Khagan of the Conquering Empire

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Y/n was immediately beset by three powerful heroic spirits, one of which was a goddess. But he couldn't say he didn't feel bad for Hakuno and Meltryllis.

Melt kicked away any attacks that Ching Shih threw at her while the pirate kept a joyous smirk on her face. Gudit also kept Meltryllis on her toes. While Melt mostly focused on Ching Shih, Gudit would flank and try to take out Hakuno.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei both fought fiercely against Genghis Khan as he whaled on them with strength comparable to a berserker.

Cao Cao struck out at him with her Dao sword, only for it to be blocked by Khan's sabre. Liu Bei tried the same, only for Genghis to block with the scabbard of said sabre.

Liu Bei: "Heh... You fight much like how I expected, mighty Khan."

Genghis smirked before pushing both Chinese warriors back.

Genghis: "I must admit, both of you prove to be a... welcome challenge. I may even need to use my noble phantasm."

Cao Cao: "By all means, feel free. Just don't be surprised when you get your ass whooped."

Genghis chuckled, his eyes were sharp and focused, but his stance was relaxed.

Genghis: "Heh... Very well. Let us settle this."

Genghis felt the wind whip up about his feet before he leapt into the air.

Genghis: "TSAGAAN MORI!!"

Cao Cao and Liu Bei both covered their eyes as a blinding flash of light shone forth. When their vision recovered they both ducked off to the sides as a white horse shot past them. Genghis laughed as he turned the horse around and charged with his sabre at the ready again.

Cao Cao: "You got my back, Liu Bei?"

Liu Bei: "I suppose I don't have a choice!"

The two charged forth and Cao Cao's sword shone with a brilliant light.

Cao Cao: "Jù guāng! YI TIAN!!"

Liu Bei smiled before white blossoms began whipping up with the wind around him.

Liu Bei: "Zhāo liè de huǒlì fēngsuǒ!"

Khan's horse was startled as flames surrounded the three servants. Cao Cao was upon them in mere moments with her sword being swung in wild, but calculated, fury.

Genghis was forced back as he tried to defend against her onslaught. However his smirk never left his face. He thrived in the heat of battle, and win or lose, he was loving every second of this.


???: "Chìbì jiǎ tóuxiáng!"

Both Cao Cao's and Liu Bei's eyes widened as a storm of arrows fired from seemingly nowhere and thundered down upon Genghis Khan.

Genghis: "Gh! Another rat enters the maze..."

Cao Cao and Liu Bei were surprised as a familiar face appeared before them.

???: "Ah, I see that emperors Zhaolie and Wu are both here. How amusing."

Liu Bei: "... Emperor Da. Or do you prefer Sun Quan?"

Sun Quan: "Come now, Liu Bei. No need for such hostility! We're all, uh... Frienemies? Is that the term people use now?"

 Frienemies? Is that the term people use now?"

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