Blurred Lines

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Y/n had been running from this apparent youkai for some time now, laughing all the while.

He wasn't being held back by any others, it was just him, free to do shit as stupidly as possible.

As such, he eventually turned to face his pursuer and caught her off guard with a swing of Beathach Siorruidh.

???: "Ah!? Watch where you're swinging that!"

Y/n: "I was."

The two stood facing each other, both of them wielding their swords. Hers was a katana of no real significance...

His was a reborn excalibur that had been juiced up from his power as the knight of wolves.

Yeah, I think we all know who was winning this fight.

The moment the two swords came into contact, Beathach Siorruidh sliced straight through the katana's blade like it was a piece of cheese.

The servant was officially on the back foot as she tried to defend with more swords, only for the sword of the eternal oath to slash them to pieces.

Eventually, Y/n managed to knock the servant down and he held his sword to her throat. With both hands on the grip, he raised his blade above his head and prepared to swing it down.

The servant accepted her fate. Even with the boon BB had given her, she was no match for this person.

Y/n's mind flickered however. Something was calling out to him. It almost seemed like it was related to this place in some way.

He looked around and couldn't see much of anything unusual, well aside from the entirety of the place he was in.

Y/n: "... Please tell me you sense that as well."

???: "Sense what?"

Y/n sighed, he knew what he likely had to do. He stabbed his sword into the ground, causing it to vanish, and closed his eyes before focusing on the disturbance.

When his eyes opened again, they shone with a multitude of different colours, each fading in and out with different hues.

He reached out and felt reality collapse at his fingertips, the servant watched in awe as she witnessed the second magic, Kaleidoscope.

His hand reached out.

Someone took hold of it.

He pulled that person through as a brown haired girl stumbled through, coughing and wheezing from the experience.

Y/n knelt next to her and waited for her to stabilise. She looked up at him and stood up, though her balance was a bit wobbly. The servant took a step back after witnessing that.

???: "Okay, what the fuck?"

Y/n ignored her and spoke to the girl instead.

Y/n: "You're the cause of that disturbance?"

???2: "Dis... turbance?"

The girl's voice was hoarse, understandable since she was literally pulled through dimensions, and there was a sense of unease in her tone.

???2: "Where... Where is this?"

Y/n: "You're supposed to be on the Seraphix rig, but this place is some kinda digital amalgamation of the rig and something else."

???2: "... The moon cell."

Y/n raised an eyebrow before the girl continued.

???2: "I- Is there an AI called BB here?"

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