She has returned

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In the dark lobby of Odinson HQ, I stare up at a beautiful and familiar figure, her hand dripping blood. Punisher crumbles to ash beside her. I slowly climb to my knees.
"You're... you're..." I wiped the ash from my face as my jaw dropped "Frigga?"
"Yes, I have returned, my darling," Frigga and I glance down at her hand, coated in the last of Punisher's ash. She smiles and flicks the ash off her hand, letting it flutter off into the air "Funny, isn't it? How even the largest of men can still be so small," Her voice is low and melodic, with a Greek accent. A shiver goes through me at the sound of it.
"This is... how?" Frigga smiles fondly down at me, holding out her hand.
"All will be revealed in due time, my darling," Swallowing, I take her offered hand. A jolt of energy rushes through me at the contact. It's like she is made of lightning. Frigga pulls me up effortlessly. I can feel the strength in her, the warm call of her power.
"Thank you..." I wasn't quite sure about her. What I know of her is what I have seen in my visions. It always ends in bloodshed. But do I judge a book by its cover so go with the woman standing in front of me?
"Of course," Suddenly the elevator doors open with a ping and the others pour out. Loki rushed to my side.
"Emily, are you alright?" Loki grabs my head and checks me over. I tell them that I am fine.
"We heard a scream!" Melody speaks as she checks over my body, Grabbing some tissues from the receptionist's desk. From the fight, I had a lot of cuts on my arms and legs. My jeggings were ripped but I can still wear them. While those two make a fuss over me, making sure that I am okay. I tell them what happened. Recounting the events from the voice in my head, to Punisher scaring the hell out of me and Frigga saving me, though I left out her name, I just pointed at her.
"Damn," Thor mumbled.

Meanwhile, Sif is the first to glance over at Frigga. She freezes in place, eyes widening. Her mouth flapped open like a fish.
"What's wrong?" Thor asks, noticing Sif's comatose state. The others look just as confused, Thor and Melody shifting into fighting positions. Frigga turns to them, her smile broadening. The power emanating from her is intense. It fills the lobby with sweet, seductive energy.
"It can't be..." Sif finally speaks.
"I see that introductions are in order," Frigga smiles. Sif walks forward and then shies away. Loki goes to stand by her side, brows lowered as he faces Frigga.
"Are you really... her?" He asks as he grabs my hand. Frigga bows her head.
"I am. My name is Frigga and I am the first vampire. At long last, I have returned," Frigga smiled as she held her head up high. The others continue to stare at her in shock. I gaze at Frigga, trying to absorb her words.
"Thank you for helping me. I mean, for..." I gesture to the pile of ash that was formally known as Punisher.
"Of course, my child. The beast only got what he deserved," I smile as I hunch over and the pain finally hits me like a bus. I fall to my knees, exhausted.
"Emily!" Loki yells.
"Looks like Punisher hit me harder than I thought," I rubbed my throat. Loki wrapped me up in his arms.
"Melody, run up and get a blood bag!" Loki speaks. Frigga stops Melody and kneels beside me.
"Allow me," She steps closer, pressing a hand to my chest. Thor goes to grab his sword but Sif stops him.
"Urm..." I look at Loki and he nods subtly. Frigga closes her eyes and I can feel the scrapes and bruises Punisher left on my body heal, the pain easing away even faster than my normal vampire powers could heal them.
"Whoa" Melody watches as a cut on my arm heals instantly.
"That is... I have never seen powers like that before! I mean, I know vampires heal quickly but healing others? It's just... wow," Frigga laughs gently at my amusement.
"I am glad it's to your liking," The others stare at my healed wounds and then back at Frigga. Thor reluctantly lets go of his sword. Loki helps me to my feet, keeping a firm grip on my waist.
"How is this even possible? Heimdall and Odin... they both told us that you were killed," Loki wraps his arm around my waist. Frigga laces her fingers together, calm and composed.
"Not killed. More like I was trapped. Imprisoned and now, my bonds were broken," Frigga looks at the floor, lost in thought "It seems but a fortnight ago I woke up on a beach in the Greek Isles with no idea where or when I was. I was born anew,"
"When the Black Order's compound was destroyed, the tree must have been destroyed as well. It freed you," Sif spoke.
"Perhaps. Or perhaps... well, never mind," Frigga nodded, sighing heavily "So much time has passed since I last walked this realm. At first, I couldn't believe it," Frigga looks at all of us, tears in her eyes as she shakes her head "My poor children... left alone for so long. Abandoned in the terrible, hateful world. But now," Frigga forward, extending her arms out to us "Now I have returned. You will never be alone again,"
"She sounds like Odin," I mentally thought to myself. I glance at the others. Sif is still in shock. Loki is frowning and Melody and Thor exchange an uneasy look "Frigga... I want to believe you... I do. Especially after you saved me but, how can we trust you,"
"I don't blame you for being cautious, child. After everything that has happened, how could you not be?" Frigga smiles at me, letting her hands drop by her side "Which is why I brought some friends with me. They can attest to my intentions,"

Frigga turns, gesturing to two shadowy figures near the entrance. When they step into the moonlight, We all gasp.
"Sylvie!" Loki and I yell as we run to hug her.
"Hello, all. I have missed you tremendously," Sylvie beamed as he hugged and kissed us all on the cheeks. Standing next to her was someone I never wanted to see again.
"Morbius, What the fuck are you doing here?" I clenched my fists. I wanted to smack him but Loki pulled me close to him.
"I am the founder and leader of the Chruch Of the First. It only makes sense that the Goddess Frigga would come to find me, her greatest and most loyal follower," Morbius placed a hand over his heart.

As Frigga goes with Loki and Sif goes to talk with Sylvie and I drag my feet towards Morbius. Thor and Melody are behind me.
"I... urm... this is awkward. This is awkward right?" I muttered angrily.
"Because of the oh-so-passionate lovemaking?" Morbius smirked. Loki let out of very loud growl. Sif and Sylvie told him to shush as they walked over to us.
"Whoa now," Melody scrunched her face up. I told her what happened, She's my best friend, I tell her everything. Within reason of course.
"If that's what you want to call it. I call it 30 seconds of regret," I snapped. Loki smirked and walked behind me, wrapping his arms around me. Making sure my arms were by my side. Morbius frowned for a second then his face relaxed "And no, asshole. It's awkward because you sold us out!"
"I don't care how you feel, Emma," Morbius scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Emily," I reminded him. Oh, I want to punch him. I wonder if Thor will let me use his sword.
"Whatever. I am here for one purpose and one purpose only and that is serving our Goddess," Morbius looks at Frigga with a dopey grin.
"Please, you only serve yourself," Loki rolled his eyes.
"So you're totally okay with the whole thing that happened?" Melody waved her hands around.
"As I said, I do not care," Morbius sighed as he glanced at Frigga "While so many forgot Frigga, I and I alone carried her torch. I kept her myth alive," Morbius dramatically bites his knuckle "I never let the dream die,"
"Urm... Last we checked, you were working for the Black Order, assmunch. You were planning to trap us in your badass castle and hand us over," Melody put her hands on her hips.
"She's right," Sif crossed her arms, I noticed a dagger in one hand "You sold out your own kind,"
"It wasn't by choice! They were extorting me. They would have killed me if I hadn't," Morbius shrugged his shoulders.
"I should kill you. Right here. Right now!" Thor snarled as he went for his sword. Morbius squeaks and scurries back, hiding behind Frigga.
"I was always planning to sell out the Black Order! It's true," Morbius cowered.
"Even after their headquarters were destroyed, their remaining cells continued to attack," Sylvie sighed standing between us and Morbius "That is until Frigga defeated them all,"
"All on her own! You should have seen it. Truly a thing of beauty,"
"I think I am going to be sick"
"She wiped out all of the leadership. Our Goddess ended the Black Order once and for all,"
"In 10 days?" I looked at Frigga over my glasses. she nodded at me.
"She is that amazing," Sylvie smiles at Frigga with the same devotion on Morbius's face.
"So that means..." This sounds all too good to be true. Which means it probably is.
"She is the real deal, Emily. Frigga is the first vampire," Sylvie leaned closer to me "Plus, I looked in her mind. You can't fake memories like hers," She whispered in my ear. She turns to the others, hands clasped before her "She is our Goddess," I look at Loki but he is sharing a look with Sif that I can interpret. Then Sif takes a step forward.
"Welcome back, my Goddess,"
"Thank you, my darling," Loki takes a deep breath and bows beside Sif. Melody in all her grace tried to copy them but fell forward. Thor helps steady her and after hesitating for a second, he also joins in. Frigga glances at me expectantly. I don't completely trust her but for now, I shall play the long game. Frigga gives me bad vibes. I swallowed what pride I had and bowed with the others. Frigga takes a deep, satisfied breath "Thank you all. It makes my heart soar to be reunited with my children at last,"

Once everyone straightens from the bow, Frigga glances out of the windows at the lightening sky.
"I suggest that we get out of the lobby," Loki leads us all to the conference room. He turns to Frigga "Are you aware of our situation?"
"I am aware of the damage that Odin... my sweet, misguided Odin... had done to the city,"
"Then you know that he is gone" Sif closed the door behind us. Melody goes and sits on her laptop as she needs to get hold of her uncle.
"Emily staked his ass," Thor grinned. Frigga's eyes flit to mine and for a moment I worry that she is angry with me but she shakes her head sadly.
"Odin lost his way. He became everything he detested. He became a monster. I only wish I could have been here sooner to help him. To save him. But alas... it is too late for that,"
"So... you are not mad?" I bite my lip.
"You did what you had to do. I respect that," Frigga shakes her head at me but her eyes say a different story. Yeah, she was mad at me "As a matter of fact, I'm sure you have questions for me. In a show of good faith. I will allow you to ask them,"
"As you are aware, we know parts of your story about what happened to you but I want to hear it from you," I know more than others but I still need to hear so I can determine if she is telling the truth.
"It all began when I was summoned to King Njord's court in Mudiea. He sentenced me to exile after rejecting his advances," Frigga daintily sits at the head of the table "But within the caves where I was exiled, I found the tree of eternal life. Drinking from its sap... gave me power. I went back and dethroned the king and took his place. I rule as the first vampire. A vampire Queen. And Odin and Heimdall were by my side," Frigga pauses, taking a deep breath "I regret to say that I descended into a period of bloodlust. Of violence that could not be quenched. Heimdall turned against me, He staked me to the Tree of Life where I was imprisoned. Until now," Her version of events matches my visions. so far so good.
"You speak English flawlessly for someone who lived in ancient times. How is that so?"
"It was easy, really. Once I found other vampires, I was able to incorporate their knowledge into mine. We share a bloodline. One immortal soul, divided among many. As I draw near you, I learn what you have learned. I know what you know,"
"So you're a psychic. Like Sylvie?" I looked over at Sylvie.
"Can you believe it? Me, sharing power with the first," Sylvie did an excited dance. It was oddly adorable.
"One last question, Just how powerful are you?"
"I can walk during the day, under a glaring sun. However, I am told that only one other shares this particular power. His name is Sword and he hunts vampires?" Frigga frowned.
"Blade. He does hunt our kind but we have an agreement with him. We stay out of his way and he doesn't kill us," Sif leaned on the table "He is also a half-breed,"
"But vampires cannot procreate," Frigga looked around the room in confusion.
"But we love to try," Morbius added. We all told him to shush.
"Blade was created by a vampire that turned his mother while she was pregnant with him. The attack caused her to go into labour and she later gave birth to Blade. She didn't survive the transformation as the venom had not taken hold of her yet," Loki explained.
"I see... So he is a lost soul too. Trying to revenge on the vampire that changed his course?" Frigga played with a golden necklace.
"It would appear that way. He did find his maker and kill him," Thor added.
"What other powers do you have?" I asked. Frigga tapped her chin.
"I can heal people. As you saw. I also have tremendous strength and speed."
"It's true. she is faster and stronger than any vampire I have ever seen. And that is a lot," Morbius's eyes light up as he smiles at Frigga "And we must forget the most beautiful of them all," Frigga rolls her eyes ever-so-slightly.
"Suck up," Melody mumbled.
"I also have a few more powers up my sleeve... But I would like to save those for a surprise. In private, perhaps," Frigga turns to me "Have I appeased your curiosity?"
"Yes. Thank you," For now she has. I still don't trust her "So, what do we do now?"
"I have been in contact with the leader of SWORD, Tyler Hayward. We are meeting at sunset,"
"Yeah about that, I think that might of changed," Melody muttered. She spins her laptop around and we see that she has an email from Hayward that they need to meet at dawn, not sunset "Good job we are up," I grumbled. I want to go to bed.
"Looks like he's bringing the military with him. As well as the Mayor," Sif ran a hand over her face.
"Where?" Frigga asks.
"Times Square," Melody reads off her laptop. Frigga smiles, moving almost floating, to the door.
"Perfect, let us be off,"

As the horizon begins to blush with the dawn, the five of us, as well as Sylvie and Morbius, follow Frigga into the city. Morbius and Sif are giving directions. I stare at Frigga's back as we walk, watching her sadly take in the damage of the city.
"Oh Odin, my sweet Odin, what have you done?" Sylvie and Morbius follow the closest behind Frigga, their eyes shining with devotion. Loki and Sif watch Frigga as well, their faces unreadable. Thor swings his head from side to side, looking for danger. Melody sidles up next to me.
"This is really weird, right? Like, kinda awesome but also weird?"
"Deffo. I have no idea what to make of it. Her power... it's like... I don't even know how to describe it?" Frigga is still giving me bad vibes.
"In so intoxicating. It's like she is made of light. I just want to be near her, let her hold me. to soak her up," Even I feel the pull of it, the way her power draws me in. It speaks of safety. Happiness. Peace "Also, she is super hot. We can agree on that, right? She is incredibly hot,"
"Melody, please never change," I smiled as I shook my head.

Although the unchained has been defeated, I can still see chaos everywhere. Fires roar out of control and vampires dart through the shadows. As we pass a broken shop window, I spy a couple of vampires inside, looting the place. Frigga glares at them, the vampires drop their stolen goods and stare back, mouths open.
"I... who?" The vampires crawl out of the window and stumble up towards Frigga, who continues on her way. The two vampires follow behind. The same thing happens no matter where we go. Frigga passes by and the vampires stop whatever they are doing and follow her.

Soon, we have a mob at our back. dozens and dozens of vampires march after us, drawn to Frigga and her power. Melody pushes me towards Loki and mumbles that there's a crowd. Loki grabs my hand.
"I still hate crowds," I mumbled as I gripped Loki's hand. Loki pulls me closer to him. Loki squeezed my hand tighter.
"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you," He whispered, kissing my temple.
"I know," More vampires come out of buildings and alleys. Even out of the shadows. Like moths to a flame.
"I guess all the vampires in the city are beginning to feel her presence. It's impossible not to," Thor was also on edge.
"you can say that again," Huggin spoke as he walked around the corner.
"Huggin? What the hell are you doing here?" Thor and Huggin shake hands as Huggin gestures to the rest of Thor's clan, their eyes fixed on Frigga as they walk down the streets of New York "We felt her power and came to investigate. Is she...?" Huggin's voice dies out as he stares at Frigga's back, swallowing. Thor nods once. Huggin lets out a whistle.
"This is getting spooky," I look around, more and more vampires have joined us "It's almost like a zombie movie or something,"
"I guess that's one way of looking at it. but you can't deny that now we have good numbers," Thor crossed his arms.

Frigga leads us all to the spot where we will be meeting with Hayward. A small battalion of soldiers waits for us. All armed with guns. Standing before the wall of soldiers are Hayward and the mayor of New York, Kevin DeAngelo.
"Loki? What is this?" Hayward demanded to know.
"What is going on here?" The mayor frowned. Loki takes a half step forward and then hesitates. He glances at Frigga, who nods at him to continue.
"Tyler, Mayor DeAngelo, these are all vampires left in New York. They all belong to clans and won't cause any trouble," Hayward uneasily eyes the mob of vampires as the mayor shifts beside him, looking pale.
"That's all well good but is the city safe?" Hayward looked around, expecting trouble. Frigga puts a gentle hand on Loki's shoulder and he steps back. She takes his place with a winsome grin.
"The city is safer than ever and I'm sure, with our combined efforts. We can rebuild it better than it ever was," Frigga confirmed.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" Hayward eyed Frigga up.
"How rude of me. My name is Frigga and I speak on behalf of all vampires," Frigga bowed her head "What Odin Borson has done here is nothing short of hideous. I can assure you, I do not share in his beliefs,"
"But he had to have learnt them somewhere," I mentally thought.
"But no, with all of us working an untied front..." Frigga gestures to the vampires behind her, their backs straightening as they stand to attention "There will be no more threats to the city. I will be its protector against the supernatural," the soldiers murmur as Mayor DeAngelo relaxes with a smile.
"Looks like the Avengers are out of a job," I muttered in Loki's ear.
"They couldn't cope with the supernatural. Let them handle the big three," Loki smiled. He seemed to be more relaxed. I like this side of Loki.
"Big three?" I frowned.
"Wizards, aliens and androids," Loki stated.
"Ahhh. That big three," I smiled softly as I leaned my head on Loki's shoulder.
"I bet you 5 dollars that Frigga will have them wrapped around her little finger in 20 minutes," Loki smiled. He licked his lips as he looked at me. I glanced at Hayward and the mayor, and I smirked.
"Well, if I gambled on that, it'd be an abuse of my privileges of being your girlfriend" I grinned. I knew Loki was a gambling man and I being the loving girlfriend was always down to push his buttons.
"Ten dollars,"
"Done," I shook Loki's hand.

Despite the obvious glare from Sif, Loki and I concentrated on the conversation.
"That is quite admirable of you, Frigga,"
"Yes, quite generous indeed," Hayward and the mayor gaze at Frigga with fascination and undisguised esteem. Loki rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Yes!" I fist-pumped and smiled as Loki groaned "Cough it up,"
"Wait till we are alone," Loki growls playfully in my ear.
"Thank you for your services, Frigga. We will be in contact shortly regarding our next steps," Hayward shook Frigga's hand.
"Of course,"

I watch as the soldier disperses under Hayward's Orders. The vampires begin to sneak off as well. Melting back into the shadows.
"Well, that was surprisingly easy," I scratched my chin.
"Looks like Frigga was our trump car. I was half convinced they would just open fire," Sif looked around at the retreating army.
"At least now they know we mean them no harm," Loki sighs. Frigga turns back to us, beaming.
"Well, my darlings, I think that went rather well,"
"Indeed. Thank you for helping us, Frigga," Frigga places a hand against Loki's cheek and he smiles warmly.
"Of course. I will always help my children but now the sun is about to rise over those towers so we must dispart," As everyone splits up, Loki waits in the shadows as Frigga grabs my hand, holding me back.

"Can I help you?" I ask, looking over at Loki.
"Emily, I hope you will forgive my bluntness, but I can't help but feel that there is something different about you," Frigga narrows her eyes at me.
"A good difference or a bad difference?"
"I'm not entirely sure. It's unusual," Frigga lets my hand go "You are not like the others. Something... special. In your blood," Frigga half-turns, looking at me out of the corner of her eye "Emily, will you walk with me? I feel that there is a lot we can learn about each other. I have much to share with you,"
"Sure," I look at Loki and put my thumb up and mouth that I will text him in a bit. He smiles and vamps off "Of course, I will walk with you. So long as I am home by the time the sun comes up,"
"Excellent. Follow me,"

Frigga and I stroll down the decimated streets of New York. Yet, somehow, they are not as frightening as they used to be. With Frigga's presence beside me, I feel as if I could single-handedly take on the unchained again. I felt like I could take on the world.
"This world... It has changed so much," Frigga ran a hand over some leaves as she looked up at the skyscrapers.
"How much of it have you seen since you woke up?" I hugged myself.
"Not much, admittedly. Some of Greece and parts of Eastern Europe where the Black Order was hiding,"
"How were you able to take out the rest of the Black Order?"
"Oh, They were nothing. They were foolish and scared. As all humans are," Frigga beamed as she looked up at the sky, watching a bird fly away "Then Sylvie and Morbius took me on a metal contraption that shot through the sky,"
"An aeroplane?"
"Yes, That's what they called it. see? The world has changed so much it boggles the mind,"

Frigga and I walk past the fountain, its water has dried up. I clear my throat, oddly nervous.
"May I ask you a question?" I picked at my hands.
"My darling, that's why we are here, is it not?"
"You're a psychic. Like Sylvie and Tyr," I take a deep breath "I have these zone-out moments, I can see memories of other vampires, Does this mean I am like you and Sylvie?"
"Yes. This is why I wanted to speak with you," Frigga steps closer, her presence warm and inviting "I can sense great power within you, Emily. A potential that has not yet been fully realized,"
"You have tremendous power, not me. I am not powerful,"
"You have it as well, Emily. I can sense it," Frigga touches my temple lightly and I feel a shiver go down my spine.
"I can help you reach that Potential, Emily. Together we can unlock the full extent of the power that slumbers within you," I think about it, her words tempting, I like my lips.
"Yeah... maybe..." Frigga smiles and the two of us continue walking.
"I understand your hesitance. When I first began my rule, I was terrified of outside counsel. My only confidants were Odin and Heimdall and..." Frigga stops herself, her expression solemn "I do not blame Heimdal for what he did. It was me who made them question my rule. My power. Perhaps I deserved it,"
"We all mess up. that doesn't mean you deserved to be betrayed" I saw the visions. It wasn't fair.
"Thank you for saying so, Emily. But the damage was done. In my prison, I was shut off from the world, unable to help my children," A tear began to fall down her cheek "I felt it as soon as I awoke. This world. It is in pain. It is crying out, begging, infected with suffering and cruelty. If I had been here... If I could have stopped it, stopped the Black Order from rising... Stopped Odin from his plot," I carefully put a hand on Frigga's shoulder. It feels warm and vibrant, a pleasant sensation travelling through me at the touch.
"I'm sorry, Frigga. I can't imagine what this must be like for you. To wake up and have everything you know changed. It would be a lot for anyone," Frigga gracefully wipes her tears from her face and gives me a warm smile.
"Thank you, Emily. It was quite difficult at first, but with each passing day, I get more used to it," Frigga briefly holds my hand hands within her own "I'm so grateful for you all. I will do my absolute best to make it up to you,"
"You don't have to,"
"But I want to. I must. I spent so much time in Mydiea yearning for a world where vampires and humans could coexist,"
"Odin's vision didn't include humans and Heimdall's vision didn't include vampires,"
"I promise that I will find a way. A way for us to live in peace. To try to heal the world of its wounds,"
"Frigga..." She smiles and squeezes my hands gently before letting go. I clear my throat, shifting on my feet "You mentioned that you have other unique powers," Frigga gives me a mischievous grin.
"I thought you never asked,"

And with that note, she puts an arm around my waist and begins to rise high into the sky over New York.
"Oh my god!" I'm in fucking space! The bitch can fly. I thought Morbius was the only one who could fly. I wrap my arms tightly around Frigga's neck. Frigga laughs beside me, her arm tightening around me. The wind whips my hair and clothes as I gaze wide-eyed at my surroundings. I feel as if I am part of the sky itself, navy ink with a splash of purple as the dawn approaches. It feels as old as the very first sunrise.
"Well? What do you think?" I gape at the ground far, far below me. The jigsaw of the city laid out below my feet. It almost looks like a toy construction.
"I think I can see my flat from here. this is amazing,"

The two of us linger up in the sky, my stomach in free fall, like I am on a rollercoaster. I scramble to take my phone out of my top and take several photos. A few stars linger in the sky and feel as if I could reach out and pluck them from the cosmos. Melody is going to love this.
"This is amazing!" Frigga laughs again. I can see why Ironman flies around so much.
"I am glad you enjoyed it,"

The two of us drift back down to earth. My stomach swoops at the sensation as my heart races. My legs buckle once I land on solid ground.
"Wow," I turn to Frigga, who is gazing at me fondly "What? Something on my face?"
"No, It's just nice to see someone who appreciates my power and is not frightened by it,"
"Takes a lot to frighten me. I've been around vampires for nearly a year and then I think I only freaked out twice. And that was when I found out Loki was a vampire,"
"I would love it if you and I got to know each other better, Emily. That is if you want the same,"
"I wouldn't mind making a new friend," I hugged myself. Frigga smiles warmly. She glances at the brightening horizon. I only had a few minutes.
"You should head home before the sun rises. See you tomorrow, Emily," I wave bye as I watch her walk away, my heart still pounding in my chest. I then vamp home, text Loki that I am home and I miss him and crash into my own bed.

The next day, I head to Loki's office. As I stick my head around the door, I find Loki and Sif already there, along with Thor and Melody. They all look up and smile.
"Emily," Thor did a finger wave. Sif nodded her head.
"There she is," Loki purred. He winked at me, licking his lips as he walked slowly over to me, scooping me up in a hug and spinning me around "Hello, darling,"
"Hi," I smile as he kisses me.
"Oh, will you put her down? I need my hugs too," Melody scoffed. Loki raised an eyebrow at her. He kissed me once more and put me on the floor. Melody smiled as she ran over to me "Bestie!" Melody ran over to hug me. Loki's phone starts ringing.
"Excuse me,"
"So, this is interesting, right? This is a thing now?"
"I can still hardly believe it. I didn't think that the tree of eternal life could be destroyed," Melody and I sat back down.
"It ended up being a lot of help, though. Without Frigga, I doubt that meeting would have gone as well," Loki comes back into the room, pocketing his phone.
"Just confirmed with Hayward. The city has been declared safe again. They will begin resettling the population by the end of the week," Melody and I cheer while Sif sighs in relief and Thor grins.
"What about the news? How are they going to spin this?" I leaned back in my chair.
"SWORD or SHEILD will take care of that," Melody shrugged.
"There's going to be a coverup?"
"Isn't that in the public interest? What could be gained by exposure?" Loki sat on the table, sipping a cup of tea.
"But is SWORD or SHIELD in the habit of cleaning up after multiple vampire attacks?" Thor asked as he crossed his arms.
"Why do you think it's called the 'Hoover operations'?" Melody laughed.
"And it seems that, for the time being, the public is buying the whole viral infection cover story. Thanks to my lab, we doctored some lab tests to show that the infection caused people to lose their minds a bit," Loki pushed a cup towards me and nodded. He knew that I didn't feel comfortable drinking from humans for a while so he laced my drinks with blood.
"Understatement much," Melody mumbled.
"They're going to send in their cleaning crews today. The mayor is leading the effort... alongside Frigga," Loki put his cup down and sighed.
"How did she swing that?" Thor scrunched his nose up.
"She's passing herself off as a European socialite whose generous donations will fund the cleanup effort," Loki shrugged.
"I didn't know she was that loaded," Sif put her feet up on the desk.
"Well, she is a Goddess. If the stories that Odin told me about her are anything to go by, nothing is impossible for her,"
"I dunno... I mean, don't get me wrong, I like that she is shaking things up a little but that seems awfully fast to get into the mayor's good graces," Thor scowled. Mayor DeAngelo wasn't the easiest person to like but he was better than the other guy, he went up against.
"You saw what happened yesterday. Her power is uncontested. She inspires worship wherever she goes,"
"Oh, man, does she! I would worship her in a heartbeat," Melody clapped and kissed her fingertips "And by worship I mean--" I covered her mouth before she could say anything else.
"We all know what you mean, Mel,"
"I agree that her presence has been extremely helpful but we should still be on our guard. Just in case," Loki clicked his tongue.
"You don't trust her," Thor smirked at Loki. Loki crossed his arms.
"Right now. I don't trust anyone that isn't in this room,"
"What do you think of her, Em?" Sif looked at me.
"Yeah, you are our little memory hoarder. What does your brain say?" Melody pulled her head away from my hand.
"I don't know. The visions are conflicting. I wanna like her but I can't help but be a little wary," I downed my drink. Feeling a little better.
"As long as she keeps helping us, there's really no reason to complain," Thor cracked his neck.
"We just have to keep an eye on her," Loki sighed and crossed his arms "Well, while Frigga is busy with the mayor, there are some loose ends we should tie up,"
"Like what?" Sif tilted her head towards Loki.
"Some of the city vampires fled upstate. We haven't been able to update them on the latest news,"
"And even though the city was declared safe, we still have some pockets of untamed to take out, thanks to Odin," Sif added. Thor cracked his knuckles and said that he wanted to bash some skulls in.
"Frigga asked us all to meet her at the temple tomorrow night so that gives us a chance to get something done,"
"Can I come with you upstate? I need to get out of the city," Melody pleaded with Loki.
"Sure, why not? We can make an adventure out of it," Loki smiled as he agreed. Melody cheered. I love seeing these two get along.
"Thor and I will handle the untamed. I got a report of some roaming in the cordoned-off sections of the city,"
"Perfect. What about you, Emily? Want to come upstate with me and Melody?" Loki turned his head to me.
"Or bash in some skulls with me and Thor?" Sif smiled.
"Hold the phone, Why are we even asking?" Melody speaks before I even get a chance "We all know who she is going with,"
"They have a point but the answer I give with not be one you expect. I want to do both,"
"Say what?" Thor's jaw dropped. I placed my finger under his chin and snapped his jaw shut.
"You will catch flies if you leave that gob of yours open. I'll go with Loki and Melody first and we should be back in plenty of time to deal with the beast before sunrise, right Loki?"
"Yes. This thing upstate shouldn't take very long at all," Loki smiled.
"Road trip!"
"I will see you when we get back," I ruffled Thor's hair and I took Loki's hand in mine.

Soon Loki, me and Melody are driving north out of the city, along a dark, empty highway. Loki is driving, Melody is in the back seat, singing along to the radio and I just watching the world go by.
"You know, I don't think I realised how cooped up I felt until just now," I sighed, feeling a little bit free.
"Yeah, it's nice not to be breathing in smoke for once,"
"Hopefully the city can be restored quickly. It will take a lot of effort but with Frigga helping us, we have a good lead," Loki tapped away on the steering wheel.
"Okay, no more talking shop! This is a road trip so we need to do road trip things!" Melody clapped her hands.
"And what does one do on a road trip?" Loki looked at Melody in the rearview mirror.
"Let's see... We can't play the license plate game because you brought us down a dark, majorly creepy highway with no cars..."
"You wanted to come along," Loki muttered.
"I know! Let's play... I spy" Melody clicked her fingers.
"How do you play?" Loki asked, turning down the radio.
"You don't know I spy?" I narrow my eyes at my boyfriend. that man still surprises me.
"I'm three hundred years old, even I forget things,"
"Well, watch and learn. Emily," She pauses, looking around the car with shifty eyes "I spy with my little eye... something beginning with... F"
"Fangs?" I shrugged. Melody's face dropped "It's Fangs, isn't it,"
"Dang... how did you guess?"
"I am just that good," I then spun in my seat, smiling at Melody "Also, I know how lazy you can be at this game," Melody pouted at me but then burst out smiling.
"Rude but also true,"

The three of us continue to play until Loki turns off onto a dirt road, the headlights illuminating the Hudson River nearby.
"If it wasn't for the fact that I am already dead... technically... I would think you are here to murder us,"
"There's still time yet," Loki smirked as Melody gasped, chuckling "This is it,"

As we get out of the car, I take in the quaint cabin sitting hidden in the woods.
"Murder cabin?" Melody crossed her arms "So, The group of vampires who fled the city are hiding out here?"
"A certain few, yes," Loki nodded.
"Looks like something out of a fairytale or nursery rhyme," Melody whispered.

As we approach the cabin, I begin to hear the sound of raised voices inside. But they don't sound angry.
"Hold up... are these?"

The door flies open and an elderly woman shuffles outside, broom in her hands.
"Who the hell do you think you--" She held up the broom at eye level "Oh, Loki! It's you! You had me worried for a moment,"
"Sorry to startle you, Mrs Otiz. I just wanted to come up and see how you all were doing," The elderly vampires look over me and Melody suspiciously "Don't worry about these two. They are my friends. I trust them with my life,"
"Friends?" Melody leans her head forward to look at Loki. I was perfectly fine being called a friend. Not everyone needs to know Loki and I are dating.
"Alright, This one is my friend, She is called Melody and this one... this is Emily... My girlfriend," Loki gazed softly at me.
"I thought..." Mrs Otiz looked at me.
"It's complicated," Loki pinched his lips together.
"Hmmm. all right, come in. They could all use the distraction," Mrs Otiz waved us in. Melody and I exchange a confused look as Loki follows Mrs Otiz inside.

When we walk into the cabin, though, I realize what is going on. The children turn to look at me in curiosity. There are about 8 of them, all looking younger than 12.
"Oh! they are all children?"
"All vampire children?"
"The poor dears were caught up in the chaos. A few got separated from their parents," I watch the vampire children play on the floor of the cabin, although some merely sit and watch us.
"Mrs Otiz, how long have you been here?" I look around the room.
"Loki's clan managed to get as many children out as they could before the true chaos hit," Mrs Otiz explains as she hands Loki a folder.
"I had given them orders to evacuate if anything happened in our absence. As soon as Odin made his move, the children were taken here," Loki leaned on a door frame.
"I'm glad you were able to get out before it spread,"
"As am I. I can't imagine what that monster would have done with them,"
"I'm thinking Star Wars three, Revenge of the Sith," Melody mumbles in my ear. I nodded. One of the children runs up to Loki and tugs on his trousers. Loki smiles as he kneels down to the child's height.
"Mr Loki, did you bring any more of those candies?" Loki smiles as he digs a hand in his pocket.
"I sure did, Lori but make sure you share with the others, all right?"
"Yes, Mr Loki. Thank you," The little girl grabs the bag and runs to the other children. Mrs Otiz smiles as Lori distributes the candy but there's sadness in her eyes.
"Are you okay, Mrs Otiz?"
"All I want is their safety. What some of them have been through already..." Mrs Otiz sniffs.
"That's why we can here, Mrs Otiz. Odin has been defeated and New York has been officially declared safe again," Loki smiled. Mrs Otiz beams as she claps.
"Oh, how wonderful! Children, did you hear that? Soon, we will be going home," Most of the children cheer, although a couple still seems too haunted to respond.
"Woohoo! This is a cause for celebration!" Melody takes out her phone and blast party music from the speakers "Let's have a celebratory dance party!"

The children jump up and down in excitement as Melody riles them up. I was about to join them when Mrs Otiz grabbed my wrist.
"You feel different," She whispers. This again. Am I giving off bad vibes or something? I steel myself for whatever bull she comes out with "Something in you... darkness. If you harm any one of those children..."
"I won't. Ever," I frown. I looked over at Loki and then back to the old lady "There may be a darkness in me but I will never let it win," Mrs Otiz lets me go, clearing her throat.
"All right then. Dance away,"

Melody and I try to get the sullen children to join the impromptu dance party as Loki talks to Mrs Otiz in the corner.
"We are going home! We are going home and I get to eat hot dogs again!" I laugh at Lori as she spins around.
"I get to sleep in my own bed again!"
"I get to see my pet cat, whiskers!"
"I get to play football," I laugh and look out the cabin window, spotting a beautiful garden in the back. This place is so nice and secluded. I wonder if I can steal a moment with Loki? I catch Loki's eyes as I go out to the garden. He excuses himself from his talk with Mrs Otiz and follows me.

I take a moment to enjoy the fresh air, inhaling deeply and letting it all out as a happy sigh.
"Emily?" I hear Loki behind me, he wraps his arms around my shoulders "Are you okay?"
"yeah, this place is so lovely," I lean my head on his chest.
"And far from civilization. Exactly why I wanted the kids to come here,"
"You did a good thing, Loki. Not everyone would have thought to get the children out first,"
"Guess it's the dad side of me. Being able to help the kids out... It reminded me too strongly of him... when I was too weak to do anything," Loki whispered, I leaned my head up.
"Loki, Do you mean your son?" Loki nods and glances back at the cabin. I can hear a couple of the children laughing, Melody has got them playing musical chairs "She is such a child,"
"I wish I could have done more to help. Not just for them but for everyone... so many perished... I had to do whatever I could to keep them safe,"
"I understand. There's been so much's unfair for the children to be caught up in it. They deserve a safer world," I turn around in Loki's arms and hug him tightly.
"It makes me wonder if Frigga can provide them with that safer world. a place where they won't know any more violence," He takes a deep breath, then smiles slightly "You're right. This place is really lovely. I won't spoil it with that sort of talk," Loki cups my face "We are going to rebuild and New York will be stronger than ever,"
"Amen to that," We look at each other, smiling and enjoying the beautiful scenery. I put a hand against the side of Loki's face and bring him down to me, kissing him on the mouth. Loki's hands immediately come to my waist and the fresh smell of flowers with the heat of his body makes me giddy "... Loki," I kiss his jaw, then his neck. His small moans vibrate against my lips until he brings me back up, deepening the kiss.
"Emily. How do you keep doing this to me?" Loki murmured against my lips.
"I'm not trying to do anything but I probably won't stop either," I smirked, slyly. Loki licked his lips as he growled in my ear.
"Nor do I want you to stop,"

We stayed wrapped up in one another for several moments, simply enjoying one another. until we heard a voice from indoors.
"Ewww! Look! they're kissing," I break away from Loki, laughing. Hand in hand, we head back to the cabin.

"Thank you for coming to tell us the news, Loki" Mrs Otiz smiled as she led us out the door.
"Of course. I will send some cars for you and the children by the end of the week" Loki handed an envelope to the sweet, old lady.
"Wonderful. Say goodbye to Mr Odinson and his friends, children," Mrs Otiz placed a hand on Lori's head as all the kids rushed to the windows.
"Mr Loki, will you bring more candies next time?" Lori asked. Loki smiled as he through one bag of sweets towards Lori.
"Of course, Lori and you know the drill," Lori smiled as she ran inside.

The children call out their goodbyes as we return to the car. And we head back to the city.
"They were sweet," Melody smiled as she waved at the children "Maybe I should open a youth centre when all this bull calms down. Somewhere for kids to feel safe and welcome,"
"That's a good idea," I smiled at Melody.
"It could have arcades and a bowling alley... where's my phone? I need to make lists" Melody typed away.
"Have we unleashed a nightmare?" Loki whispered as he started the car.
"This is tame," I chuckled.

When we return to Loki's office, Thor and Sif are waiting for me.
"Ah, you're back in one piece. Still want to tag along?" Sif smiled as Thor held my sword out.
"Absolutely," I smiled.
"Good. I need to work some energy out of my system," Thor shuffled on his feet and did some boxing.
"Only you would treat heading into a den of mindless beasts as a workout," I rolled my arms as I adjusted my top.
"Let's go you two," Sif stood by the door. I kissed Loki bye and quickly followed Sif.

The two of them lead me to the Met. The very place where we had defeated Odin just over a week ago. Where the bastard killed me.
"Why did we come here?" I groaned. Thor and Sif both placed a hand on my shoulders.
"You got this," Sif mumbled in my ear.
"Ferals have holed up in the museum. We need to eradicate them before Hayward's people storm in and get themselves killed," Thor unsheathes his sword with a grim smile "They are the mice and we are the cat. Let's do this,"

The three of us silently sneak inside. The Met is dark and silent and I can see the signs of struggle. Some of the art is overturned and broken and claw marks are everywhere.
"Where should we start looking?" Sif closes her eyes to concentrate and I copy her. Somewhere to the right, I can feel the presence of a few beasts. I can hear their distant growling and the smell of their putrid scent.
"There are some in the Egyptian wing. We should split up and close in on them,"
"Right. I'll come around to the upper entrance and you come from the side," Thor nodded with his chin.
"Emily? What about you?"
"I'm with Thor,"
"Okay, let's do this,"

Thor and I split from Sif as we leave the great hall and head past the gift shop.
"Well, while we are here, we can grab some miniature statues and posters,"
"Think I will pass on that one," Thor smiled as he unsheathed his sword.

The closer we get to the Egyptian hall, the more I can feel where the beasts are.
"Did you ever go to the Met? You know, back before it was infested with those things?"
"Never got the chance to. But hey, better late than never right?" I take up position by the entrance to the hall, peering in.
"How many can you see?"
"Four skulking around the halls," I look again and I see one gnawing on a human leg "Eww,"

We ease our way inside, I spot Sif on the other side as she draws her knives, she signals that we should spread out. Thor and Sif look at each other and nod. They look at me and nod to the ugly cretin in the corner. The one gnawing on the leg.
"EAT STEEL!" Thor lunges forward and swings his sword, burying it into the beast's neck. Sif rushes past him and kicks the other thing in the chest, making it slam into the wall behind it. As I unsheathe my sword, I rush toward the crouching beast in the corner, which looks up from its half-eaten leg. I yell out as I swing my sword in a graceful arc.
"Hah!" The sword bites hard into the beast's neck and severs it. The head goes flying "I am going to marry this sword," I turn and find Thor and Sif holding their own against the beasts. Sif disembowels the beast that she kicked into a wall before turning to see my victory.
"Well done, Emily," Sif praised.
"There's one more, ladies," The last beast was bigger than the other three and it raced towards me.
"Emily. Give me your arm! Thor, go low!" Thor runs for the beast and dives, grabbing it around the legs. Sif takes my arm as I run towards her "GO!" Sif flings me through the air. As I descended toward the beast, I ready my fist.
"Hey, ugly!" I smash my fist through the beast's throat.

The last beast goes down with a bloody gurgle. Thor gets up with a laugh and pats my back.
"Hell yes!" Thor high ten me.
"Excellent work," she looked around at the shattered glass, some of the artefacts broken on the floor and sighed "Now that this hall's been cleared out, let's check the rest,"

Sif, Thor and I make our way through the rest of the Met. We encounter a few more uglies but it's nothing we can't handle.

By the time we reach the roof, it is nearly dawn. The three of us take a moment to appreciate the view. I flop to the floor.
"Phew," I lay spread eagle on the floor "Hunting takes a lot out of you, huh?"
"At least the Met is safe now. That's one area down," Thor spots something and walks away.
"Only a few more and New York will officially be free of those things," Sif spoke as she walked off. I take a deep breath and smile, proud of the work we did tonight. Sif walks to one side of the roof and stares out over the city while Thor crosses his arms and studies the rooftop garden.

I climb to my feet and go stand beside Thor and smile up at him.
"So... did you work out all the energy you need to work out?"
"Pretty much. It always helps to take down some of those ugly bastards," Thor sighs and shakes his head "Shame that some priceless art had to pay for it, though,"
"Thought you hated art,"
"I do. But that doesn't mean I want it destroyed," Thor stared out towards the horizon "But I suppose we've had to sacrifice a lot in order to get to where we are now,"
"That's certainly true," I leaned on the roof's edge.
"Now that Frigga is here, I hope things can change for the better" Thor smiled before looking down at the sidewalk "I know this is going to sound selfish but it is nice letting someone else lead for once. I've had this weight on me for so long. All these lives are dependent on me. All these fights that I have to win but with Frigga taking charge, maybe, just maybe I can live my life. Hell, I might even get to enjoy it,"
"Thor, that is not selfish at all," The two of us smile at each other, the stars winking overhead. I put my hand on his back and pat it "I'm proud of you, Thor,"
"What? Why?"
"Just everything. We've been dealing with a lot and you have handled it like a real leader" Thor looks away, a little embarrassed but he smiles.
"Thanks, Em," We enjoy the view from the top of the Met until dawn approaches. Then the three of us head home to rest before Frigga's meeting

The next night, we all meet up with Frigga at the ruined vampire temple. This is where Odin had ambushed us. When everything changed. I look ahead and see Frigga waiting, her hands clasped calmly before her. Sylvie and Morbius stand on either side of her.
"Thank you all for coming,"
"Of course. how is the restoration effort going?" Loki bowed his head.
"Slow. But the mayor promises a complete recovery," Frigga crossed her arms, a strange look covering her face "Of course, a promise from a man in power means nothing so I will be there to make sure he makes good on it,"
"I knew I liked your style," Melody beams at Frigga, who is now looking at the ruined temple, curious.
"This place is old... tell me, who built it?" Frigga asks. Sif and Loki glance at each other.
"It was Odin," Sif replied. Frigga placed a hand on the wall, tracing a crack.
"I see..." Frigga walks to a broken column and puts her hand on it "I know what Odin has done but I do not understand why. or how. What happened, exactly?"

Loki recounts the whole story, Sif adding her part in here and there and it all ends with how I staked Odin with the white oak stake.
"Odin always had a touch of madness in him. An unwillingness to temper his wrath. I suppose that is why King Njord made him a soldier of his army. I loved him all the same," Frigga's gaze turns to me "Still, I am sorry that you had to be caught up in it, Emily,"
"He betrayed us and hurt us but... but I know he was someone special to you. I'm sorry," I hugged myself. Loki squeezed my shoulder.
"He killed you and you apologised for ending him? Are you mad?!" Thor shouted from the other side of the room.
"Thor!" Melody slapped him around the back of the head.
"Thor, I was always taught not to speak ill of the dead. Even if they still do most of the talking themselves. What is done is done. Let's just leave it at that," I nodded my head at Frigga as she smiled gently at me.
"Thank you, Emily. I regret that you had to see such an ugly side of him. I understand why you had to stop him. Seeing for myself what he's done, I would have done the same,"
"Well, as you can see, there was a line,"
"Odin always envisioned a world where vampires can live free and in peace. But he went about it all wrong. Vampires shouldn't reign above humans or the other way around. We deserve a world where we can co-exist peacefully. We deserve a future without bloodshed. Without hate,"
"That's all well and good but how do you propose to go about that?"
"It won't be easy, of course. But you already knew that. Our work with Hayward, Fury and the mayor is our first step," Frigga turns her head towards Melody "Your uncle is a strange man. How does he view those screens at once?"
"He turns," Melody folds her arms as she leans against a column.
"Well, that sounds exhausting,"
"It is," Melody nods.

As Frigga and the others talk, I feel a pull in the back of my head.
"Oh, please don't tell me..." I cannot deal with one of those right now. Turning, I find a shard trapped under some debris "I didn't expect to find one here today," Sparing a glance at the others, I sidle over to it. I can feel sadness emanating from it. the emotions were so intense that my eyes began to water. I see a brief vision of Loki, Melody, Thor and Sif. This must have been when they were mourning me. When I was... dead.
"Emily, Are you alright?" Loki asks. I shake my head.
"I am going to sit down for a minute. Think there's a vision coming," I walk over to a broken column and sit next to the shard, I lean my head back "Just leave me here, I'll be alright in a minute or two,"
"I'll stand nearby just in case," I wink at Loki. He pulls his phone out and sends a text. I assume that he is telling the others what is going on. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as my hand hovers over the shard. I steel myself and touch the shard.

Loki, Thor, Sif and Melody are gathered in Loki's office. The heavy is heavy with grief. Loki is sitting on the floor in front of his desk, staring out at nothing, tears dripping down his face. Thor paces furiously while Melody is also sat up against Loki's desk. Sif is sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed.
"I can't believe it... Fuck it, I won't believe it. I can't believe she is just... gone," Melody starts to cry, quiet tears that become body-wracking sobs. Loki wraps his arms around Melody, holding her tightly.
"I am so sorry, Melody. More than you know," Loki held onto Melody as she screamed and sobbed "If I had been just a little bit faster... If I had been the one to..." Loki stops himself and rubs a hand over his face, taking a shuddering sigh.
"Loki, you can't blame yourself. Emily... She saw an opening and she took it. If she hadn't staked Odin, we would all be dead,"
"But now she is!" Thor clenches and unclenches his fists as he paces, fangs bared "Odin... that son of a bitch... He took everything from us!" With an enraged roar, Thor turns and punches a hole through the wall.
"Thor... stop it. No amount of punching is going to bring her back,"
"Shut up! Everyone just shut up!" Thor collapses into a chair and holds his head in his hands as his shoulders shake. Melody gets up and goes to hug him. Sif clenches her jaw and glares at the floor.
"What Emily did was heroic. She saved us all," Sif takes a deep breath that shakes "And she deserved more than to be buried in the cold hard ground," Melody sobs again, covering her mouth with a hand.
"I could... I could have done so much more,"
"It's no one's fault, Loki. By that logic, you should all be blaming me," Sif brought her knees up to her chest as she hunched up in the chair "I failed to ambush him. If I had just been quieter,"
"Can we all just stop blaming ourselves for one second!" Melody screamed, shooting to her feet "Emily is dead," Her words ring across the room, painful and final. Melody closes her eyes as fresh tears roll down her face "My best friend is dead. She wouldn't want us sobbing or blaming. She would want us to get pissed and remember the good times," Loki rakes a hand through his hair, swallowing hard. He then climbs to his feet and goes to his liquor cabinet, takes out a bottle of wine and pours everyone a drink.
"You're right, Melody. We shouldn't be blaming ourselves, we should be remembering Emily,"

Once everyone has a glass, Loki takes a deep breath.
"Emily was unlike anyone I have ever met. Her courage, her tenacity... I'll... I will never forget her,"
"She was terrible at MarioKart but she was amazing at listening to people's problems. She helped me with whatever I needed. Sometimes we would just hang out after work. Order a big fat greasy Chinese takeaway and it was the best thing in the world. I am going to miss that so much," Thor holds his glass in both hands, glaring at it. He clears his throat.
"Emily... Emily was special," Thor started. Loki growled "Oh fuck off. She fought with everything she had. She never gave up and she always believed in me. In all of us. She was incredible," The others look to Sif, who gazes dismally into her wine.
"I... I don't like most humans, I won't lie. But Emily was different. She tried so hard to get to know me, to understand me," Sif pauses as her voice catches, her eyes overly bright "I'm going to miss her. for as long as I draw breath," Everyone reflects another moment until Loki steps forward.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't bring her back. I tried. I..." More tears fall from Loki's eyes "I don't know what to do now. I don't know how to live in a world without her,"
"Loki, I have to ask. We know you two hooked up a lot but did you love her?" Melody asked, tilting her head.
"I...I tried to tell her but I never got the chance. Not until it was too late," The others come in closer, touching Loki's shoulders in comfort "I do. I love her and I wish I told her. And deep down, I believe that I always will. And I hope she knew that,"
"She does. And I hope I don't get haunted by Emily for this but I think she loved you too," Loki lifts his glass and the others do the same.
"To Emily, She was the best of us," The others repeat the toast and drink.

I gasp softly as I come back to myself. Tears drying on my cheeks. I felt a set of arms wrap themselves around me. I looked around to see who was hugging me and relaxed when I saw it was just Loki.
"Emily?" Loki cupped my face as the world focused, Running small circles on my cheeks "Are you alright?" I blink a few times. I look around to see that the others are still listening to Frigga speak "Don't worry, Sif will catch me up,"
"Yeah... I..." I glance down and the crystal is gone. I stared at Loki as I flung my arms around him.
"I got you," Loki says as he pulls me closer to him "What happened?"
"there were you guys... your office...crying... screaming" It was hard to remember, The vision was already fading, "I think... I think I... I don't quite know," Loki pulled me to his chest, running small circles in my back "I'm okay. I think I felt all your emotions during that one,"
"If it's the day after we lost you then yeah, all emotions were heightened to the extreme on that day," Loki kissed my forehead. I do remember one little detail. Loki is in love with me. But I need him to tell me himself. I can't just dump on him that I know but I do need to pull Melody up on it all. Why didn't tell Loki that I love him? "You going to be okay?"
"Yeah. Totally fine,"
"You know I hate that word,"
"I know but I am though. Let's go see what Frigga is doing," Sniffing, I wipe my tears, stand up and we rejoin the others. Loki's hand in mine.

Sif nods at me and we watch as Frigga continues to walk around the temple, inspecting the fractured walls and crumbled columns.
"It is a shame to keep it this way. I will rebuild it. Just as I will rebuild New York," Frigga sighed.
"Thank you, Frigga. We really appreciate all your help with this," Sif bowed her head.
"We'll have to put together a new council, of course. All decisions should be run by the council before being brought up with Mayor DeAngelo," Loki started talking. Thor groaned at the mention of the council.
"Council? There will be no need for that," Frigga dismissed Loki's statement.
"Really?" Thor spoke.
"But... we've always had a council," Loki looked at Sif "It's how we managed the clans of New York,"
"In the past, perhaps. But I am here now. We will have no council. We have no need for one. As of now, I am in charge," Frigga smiled. Now, she is really freaking me out.

The NightWalker: RebornWhere stories live. Discover now