Saint of Vengeance

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Liu Bei and Y/n were both on high alert. Saint Olga was like Martha on steroids. Someone who took the phrase "an eye for an eye" and extended it to "an eye for an eye and everything that eye has fucking looked at."

Kuafu: "Hm... She seems nice."

Olga: "I appreciate the compliment, Kuafu."

Genghis: "I suppose you are remaining neutral in this war?"

Olga: "Of course. With so many servants, many mediators are required in order to keep things at least semi-balanced. That is why Liu Bei there was summoned as well. Though I see he has chosen to take a side."

Liu Bei: "Indeed, though this side is not to win the grail war. Instead, Chaldea's objective is to repair the singularity."

Olga: "Ah, I see. A neutral third party that must participate in order to reach their goals. A difficult path to be sure, but an admirable one."

Y/n: "Saint Olga, how many servants are left on Seraphix?"

Olga: "Hard to say. At the start, the number was around three hundred. Heroes and anti-heroes from all walks of life. Since then, the number has decreased dramatically. Suzuka Gozen, Tamamo Cat, And Passionlip act as Karmaphage guardians and keep people away from certain areas of Seraphix."

Y/n frowned, if the number had decreased from three hundred, then the remaining servants were likely on the same level as Genghis.

Olga saw his concern and reassured him with a smile.

Olga: "The odds seem stacked against you. But based on the group you have amassed here, there will be little that will stand against you."

Hakuno: "Yeah, not to mention, you've got Melt and I here. We got this shit in the bag."

Olga smiled as Hakuno finished her bowl of Borscht. The familiarity of having friends to chat with in church was comforting to her. Especially since she had been here by herself since her summoning.

Y/n: "So our main threats in this place are Passionlip, Suzuka, and Tamamo Cat."

Hakuno: "Yep. But Lip can be swayed to our side. Just gotta get her heart key."

Y/n: "Her fucking what?"

Hakuno: "I'll explain later, it's a whole thing."

Y/n hummed before Olga spoke up again.

Olga: "You must all be exhausted. Feel free to use this church as your refuge. I would be more than happy to accommodate you all."

Kuafu: "Doesn't that go against Rulers purpose?"

Olga: "I am merely providing respite, not taking a side. That said, if someone comes here with evil intention, they will find their vision set ablaze."

Y/n couldn't help but shudder, that was a very real threat from Olga.

That aside, the group gladly accepted Olga's offer and were shown to some side rooms that would let them sleep peacefully. Y/n himself remained in the main hall of the church. He sensed something trying to reach out.

Olga knelt before the altar of the church in prayer when she sensed something immense. Something more powerful than even her God.

A divine entity had descended.

Y/n felt it too, but more importantly, he sensed it as it seemed to stand in front of him for a moment. There was an overwhelming sense of dread as he stood up from the pew, but when he stood to face it, that dread turned to a sense of serenity.

The divine presence faded, which likely meant that it had merged into his pseudo-divine core.

Olga: "What was that? I sensed something... Obscene. Destruction given manifestation..."

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