brace myself, I am flung through a portal where a fountain stands proud in a park. Into the daytime. When I land on the path, my first instinct is to hide from the sun but my skin doesn't burn and I feel no pain.
"Right. This is just a memory, right?" As if to confirm it, a much younger version of me runs by. Stunned, I watch myself play on the grass, ignoring the other kids nearby while I devise a game of my own making. Suddenly, the younger me tensed up, staring at a tree "I don't remember this day at all," I walked toward myself as the younger me approached the tree slowly, almost mechanically.
"What is that?" The younger me reaches out a hand towards the tree. My eyes widen as I see that the tree's knot is a memory shard.
"I remember this, now... I was so scared but I have to let myself learn," I watch the younger me gasp and freeze up. I can't remember what the vision was, except for the cloying smell of blood, and the echoing of screams in my mind. The younger me wrenches herself back with a frightened sob.
"No... No!" The other children turn to look at the younger me. Pointing and grinning as she begins to freak out in earnest "I want my mommy!" The younger me runs away, sobbing. I shake my head, knowing that whatever I saw, was enough to scar me and bury it deep.
"I had forgotten all about that," I close my eyes and I am suddenly yanked back into the void. Back to the tunnel of memories and visions.

I feel sick and dizzy. As I examine my surroundings once again, I notice that there are more little portals in the air all around me, branching off into dead ends.
"This is not fun," I walk a little further when I am hurtled into another memory. This time into what looks like a living room.

When I orient myself, I blink and look around in wonder. I am in a place that I grew up in. My grandparent's house.
"This is my nan's front room," It still stinks of rotten cigarette smoke with a hint of peppermint.
"Emily?" My eyes go wide. I turn towards the kitchen table, the room around me closing in with warm familiarity.
"Mum?" Tears pricked my eyes as I watched my mother sit at the kitchen table, cradling her forehead in her hand. She looks exhausted.
"Emily?" Mother calls again. I take a step forward.
"I'm here, Mum!" But she doesn't hear me. Instead, a younger version of me hurries into the kitchen.
"What is it, mummy?" The younger me tilts her head.
"Can you make some tea, sweetheart? The herbal stuff in your nanna's tin,"
"Okay, mummy," I watch myself put the kettle on, welling with emotion over the way my mother smiles fondly at my back.

When younger me places the steaming cup before mum, mum sighs and cradles it between her hands.
"Thank you, sweetie,"
"Is today, a bad day?" the younger me asks, stroking Mother's hair
"It's getting there. My head is just so full," Mum shudders and sighs, wincing like she is in pain. The younger me leans her head against Mum's arm.
"She would get like this once in a while. I used to think they were just bad headaches. Dad thought tumour at one point but now..." As I keep on watching the younger version of me looks up at Mum, her eyes growing distant.
"Cave... Tree..."
"Oh... a cave? and a tree? what are they, mummy?" my mother gasps and pushes younger me away, making younger me stumble "Mummy?"
"I... I'm sorry, baby. You shouldn't be near me right now," Mother cries.
"But..." younger me reaches out for Mother.
"I said get away from me!" Mum shouts as she throws her cup. Younger me recoils, hurt, as Mother cradles her head in her hands.

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